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If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It



This year we've already seen major ups and downs in Philadelphia. The powerplay is either at peak performance or barely a powerplay at all, Hartnell is either on his feet or on his rear, and our 9 million dollar man Bryzgalov at times has looked stellar and at others looked lost. However the one thing that we continually repeat is the ol' "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mistake.

The Flyers came out of the gates strong and jumped to a 4-1 start which for some reason signaled to Flyers brass the need to toy with the lineup and recall Brayden Schenn from Adirondack. Making his Flyers debut against Washington in an embarrassing 5-2 loss that saw him play 11 minutes and go -3.

Since then the Flyers have gone a pathetic 1-3 and have played very mediocre hockey. To be fair I do not blame Schenn's play for the poor results of the team but what I don't get was the reason for bringing him up in the first place. He was performing at a very high level in the AHL netting 4 goals and 4 assists in 4 games while the Flyers were having very little problems putting pucks in the net and winning games of their own. There seemed to me to be very little reason to make the move.

The move though was made and Schenn has played very subpar hockey. In 4 games played he is averaging 14:52 TOI and produced zero points and has a -5 rating. In the loss to Washington he was on ice for 3 of the 5 goals surrendered and during stretches you wondered if it was nerves or if the kid just isn't ready.

Schenn has talent, there is no doubting that but to me this is signs of a bigger problem in Philadelphia and that is mismanagement of young talent. The list goes on and on of players that have been called up too early or at the wrong time by the Flyers and have either disappeared from the game or gone on to bigger better things with other teams. Patrick Sharp and Justin Williams to name a few.

The problem with Schenn is that he was obviously started at the AHL level to circumvent a 1.4 million dollar roster bonus he was due if he was on the Flyers opening night roster. When it was announced he was sent down to work out an injury nobody questioned it but what it did was create a situation where everyone knew Schenn belonged in the NHL but was being put in the AHL for suspicious reasons. Fast forward to the Capitals game and now your dealing with a player who should have been here all along and inserting him into the lineup somewhere juggling things around to get him playing time and you end up with the results you've seen since.

A complete botch job by the Flyers management if you ask me.

(Repost - Cessna|10/27/2011|http://www.centericenews.com/_/articles/ahl/if-it-aint-broke-dont-fix-it-r71)


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