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Posts posted by BearOnIce

  1. Listen, when I do a trade on my NHL 2k11 it doesn't take the player any time to "acclimate to the new system" or "learn to play with his new teammates" - he just plays like he did on the previous team.

    Likewise, on my Fantasy Hockey squad, if I make a trade with another FHL team, the guy comes over to my team and plays as if he was still on the team that traded him.

    I don't see why it should be any different in real life.


    Absolutely. Makes perfect sense.

  2. I am willing to give the guys a few games to get used to their new partners and their tendencies. I have seen quite a few Tampa games and I am looking forward to seeing Kubina's booming slapper from the point on the PP.

    Same here. It takes a few games. Is Kubina a monster or what, though.

  3. exactly... this is the way i'd look at it as well. if they plan on just waiting out(what i think is just a huge adjustment period for bryz), then we need some help now because bob isn't doing it. i mean.. of all the grief everyone gives bryz, let's not forget that bob was our failsafe backup plan. if bryz faltered, we could always put this young talented goalie in there and all will be ok right? well, bob has actually played worse than bryz. and i don't think the excuse of lack of consistent starts can be blamed here. he was given his chance at consistent starts and he blew it.

    Last week I did not, but this week i feel that Bob will be in any serious trade talks.. Your point is well taken.

  4. I agree. For better or worse you signed him to be the man. So play him and keep him in until he plays himself back into top form, regains his confidence or shoots himself with poor play.

    I have faith on Homer but did the Flyers EVER have any in depth talks with this guy? In Phoenix he could be a space cadet because no one cared. In a major hockey market with pressure of being the man it's magnified 100 fold. Some guys thrive on the pressure and others can't

    I think the Flyers did very marginal research. They saw him as a #1 guy. They threw the dice. This is what despiration will do. All of the interviews about Bryz with former Yote players are very enlightening, to say the least.

  5. Now we have a GM mortgaging the future to save the team butt.That is Carchidi's take...is there agreement? It bugs me.

    No way to know before 2.27. You have to play Bryz. Every game possible. Keep him in no matter how many goals against. He gets better or implodes. Find out before the playoffs. Howie, I sincerely do not think Bryz will last that long. He is a mental case right now. Did you catch that post game press conference? As of this weekend we do have 2 better defensemen in front of him. Sure there was a cost. At least more experienced and hopefully leadershipped. You hope that helps. I see the PP better. Maybe a silver lining? Will Laviolette be forced to throttle back a bit on the attack and go more defensive? Does he even have it in him? Time will tell....

  6. why wouldn't you look at his on-ice, though? surely that is more important than how he carries himself to the press, no?

    like i said, we are already seeing him take too much responsibility on the ice, like richards did. too much meaning he seems to think if the team is struggling, he has to fix it by himself. holding the puck for way too long, trying to make overly complicated thread-the-needle passes, running around chasing the puck in the defensive zone...as though if he doesn't make an amazing play, no one will. and that's a problem. it's a problem because offensive zone possesions are lost and defensive zone coverages are blown to hell if one guy tries to get it done alone. i have this bad feeling if you put a C on his jersey, that "it's up to me" concept only gets stronger. like it did with richards.

    they are two different people, absolutely, and giroux does do a good job with the media. but i don't give two shits about the media. the captain can show up for his post-game availability and answer every question with the number 7 for all i care. i'm soley concerned about the on-ice, and i think giroux's game still needs some maturity before he becomes the official leader of the team.

    With all respect, Giroux's on-ice presence is solid, lots of leadership and chemistry with his teammates. It is what he gets paid handsomly for. I find the measure of a great athlete in how they conduct themself off the field, or off the ice in this case, in particular with the media, in particular when there is a loss and it is easy to throw teammates under the bus. None of this with Claude.

    I do not think he is taking too much responsibility on the ice. I agree that if the team is struggling, Claude tries to elevate his game. The great ones try to do this. To set the example. He may occasionally hold the puck, or try and make a thread-the-needle pass, or set the example by chasing the puck in the defensive zone. The great ones do this. they put the game on their shoulders. I think with Pronger, arguably the greatest bona-fide leader in Flyers history since Bobby Clarke, possibly done (we hope not for his health and life quality), putting a C on Giroux makes the correct player transition. I think many in Philadelphia have trepidiation to put a C on a young player, for the fear the Richards scenerio repeats itself. I do not see this with Claude's character. This guy is solid in all facets.

    We agree they are two different people, that is Richards and Giroux. For that I am thankful. I think the media is a large part of a captain's job, and Giroux speaks from the heart to the media. I for one like the way his humility comes across, just like a young Bob Clark. In this city of 36+ years of frustrated loosership with their NHL hockey team and dysfuctional ownership, it may be the young French-Canadian Giroux who puts it and keeps it into perspective. For that I will be happy to see him wear the C. We could do a lot worst.

