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Status Updates posted by briere48

  1. @SentaiFive the other thing is that snipe has no upgrade form either.

  2. @SentaiFive i dont understand why people love him so much and not let him go for the sake of the story. im sick of… https://t.co/K5txLJQSnU

  3. @SentaiFive that's why gaim was so good, they always come up with new ideas and not doing the same things over and over again.

  4. @SentaiFive that's a funny looking monster lol

  5. @SentaiFive so you are going to be doing this after you watch the episode of kyuranger?

  6. @bustyasians01 your welcome

  7. @tavion_jackson awesome

  8. @meguri0504 あなたは私に従うことができますか?

  9. @Odot92 @razzle1337 of course not, the cast didnt write the show, it's the writers. if they are blaming the cast r… https://t.co/3QKoWHruPq

  10. @imrukaM あなたはかわいいです

  11. @SentaiFive nice

  12. @SentaiFive that's just my opinion

  13. @MrChangeDragon replacing them wasnt the issue, it was the toy versions themselves that made it bad. it wont fit on anyone's head

  14. @ZeltraxMilleniu i stopped watching power rangers because the writing sucks, i just dont like it, sentai is better for me, that's it.

  15. @SentaiFive this is worse than dino charge, this is like garbage and laziness all over the place, at least dc gave gold ranger a zord.

  16. @razzle1337 japanese all the way, no faith in saban anymore.

  17. @MrChangeDragon seriously bring back the disney writers or jason smith, i liked him in smf.

  18. @SentaiFive im seriously going to stop watching until chronicle shows up if dan is still alive because it feels like it's never going to end

  19. @Eagles because wentz is going to struggle with this trash of receivers and the defense will also have trash.

  20. @joelquiroz94 @razzle1337 and there's a yellow one that combines only ninja steel and bull rider megazords.

  21. @razzle1337 so cute!!! faints.

  22. @PowerRangers @Nickelodeon since they no feaking clue on what to morph with, either the energems or the chargers.

  23. @pdomo that's what the gm is supposed to do whether coaches like it or not.

  24. @razzle1337 yes episode 22

  25. @juventus777JETS @Eklund @28CGiroux you are fake news.

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