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OccamsRazor last won the day on July 25

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About OccamsRazor

  • Birthday 12/06/1971

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    South Carolina
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  1. Except Ray Emery but he went down in December with his hip issues and they had to wing it with patchwork the rest of the year.
  2. Damn. We knew it. But was just holding out for hope. There is none. Old boss same as the new one. Just to prove they are not rebuilding a retool and let's go for it mindset. **** these guys they'll never learn....
  3. He'll return when they are Cup ready...
  4. no i'm a late starter too i didn't get sucked in till 1991 So yeah it's still been 33 plus years of meh...i mean the pinnacle is two Cup appearances and a sweep and game 6 loss. so not much on the banner stuff to show for it but this time it's different...trust me bro! Matvei is a huge piece of the eventual Cup winner i hope...i'm 53 in December....getting better looking but not younger...
  5. None existent from what i gather but that will change soon he is supposed to be taking some classes from what i read. We'll see how that goes....it will help him chase the women....
  6. muscle is exactly what i'm talking about when i was 20 and lifting weights and eating so much protein yet still couldn't add size and muscle once i started hitting the beer more frequently i started adding weight to my frame my metabolism was so high it made it very hard. Beer changed all of that and with that i mean disciplined drinking not driving cars and what not. Still lifting still watching my macros making sure i hit my protein requirements and carbs to fat ratios yet getting them calories to be able to utilize all them calories the beer was the game changer. There is a reason the A5 Wagyu beef is administered beer during their development stages. As a must to you must keep the fat intake low because we don't want him to be adding fat as well....just muscle. Once you reach 24-25 no more need to add the beer to gain the weight so this must be then kept to a minimum by then. I know easier said than done sure well he'll have to navigate this waters own his on then or best under stays how it all done by then.
  7. exactly why he needs a conversion. American beer will quickly help him get his weight up and long as he is lifting. but it must be done in moderation...IPAs will also require some time to enjoy. In Philly topped off on Mind Eraser (our term in high school for Vodka) will not be a good combo. We don't need him wandering into Kensington area learning to zombie walk...
  8. I could give 2 shits if anyone thinks he is pandering....i'm impressed he is so smart and gets it. He wants to be loved and he is doing exactly what he should and he will be adorned for it. I feel like he understands and he too wants his place amongst us. And we know we will welcome him with open arms. And then if he gets this club to winning and showing they are turning it around and are heading in the right direction he will quickly become a fan favorite!!!
  9. In time he will know. Season is almost upon us. Got to ease him in...
  10. Kegstand time show him how we do it in the states!!!!!!!!! Frat boys unite!!!!!!!!!
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