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UPDATE: Snider had cancer

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@BroadStBull: Best wishes to #Flyers chairman Ed Snider, who is battling a treatable cancer. My story will be posted shortly.

The replies to this could be "interesting".

Paging @ruxpin.....



HAHAHAHA!  @ the "paging ruxpin" thing, not the cancer.   Too be honest, my first thought was "wow, God does hear prayers."  I'm not sure that was my own thought or what I expected to see when I opened the thread.


But really, I'm not going to say anything about someone with cancer.  I lost my mother to cancer less than 2 years ago, and --not saying this to create a thread of whatever, I may be on the road to my own issue there (film at 11:00).   So, I hope Snider well and a full recovery.

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Rux, sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my dad around the same time to cancer. It's not fun, no matter whether it's treatable or not. Hell, we thought my dad had kicked it until it showed up in his brain two days before he passed.

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I may be on the road to my own issue there (film at 11:00).


I've been through that. 


Don't be diffident.  Push your doctors.  They don't mind your prodding.  As a matter of fact, they might use your urgings to further their investigations. 

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I've been through that. 


Don't be diffident.  Push your doctors.  They don't mind your prodding.  As a matter of fact, they might use your urgings to further their investigations. 


Thanks, @blocker.   Definitely agree.  I was the "voice" with my mother.  Sadly, I'm a lousy advocate when it comes to myself.  I will try.

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 I will try.


There is no 'try' when it comes to your life. You only get one. I remember going for a battery of tests a few years ago because something didn't feel right. The doctor was telling me one thing, and I didn't believe her. I wanted more tests done to confirm. She obliged. After like half a dozen ways to look at it, she was right.


Don't be afraid to push the issue.

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  My first thought was a flashback to the whole Roger Nielson thing. I had this mental image of Snider and Clarke sitting in some swanky executive suite and wondering out loud "well, it's not our fault he got cancer". I know only Bobby said that in public, but I always imagined Ed being in there like a dirty shirt also....in which case, it's poetic justice. I know, a lot of conjecture by me...but that was the first thing that popped in my head anyways.

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  • 3 months later...



Philadelphia Flyers chairman Ed Snider claimed a personal victory, announcing on Saturday he was free of cancer following radiation and chemotherapy treatment, as per CSN Philadelphia.
“You never want that Big C,” the 81-year-old Snider told CSN Philadelphia. “Luckily, it’s all gone. I’m totally healthy. It’s gone.”
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I can't believe they still haven't found a cure


Sadly there is no money in the cure......it's just like a drug dealer they make their money on the comeback....they don't want to heal people....they want to keep selling you the drugs that keep you alive and keep needing them.


When is the last time they cured anything????




Hell they can't even cure herpes they prefer people to just keep taking the medicine to just make it "disappear for awhile".


Money have skewed this whole planet.

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Sadly there is no money in the cure......it's just like a drug dealer they make their money on the comeback....they don't want to heal people....they want to keep selling you the drugs that keep you alive and keep needing them.

When is the last time they cured anything????


Hell they can't even cure herpes they prefer people to just keep taking the medicine to just make it "disappear for awhile".

Money have skewed this whole planet.


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@jammer2 just reminded me via PM that I had left this hanging out there.  I'd forgotten where I'd written it and this thread disappeared until recently.


I had three large masses in my lymph node under my left arm.   They'd biopsied and came back "inconclusive" and that was where I was when I wrote my posts.  They did surgically remove all three and came to the conclusion that they were non-cancerous tumors but were growing (I'm not sure how the "growing" and "non-cancerous" works but I'll take it).   So, I guess I'm okay there.   Thank you all for the concern expressed here.   It's nice to see that even a smarmy bastard like myself can still receive well-wishes from good folks like yourselves.



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