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Fargocase last won the day on August 22 2019

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  1. Are these boards still alive? When I flushed it because it was full of HATE HATE HATE conspiracy theory garbage it seemed like a handful of obnoxious posters had killed it. Hopefully they are gone. As a Wild fan and an NHL fan, scratching Parise was over the top crazy stupid. Evanson was a dud grinder in his playing career, that seems to be about his level as a coach by scratching Parise.
  2. *POOOOF* Guerin has granted your wish! Meet the Wild's two new Top 2 Centers: Bjugstad and M. Johanssen
  3. I agree. It wasn't his fault the Wild grossly over-paid and over-hyped him.
  4. Why not? Nothing to lose. He sucks, so what? He's decent - Great! Free player. Not like he's taking anyone's spot. The Wild has ZERO Top 2 Line Centers.
  5. I would LOVE to see the Wild get Monahan for Dumba! As far as Big E. for the soft, underperforming, underwhelming M. Johanssen. Meh. Good deal for Buff adding an experienced, classy Vet with a very reasonable contract. Johannsen is just another warm body to fill a sweater until the Wild finds some real players. Just some change for the sake of change.
  6. Here's an idea - DON'T WATCH, just go away and find another team to whine and bidtch about.
  7. All time worst, most boring half time show ever! Nasville fans into a coma! Thanks Urban for such a boing dead azz garbage song! That'll kill any crowd enthusiasm!
  8. Not too bad so far, but I hope this isn't another year where when the first reaction to a Wild PP isn't, "DECLINE THE PENALTY!!!"
  9. That was two separate thoughts. I guess I should have separated them. I also agree that BB didn't have a choice, he had to play Hanzal or it would have been a huge insult against Fletch. BUT my guess is BB had input on the deal. BB coached in Anaheim and saw Hanzal vs Getslaff in many, many games.
  10. I would have let Bridin go. He's very over rated by Will fans IMO. Poor offensive production and shies away from physical contact. He's a beautiful skater but no grit. I did like Scadella's grit but IMO he's a great 3rd Pair guy but an expensive, below average 2nd Pait guy. IMO his Cap Hit necessitated his departure. Personally, I liked Haula but IMO Yeo grossly mis-used him. Demoting Haula for lumbering oaf Hanzal was a huge mistake and destroyed the chemistry of the team. I believe Haula had no chance to stay with the Wild but that his leaving hurt the team.
  11. I think it was a bird in hand scenario. Tuch was still just a prospect. Contrary to Wild organization propaganda, the Wild was desperately thin on D. There were only four decent Dmen, the Wild couldn't afford to lose any of the four. So they sacrificed the prospect, which in retrospect was a BIG mistake. If the Wild had ranked their Dmen, IMO Dumba would have ranked ahead of Brodin. I agree with KA, I would have just bit the bullet and sacrificed Brodin. You have to remember, the Wild had a pretty good roster at the time and aspirations of contending. Tuch was a future player, Brodin and Dumba were key pieces. They hadn't given up on Coyle, Zucker or Nino yet. Again, Fletcher did not have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. IMO it's obvious sacrificing Tuch was a huge mistake, but they had Greenway looking like he'd fill the big, strong Forward role.
  12. Haula wasn't traded for anything. The price to protect other Wild players was Tuch. Haula was going to be gone regardless. Tuch was the value, Haula was essentially a throw in.
  13. If you say so, I believe you. I just don't remember it. But lots of people were desperate to protect Brodin.
  14. It was a moot point who was protected. The deal had been made.
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