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Ice Guardians movie


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I watched one Hell of a movie last night on PPV and plan on watching it again today, Ice guardians which tells the tale of enforcers/policemen/goons in the NHL through their own words and actions. Just incredible.


People who were interviewed or appeared in the movie include:


Dave Semenko

Joe Kocur

Wendell Clark

Jay Baruchel (!)

Brett and Bobby Hull

Colton Orr


Many, many more.


IMHO the two show stealers were Kevin Westgarth who played in the NHL for about five minutes and even won a cup with the Kings and Brian McGrattan who now plays in Nottingham England because the role of the enforcer has been phased out due to the speed of the current game. George Parros, Luke Gazdic and Scott Parker were amazing as well.


  I loved the movie, unlike The Last Gladiator about Knuckles Nilan which seemed to be two hours of him feeling sorry for himself and Playing with Fire about Theo Fleury which showed him trying to get into MSG and into the United Center in Chicago both of which have banned him from even coming into and which was dark and negative this movie was uplifting. It was tilted towards the pro fighting crowd (of which I am certainly one of) and rips on things such as shoulder pads and elbow pads being used as weapons and the lack of accountability on the ice.


  Give it a shot. Testosterone flows freely throughout, Ice Guardians gets into the Code quite a bit, lamenting a day that has sadly moved on.

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If i have one minor quibble with the movie it is this, they should have had more retired players interviewed. Dave Schultz appeared throughout of course as did Semenko but the old timers were not well represented. It would have been nice to have seen a Tiger Williams appear for instance but this is a minor quibble. Just a great documentary.


  OH and Kelly Chase was the executive producer which i am certain helped with the overall honesty and integrity. Anyone who has ever lsitened to Chase speak about the game knows the reverence and awe that he has for the greatest sport God or man has ever created.

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