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Posts posted by aziz

  1. 3 hours ago, FireDillabaugh said:

    A quality, competent NHL coach TEACHES the proper position to be in.  He TEACHES the proper techniques needed to succeed at this level.  He TEACHES an opposing goaltender's weakness that can be exploited.  He TEACHES.  But, that's a quality, competent NHL coach.  Yeo isn't that.  Instead, it's just yelling at players, telling defensemen that they are too loose and out of position.  While leaving them without the proper teaching of where that proper position should have been, because he's incapable of teaching that.  Instead, it's players CONTINUALLY passing up shooting opportunities when on a roster that has difficulty producing points.  Instead, it's forwards coasting and out of position and not backchecking properly, leaving the defensemen on their own with no proper outlets when the puck is on their sticks, because those lazy forwards are out of position.


    this, btw, is....huh?  "coordinates", sure, "teaches", no.  and definitely not "TEACHES".  unless you are talking about the specific system the coach wants to implement, that obviously needs to be "taught" at first, but that's one white board session and a day or two in practice.  it has nothing to do with "techniques needed to succeed at this level" or "an opposing goaltender's weakness that can be exploited".  scotty bowman never made it out of juniors, quenneville was a second pair dman in a time that most players struggled with their skating, arbour spent most of his NHL career laying down on the ice in front of his goal.  hitchcock???  lol.  most NHL coaches were failed or thoroughly mediocre players; what are they going "teach" current day players about technique?  we aren't talking about bantams or even college coaches "teaching" inexperienced players, we are talking about players in the top 700 in the world, and coaches that for the most part couldn't hold a candle to them, given a stick and some pads.


    3 hours ago, FireDillabaugh said:

    A quality, competent head coach and staff continually sends the proper messages during practices and between player's shifts.  The hard working messages, the positioning messages, the technique messages.  He takes shifts away from lazy players when they coast to the bench for changes.  He takes shifts away when they continually loop around the ice and coast at times when their feet should be moving into positions that he has taught them where they should be.  He scratches players on the roster, no matter who that player is, when they continue to do these types of things and refuse to listen and refuse to care to do the work necessary to succeed at an NHL level.  But again, that's a quality, competent head coach with a front office that isn't afraid of it's lazy players, that allows their head coach to do these things that those lazy players might not like.


    this part is pretty much just right on, though.  advice:  delete the first paragraph.

  2. 38 minutes ago, FireDillabaugh said:

    And I was thinking a conversation with a troll would have at least a few tools at their disposal.


    um.  the way you built that sentence, you thought the conversation itself would have tools at its disposal?  careful, prepositions can be tricky.


    nice to see the board has an aziz circa 2003 around, though.  always need a snarky guy looking for a fight waiting in the wings.  🤣

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  3. 42 minutes ago, radoran said:


    If it is that they just decided to willy-nilly scratch him and it wasn't related to the "illness" that both parties have described, there might be a little something to this.


    That said, if a player is really going to make a career decision like signing as a UFA based upon how the team treated Keith Yandle then I don't really think that's a player who was going to come here anyway.


    To me, a lot of it is how Yandle feels in the situation. If he feels "wronged" and is public about it, it could potentially ruffle some feathers.


    But, in the end, I don't personally give the hind quarters of a rodent how Yandle feels about it. :thumbsu:


    you could totally be right, on all fronts.


    if his "sickness" is the driving factor, i'd think the flyers would make a point of saying, "look, dude, YOU send out the tweet that you are gonna be a scratch," as they had to know there'd be a lot of "wtf" flying around.


    and maybe it makes no difference at all one way or the other.  I just know I saw the headline, read the article that made it sound like he was going to be a healthy scratch, and thought, "that...is pretty messed up.  a thing that literally takes 12+ years to accomplish, and they are going to kill it off because, what, they want to see one extra kid play?  couldn't they have figured something else out?  like, scratch a guy that ISN'T working on a 'most ever' thing.  ffs, flyers."


    I can't be the only one, and i have to think it will be taken as some kind of disrespect for free agent pools.  a primary factor?  maybe not, but it'll enter the math.  like i said, I just don't understand what the upside is, outside of spite for a player that isn't close to pulling his weight.  which i get, but if you are running a hockey team based on spite....

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, flyercanuck said:

    You know what makes the Flyers look bad? A GM who brings in a terrible hockey player and promises him he can play until he gets the record.


    just saying, it's a pretty starkly anti-player move with little or no actual upside.  it's gonna put a stink on the team for every player thinking about a move to philly for the next few seasons.  some more than others, of course, but it seems like a pointless self-inflicted injury, especially entering a rebuild of some kind.


    making bad moves makes the flyers look bad to fans, true.  even drive them away.  doing things that seem to say they couldn't give a flip about their players, especially specifically ending a chance for a guy to make history, looks bad to other players.  which can harm chances to correct the aforementioned bad moves.  dunno why the team would want that look. 

  5. 21 hours ago, GratefulFlyers said:

    But to bench him now, in this completely lost and wasted season looks too much like giant, public FU. It just feels wrong. 


    Love him, hate him, or not care at all, it does make the flyers look bad.


    I mean, you want to see young dmen the rest of the way?  cool.  scratch a crappy winger and let yandle skate forward for the rest of the season.  if the team is past caring what actually happens on the scoreboard, why not?  why make a move like this that will absolutely leave a bad taste in every player thinking about signing with or allow a trade to the flyers over the next few years?

