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(2016-17) HF.net Fantasy Tier'd Hockey Leagues - NEW! - Are you looking to join a Fantasy Hockey League?


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With a successful Fantasy Hockey League season now in the books, it is never too early to discuss next year's FHL season.  If you are looking for a fun, but competative fantasy league, look no further.


We are now accepting inquires for next year's Bantam A League for the 2016-17 FHL Season.


 You do not have to be a seasoned vet to join.  This year the Bantam A League crowned a first time fantasy GM as League Champion.  Congrats to @TropicalFruitGirl26:goodjob: We have already had inquires by newcomer @@InsideThe5Hole and from @Ladyneat, a veteran GM from the NAHANA League.   Further information regarding our leagues may be found here:




If you have any further questions or are interested in joining, please send a PM to either myself or to @hf101.


We look forward to seeing a lot of you in the fall!




ESPN HF.net FHL (All Star & Bantam A League)

League Manager







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  • 3 months later...

With the start of August next week it is hard to believe that summer is in the home stretch.  It just seems like only a few weeks ago the Stanley Cup Finals ended.


What does this mean.....well the start of the Fantasy Hockey season is right around the corner. 


more info may be found here ----->  http://www.hockeyforums.net/fantasy/hf.net-fhl/


We are looking for more GM's this year.  Barring any unforeseen vacancies, the All Star League is already full and is by invitation only.  However, there are several spots open for the other League (Conn Smythe League formerly known as the Bantam A League) and if there is enough interest, then I will create a 3rd League.


IF YOU ARE INTERESTED....PLEASE SEND A PM TO EITHER @hf101 or MYSELF @pilldoc  The sooner the better. 


I know we had several inquires this past spring from:




Spread the word...the more the merrier.  Look for more updates on a weekly basis.




ESPN HF.net FHL (All Star & Bantam A League Conn Smythe League)

League Manager



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