  7. He is still "Soul Searching". Sam&Dave would be proud. Maybe Homer could hire a team mystic? Couldn't hurt.

    Bryz makes to much money. It bothers him with the state of the world. At least in his mind. And that is really all that matters. Listen to him talk. He just can't figure out how he got where he is. Why me? Life crisis? In a way. This is a very smart guy that reads furiously and he truly educated. He is a guy that treats G as a job, that there is a bigger purpose and vocation in life. That there are many things in life that are more important than G. As a G, his focus is simoly not there. Not at all in a competitive sport that maybe 1% of 1% of 1/2% make it to the NHL at his level. So why is this important? Because he has the tools. It is in his head. If I were the Flyers, I would get him the best sports psychologist money could by. This is coreectable. And play him every game.

  8. I hate when fans want to ship off a guy as soon as he slumps, but I am totally on board with doing that to Bryz. He isn't just playing bad, he is outing his craziness through the media, which never ends well. He won't last in this city. I would offer JVR, Carle, Bryz, and a 1st for Nash and Mason. I think JVR could also be pushing the patience of the team with this season in addition to his desire to stay in college a few years ago. Carle most likely won't be resigned, so we're not losing too much there. Hopefully the 1st would be a late one since we're making a push for this year's playoffs, something I just don't get. But we're already down the road, so we need to fix our real problem and hope that a change of scenery helps Mason out, although odds are it won't. At least Mason would be here only another year, so we either give the reigns to Bob or we go back to square 1 on finding another "franchise" goale.

    If Columbus pushes for a young talent, I pull back the first and offer Schenn. I believe that would actually save us a couple million off the cap so we could resign Kubina or bring in another D in the offseason. Still, though, I don't think we're a Cup contender this year, so I hate that we're making such a push. But what's done is done.

    I assume you were Navy. My dad was Navy WWII. USS Alabama and Bon Homme Richard. He saw some real action in The Pacific. Thanks for your service, sir.

    Did Bryz slump, or is it just what he is and what we got? I have to think the Flyers did due diligence there, but sure seems like we got a Pig-In-A-Poke. I would play him until he corrects or implodes. Nothing in between. I am concerned about his play, but more concerned about his craziness through the media and overall questionalable mental state with Tigers and The Universe, which as you say, never ends well. I agree, based on present, Bryz won't last in this city. I am on board, offer JVR, Carle, Bryz, and a 1st for Nash and Mason. JVR is a project and I see him as a malcontent, not good for the team. I have no problem with him staying in college a few years ago, but I think the hype is greater than the act. No chance of another Sharp situation with this kid. Carle will not be resigned, not for upwards of $5M. He might be worth $3m. Beats me why we are making a push for this year's playoffs. As you say, we are already down the road. Mason might be a surprise. What goalie looks good playing for the dead last and worst team in the NHL? Only a year. I would never give up Schenn or Courtier. That is where I draw the line. Keep the youth if you are giving up picks like candy like Holmgren is. Well as you say, what's done is done, but I don't think everything is done yet..

  9. And the worst part is 8 more years of this???????

    What ever happened to dating awhile?


    Cause thats pretty much what this is...............

    Only if he stays. Only if he can take it. That little post-game interview with the media yesterday was concerning. Wow. I don't think Bryz has the mental stability right now to play in this city. I wish him the best, and hope he finds his game again, but it does not look good for him right now. I would play him every single game until he gets better or implodes. No matter how many goals he lets in. That is the only solution to getting to the bottom with this guy at this stage.

  10. How dare you actually acknowledge the real problem. Don't you know we can just keep plugging in new parts and this whole thing will be easily fixed ?

    Seriously though..you are right. Until Lavi figures out a different way to win games not much will change and he'll still be chewing the crap out of his gum on the bench and calling his trademark timeout after we're down 5-2 .

    ...cue the "But Lavi won a Stanley Cup with this system" comment.

    You make a good point, Laviolette's system could be tweeked. So would you play a more defensive scheme? Thoughts?

  11. i kind of think the opposite, keep the C away from claude for the foreseeable future. we're already seeing glimpses of the problem richards ran into of trying to do everything himself. excessive dangling in the offensive zone, overly clever passing, chasing the puck around the defensive zone....all as opposed to working as 1/5th of the assets on the ice. there are times when it is justified, but we are starting to see a lot of lost posessions and blown coverages because giroux is trying to do too much. pin a C on his chest and that gets worse, imo.

    I appreciate your comments Aziz, and I see the point you make, but I respectfully disagree because I am not looking at his on-ice. I think we are talking about 2 very different people to start. I see a very strong dose of personal accountability combined with a fearlessness of the media with Giroux. He is not a sulker like Richards. He is a fighter and will take on confrontation. He basically send a shot over the bow of the Philadelphia Flyers media yesterday to remember that the Flyers are a team, so back off any one individual. He may not totally believe it but that is secondary. Got a lot of Pronger in him in that regard. The Philadelphia Flyers media is rediculous with the Flyers. Always have been. This kid is well-grounded and can handle it. He's got my vote. :)

  12. Sorry I know there is alot of Bryz threads but this have to end now. I've had it. He have at best being mediocre all along the season and the 1st and 2nd goal against us tonight was brutal. I cant see that Bob can be worse. I dont give a rat *** how much sallary Bryz have at the moment, he must sit. You cant win any games letting soft goals like that in. And look how he is reacting... Its like he is drunk or sleepwalking.