    • Like 2
  6. On 3/7/2022 at 7:08 AM, SCFlyguy said:

    All sports are random if they have a cap.  There is still math behind it all.  You just have to build an asset pool, take a shot for a period of 5-10 years, tear it down, and start over.  The cap just prevents you from (or punishes you for) paying the marginal players on your roster.  The good thing is those marginal players are a lot easier to find than the core players.  All the Flyers have are marginal players right now.


    Good points, you are right.  It is a very different engagement loop, but there is still the loop to it.


    On 3/7/2022 at 7:08 AM, SCFlyguy said:

    I also suggest that the lack of interest for some in the Flyers might be a matter of aging.  I know I don't burn as hot and cold with any of my teams as I did when I was younger.


    Also a good point.  I'll add on to it that the version/flavor/structure of the thing you used to be interested in is kind of set when you become interested in it.  As it changes, it becomes less of that thing you were originally into.  So of course you'd lose interest while missing that initial version.  It's where that "back in my day..." cliché comes from, after all.


    So, fair points, I'm a grumpy old man at this point.  lol.  Always knew it would happen.  🤣


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  7. 2 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

    We have seen the Bolts shed old stars and then win back to back Cups.


    I'm not sure I'd point at anything about the plague-shortened seasons or their weirdo playoffs as meaning much, to be honest.  Yes, Tampa got their names on the cup both years, but I don't think you can extract anything from those runs that could reasonably be applied to a "normal" season or its post-season.


    And yeah, teams can rebuild quickly, sure, insofar as they can dump a number of players and pick up a bunch of others in a short amount of time.  Sometimes that makes a bigger mess, sometimes it shakes things up and works.  Can the ones that manage to make it work do it in a thoughtful way that can be replicated in a consistent manner, and last over the course of several seasons?  Or, is it mostly a matter of a bunch of teams throwing a bunch of crap at the wall, and one or two of them are lucky enough to have some of the **** stick?  I've felt it is the latter for almost a decade now.  I really don't think it is possible build a team in the current league with any reason to be confident you've done something that will work out.  Sometimes it will work, sometimes it'll fall to pieces. 


    It makes me think of blackjack:  mediocre teams have a 13 sitting in front of them.  Options are either stay where they (and hey, sometimes a 13 will win), or hit.  If they hit, most of time they'll bust, but sometimes they'll draw an 8. 


    Does it make them "smart" to have drawn the 8?


    Is it an engaging thing to hope your favorite team draws an 8?


    No and no.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, pilldoc said:



    LOL .....Classic!!!


    Oh the memories!




    LOL.  much like the flyers, i have my moments.  that was a special one, though.  couldn't have done it without the exact right person on the other side of it.  he's still around here, isn't he?  new account, new name, same pfffft?

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  9. 2 hours ago, Mad Dog said:



    Wow.  Now *that's* the blast from the past.  How are you, dude? 🥳


    I will tell you one thing.  I still watch hockey, but I don't invest nearly as much emotions into this team as I used to. Not even close... My stress level is more important to me.  


    you know, i found myself saying, "back in the late 80's-early 90's" all the time, and realized i'd become that old guy crying about "back in my day".  so, i stopped, and walked away from it all.  because the truth is (my truth, anyway, that's a big thing these days), it's a different game.  it's played differently, different things matter, and teams are built WAY differently.  and i don't enjoy any of the "new" ways things work, the thrill of hockey i grew up on isn't there anymore, and i stopped being able to make myself care.


    i just did a whole aziz-thing about what i think is going on, but i've been out of it for so long, i won't pretend to know what is happening.  so i deleted it.  the point was that the game as it exists today holds zero interest to me.  you  guys are troopers, but...what used to make a successful team no longer applies, and i don't think you can build a team that is successful over any span of time.  the emphasis is on getting the most out of 23 yearolds, and you just can't predict that.  and  given the emphasis on speed speed speed, older players and the wisdom they may have accumulated just doesn't mean as much.  if anything.


    so, yeah.  run and gun hockey is kinda crap, and building a team to that model is a crap shoot.  i admire everyone's willingness to stick with it, but i can't find any aspect that i find interesting anymore.  so, now i wear my flyers hat ironically.  because i have too many to just not wear them.  thanks, NHL.

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  10. 1 hour ago, FD19372 said:

    aziz..from a fellow Flyers fan perspective, you haven't missed a damned thing.


    i had a work meeting today, one of those all-hands things where the execs talk at you about things that don't matter for an hour?  went clicking on old saved favorites to not feel too insulted, and here i was.  and *everything* is the same.  it's the exact same problem, from what i've read over the last few hours.  like, i don't need anyone to catch me up, just give me a current roster and i'll tell you what their issues are.  one name becomes another.  i dunno.  


    weird to be back, guys.

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  11. 37 minutes ago, FD19372 said:

    It's called anger and bordeline rage, but stamina..sure. There ya go.


    have to tell you, i haven't even watched a hockey game in 5 years.  it's nice not giving two shits what those overpaid man children are or aren't doing to earn  their stupid salaries.

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  12. On 3/22/2021 at 10:24 AM, mojo1917 said:


    I won't be spending money to watch more of what's been happening this month. 



    lol.  i got to that point, what, 5 years ago?  and that was after saying to myself, "ok, 8 years of this is enough, I'm out."


    man but you guys have stamina.  ;)

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