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CoachX last won the day on August 23

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About CoachX

  • Birthday November 2

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    New Mexico
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  1. im not sure how I feel about this post
  2. My prediction is Torts will have multiple meltdowns with the media, and most, if not all, of us will bytch, moan and criticize to no end because, well, what is there to be happy about?
  3. @OccamsRazor who is he?
  4. This is why he should be fired immediately. We don't need a guy who refuses to tow the company line or coddle entitled athletes. How dare he speak honestly!
  5. this actually makes a lot of sense. We all thought the franchise was trying to build a team to win championships, when in reality they were using the team to build life long franchise management personnel its really a stroke of genius
  6. Philadelphia has always been great at producing mascots and play by play, field commentators. We are also good a fictitious sports characters who often transcend real athletes
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