    I have to admit, that interview was concerning. I am frustrated too Flyingswede, but I take a little different view. I would play Bryz until he gets better or implodes, whatever comes first. I would keep him in no matter how many goals. I think with the addition of Grossman and Kubina, the Flyers are hoping it gives Bryz more confidence and he plays better. Like most things, this comes down to money and they have contract in place for $51m so they have to live with it. But I know, it is not easy. Or, we could all be surprised and Bryz could be part of a blockbuster trade... Maybe Columbus?..

  13. Bear, I'm actually from Philly but just moved to the Boston area this summer after two years in Maine and 25 in DC before that. I'm getting to know I95 like the back of my hand. I remember those Bruins though... hated them with a passion. Except for #4, the best I've ever seen.

    Thanks Jack. My Dad was from Presque Isle, Maine, and I spent about 5 years working in the DC area. I am in sales so I can relate to I-95. #4. The Greatest. Transformational to the game.

  14. Tim Panaccio @tpanotchCSN Reply Retweet Favorite · Open

    One more time. CBJ is pushing Nash to Flyers. Not other way around. Although flyers would like to upgrade in goal even in backup

    The question is why is Columbus pushing, what do they want, and why do they like to trade with Holmgren, especially after the summer debacle that favored the Flyers. They certainly did not so their homework on Carter, so preparation favors Holmgren again.

    Former Blue Jackets coach Ken Hitchcock, coach in 2007-08 when Nash became captain after Adam Foote left the trade deadline, had the following to say about Nask. I like what he had to say: "My relationship with Rick goes beyond the Blue Jackets," Hitchcock said. "It's deep. For me, I just see him as the captain of the Blue Jackets. That's what I see. There's also a good person in there. We've won championships together (Olympics, Worlds). I'd be the wrong guy to tell you what's right or wrong, plus it's not my team anymore."

    This guy is a winner. Holmgren is the master of the snake oil.

    McConnell, Priest, Howson, Patrick, Richards are dissassembling their Columbus club. Expect them to spend more than ever, but go young, and I suspect agree with trading partners based upon that premise. I would expect a Schenn or Courtier to be part of that equation with the Flyers, perhaps a younf defenseman like Gus or Bourdon, at the very least JVR. Holmgren will be a genius and take Priest and Howson to the cleaners for a second time if he only has to move JVR and maybe a young defenseman. Kalinski may be a small add part. Mason for Bryz favors Columbus, that may be the real salesmanship by Holmgren. I would be ok with mason and Bob. It is not only the talent Nash brings, but also the leadership and maturity as a C that this Flyers team could use. Talk about building a base for the future.

    I expect the other shoe to fall soon following the Kubina and Grossman additions.

  15. He can't handle the pressure. Toast.


    Ok, what next. Flyers just got Kubina. I think that makes 51 contracts. I think Lilja and probably Carl is now very expendable. Put they still need a puck handling defenseman if Carl gets moved.

    I think a larger trade is coming. This has been Holmgren's MO.

    Carle, JVR, Bryz, Schenn or Courtier to Columbus for Nash and Mason? Too much? A defenseman from Columbus?


  16. He can't handle the pressure. Toast.

    Like I said earlier, hold his feet to the fire.. Hold him to his contract. Play him every game until he implodes. It won't be long. He will want out. Maybe he wants out now. Maybe there is a deal in play for him now. Maybe he is having a life crisis. A Breakdown. Maybe he doesn't want to play anymore. Maybe he wants to be a tiger.

  17. After watching today's game, They should be seriously looking at getting a goalie. The Russian experiment in net needs to end. Bryz isn't going anywhere so I would do whatever it took to get Schneider or Bernier and sit Bryz as long as it takes to wake him up. If that didn't work, he wouldn't play any more. I'd pay him a fortune to sit in the rafters.

    I share your frustration. Many do.

    But, I would play Bryz unil he absolutely imploded. Even if it meant a living Flyer hell for him.

    I would make him live up to the contract he has.

    This guy is somewhere out there in the Universe.

    He makes $51M to stop a little vulcanized piece of rubber and play a game that boys like. But as a supposed grown man. As a job.

    If he does not want to be a professional athlete then let him quit. If he is having a life crisis, I don't care, a lot of people are. Go get help and figure it out.

    And the effect on the team? Well this is a team and sure, they will be on him. A good thing.

    Is this team really going to go anywhire this year? Nope.

    Ok, so let's enjoy as far as they get, and try to get better next year.

    That is why we have a general manager.

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