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Vanflyer last won the day on October 17 2014

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  1. I would also flip flop Hornqvist for Voracek. I have obvious bias, but Jake is the leading scorer in the nhl, and even if he slumps projects to score 25% more than Hornqvist.
  2. The problem with Breezy is that he is not a bad goalie, he is just unreliable and a flake. While you don't want a player that is wound too tight, you also don't want a player that is too loose- and that is exactly what Iyla is. Win or lose, ho hum, gonna go watch monkeys go into space.
  3. for me, its bishop and / or bobs. Sv pctg and starts. Both teams are up-and-coming. 35-40 W are not unreasonable for each, if not higher.
  4. ben bishop. I think he is a stud and tampa is going to run gamut in their division.
  5. I really like the player and would give him 5m on a bridge contract. If we did not already trade hartnell AND have a plethora of centers, I would say trade Hartnell for him. He is 22 y/o, big, strong, and fast. He will be a ppg player. I understand not overpaying, but also don't piss the guy off. 5m is what he is worth. 70 pt player, 20 minutes a night and +50 on the faceoff dot. If the Flyers did not have a barrel full of centers, I would give him an offer sheet. I think he is that good.
  6. been awhile since I have been here, and while I stand by the essence of my thoughts, boy I was hammered when I wrote that. Thanks for agreeing. I still think is just ludicrous.
  7. Not sure if he was there, but any news on Bellemare?
  8. I have free time on my hands and will go. Do you mind floating me an airline ticket. I will get it back to you - sometime.
  9. Lacrosse is more vicious than ice hockey / american football and with less pads then either sport.
  10. I probably should have clicked "not so simple", but I choose "no". Both players are great, but nobody should be earning more than Crosby (as much as I dislike him).
  11. Far enough. BTW- do you guys have a "town hall" for STH like the Flyers do? It would be interesting this yeas with all the changes.
  12. Nobody asked about bellemere? I think he is a "sleeper". Not of the best player not playing in the nhl ilk, but still a sleeper. I think he is going to stun people in camp and I do not see him on the 4th line.
  13. Phenomenal write up. Is there a way to "sticky" this for the summer (@hf101)? I do have to snicker at the lady (nothing sexist as @TropicalFruitGirl26 is smarter than half of us and certainly me).
  14. I will take my O*B blinders off for second and say WTF? Did he have the surgery or he is going to undergo the surgery. If the later, as a pens fan I would be pissed.
  15. Interesting. Fleury and St Louis say hello (tongue in cheek of course).
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