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Behn Wilson...best fight winning percentage of all time!


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  I know, very subjective stuff here, but the folks at at dropyourgloves.com rank Behn as having the highest winning of any NHL fighter....ever. Very impressive, I must say. Both my all time favourite Flyer goons finish in the top 5. Behn at the top of the hill and the immortal Dave Brown coming in at #4. Dave was the best left handed fighter ever in my estimation.....but he could knock you out with either hand, but that left was just extra deadly. I bet former players faces are aching with arthritis as I type this....lol. Dave had more than double the fights Behn did, so his winning percentage is that much more impressive.


  This whole top 5 is super wicked. You would not want to meet any of these guys in a dark alley. Nice to see Larry Playfair get some recognition, he was one of the best ever. In his prime, he was real hard to beat.  I'm also a HUGE Chris Simon fan, another reason to dislike the Lindros situation, he could have been a Flyer for life, wow would that have been great! We got robbed of a lot of opponent blood right there!!


 Although I've always thought that Lucic picks his spots against smaller types, I was kinda proven wrong when viewing his career fight card. There is most defiantly some weak oppenents, but for the most part he did stick to the goons, so his rep is not deserved. Lot of heavyweight experienced fighters on his dance card.






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   I know it's not really the image the NHL wants to project, but would it not be VERY cool to have a NHL fighters Hall of Fame. They could call it the Hall of Infamy. You could add 3 or so a year, it would be a HUGE media draw....you could even have a builder section, guys that were pioneer pugilists. This is part of the leagues past, so it should be embraced, not ignored.


  The ceremony would have a speech were the inductee recalls his greatest rivalries and past fights. There could be a video before the speech showing the fighters top 10 bouts, 5 selected by the fans over the internet, 3 by former players/coachs/GM's and then the fighters personal 2 favourites. Very fan friendly and interactive, everyone would tune in to see if their selections made it... This would be such a GREAT idea!! They could even bring in the guy who the inductee fought first, in a pee wee game or something, a kind of "this is your life" type approach...old boxing coachs....LOL!

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Another lefty who is,arguably, a top 20 type all-time fighter would be John Kordic. Kordic narrowly beat another minor league legend when he beat Val James.


Saw Larry Playfair as a Hershey Bear before he went to the NHL. saw him fight Mike Meeker. the son of NHL great Howie Meeker.


I see Cheech blossoming into another Cam Neely.

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