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Everything posted by Vincent05

  1. You're not wanted here. Not playing like you're being paid to and we want to get younger.
  2. Makes it no different then JVR, he's been playing on different lines too and JVR isn't yet paid to produce like Briere. How's the 2nd half and playoffs better if he keeps playing with these same guys? Please don't tell me the light switch crap like last year. I see no difference between JVR and Briere this year. What have we seen players talk about in past years when they are struggling? Work their ass off and have we seen that from Briere? Way to be a leader and show your teammates how it's done. Maybe JVR pick that up from him. I would love to eat my words Bak but I just don't see it until he does the dirty work and try harder instead of just standing behnd the net and watch him linemates do all the work or skate hard to backcheck as he throws the puck infront of the net only to have the other team rush up ice with it.
  3. Where did I say move him to Nashville?
  4. Being just a playoff producers means squat to me, you're being paid to play in the regular season too. Right now I see Shelley has more use then him, Shelley will hit, backcheck and get his face pounded for his 1.1 mil. Plus he won't take minutes away from the rookies who all has look good. I would like to see Homer move him somehow and allocate his cap hit to get Weber. I think Briere would fetch a pretty good package to help offset the package it would take to get Weber here.
  5. Where the hell is this guy at? Forget JVR, this guy is getting paid 3x more then JVR and has disappear this season. Tonight we had 5 scores and he had nothing to do with it, not a single point. I'm tired of him just standing behind the net while his linemates do all the dirty works and he just watches. If you don't hear Briere's name mention on the broadcast look behing the net, I guarentee you he's there. I know Briere does not play defense but after seeing a 39 year old Jagr backchecks Briere should be able to do the same. I don't care if he's a playoff performer, that's no excuse for cruising through the season. I doin't recall him having a impact to us winning games this year but surely do for losing games.
  6. @AlaskaFlyerFan Rumor is something to do with wrist and probably major (hope it's not broken). Timonen was seen wearing a soft brace on his left wrist. Only 2 guys we cannot afford to lose significant time, Timo and Giroux.
  7. CSN said upper body injury. Homer to update injury tomorrow.
  8. Just what Jim said and thanks for not leaving us hanging with more to come......... Also welcome and look forward to your articles.
  9. Atleast we're the best at something and get credit for it.
  10. @Howie58 Homer was looking for another Michael Leighton to ride to the Finals.
  11. @flyercanuck Playoffs is Bryz fault right? LMAO
  12. @radoran Don't know if u remember what happened to the team after the All-Star break. Hard to fault Bob for those numbers, the team showed a lack of effort to put it nicely. I doubt any goalie would've done good with that 2nd half team. I agree that they should've given Bob another chance at the No.1 spot this year as this team is totally different from last years. Bob was great in the first half and totally blew it during the 2nd half, again it was not all his fault. He bomb in the playoffs but it was a learning experience for him and maybe the total games played had a effect on him. This team just pisses me off that they have great patience to wait for forwards to develop (except for Patrick Sharp) but totally opposite for goalies and defenseman. Until they figure it out, we will continue to suffer.
  13. @Podein25 Last time I grabbed a Sixers jersey of Stackhouse, he got traded before I had a chance to wear it. That's why I'm having 2nd thoughts about grabbing another jersey of anyone.
  14. So does this free up another 1 of 50 contracts?
  15. Way to ruin it form, I was thinking of grabbing one.
  16. @Digityman Thank you so much, I have a headache from reading that.
  17. Forget teabags, he will need a bodybag.
  18. <-----------------------She will be but no Ranger fans.
  19. Can we change Milhouse to Bryz without the equipments?
  20. Isn't it fun to toss Snider's and Comcast money around regarding who to buy out. Feels like monopoly money doesn't it? Lol, glad it isn't mine you guys are debating over who to give it to.
  21. @orange_crush You hate him that much oc? He's done more of what we can ask for this year, there isn't anything negative that we can talk about.
  22. It being on Monday didn't help either, people are at work. I would think only the fans of both teams would take off and watch while others couldn't care for. I would imagine the ratings would've been higher on a weekend. They should have schedule it for Saturday evening.
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