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ruxpin last won the day on July 6

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About ruxpin

  • Birthday 08/30/1968

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  1. You and your facts. It's like talking tax law to a ham sandwich.
  2. I think they did, although the length is surprising to me because i really think Devon Levi might be the better goalie.
  3. In other news, I think I have my second goalie keeper now.
  4. Every time, all I think about is Vicki Lawrence.
  5. Terrific piece. I can't argue about any of this. I don't think the Devils are a stretch here. I think they're really very good and ran into bad luck with injuries and bad goaltending, as you point out. I'm not bullish that the Canes will be as good as they have been but think 3rd is a pretty good prediction. You mentioned watching for the Capitals, which...yeah (sadly). And the Flyers, I think, are an accurate prediction. Torts may have everyone playing well out of the gate, so they may build up enough first half points to avoid last, but that's exactly where this team belongs. Really well-written and argued, again. Keep it coming.
  6. Extremely well written article. Love your writing. I'm a little more bullish on the Panthers than you, but it's still hard to argue with the order. I would not be stunned, though, that despite the top of the roster talent, the Bolts fall further. Yet, if I'm putting money on it, it's the order you have.
  7. Yeah, add me to the list. To me, the "if proposition here is unlikely, but add me to the "hopeful" list.
  8. I think I like your conclusion of Predators and Devils. Definitely the Predators. The Capitals This, to me, was clearly about giving Ovechkin one more shot. I like the Logan Thompason deal. I think it may be a lot to give up for a likely 40-60 tandem with Lindgren, but it really solidifies that provided Thompson stays healthy. I'm not a huge fan of Jakob Chychrun, but I think a fresh start will do him good. And they got a 3rd round with him. For a 33 year-old meh but right-handed defenseman. I like itl I like the Mangiapane trade. I'm unclear whether they'll slot him with Ovechkin or if they put Strome or someone else there. Their draft was meh. Parascak was a reach, but maybe turns out okay or is trade fodder. I think they likely got decent depth in later rounds. It's a crap shoot so hard to say. I don't think I have much of an opinion either way about their resignings. I guess if I had to pick a team outside of the Dvils for the eastern conference, it would be the Caps. The Kraken: I'm jealous of the Berkly Catton pick. They have qualifying offers out to Beniers, Tovanen, and Seppela. So, if they stay in the fold, that's a plus. I'm not a fan of Bylsma, but he may be the right coach for the moment. I'm not sure what to think about the Chandler Stephenson signing. It seems like square peg/round hole and they'll hate it toward end of term, but time will tell. tatar was interesting, but I would have liked this more 2-3 years ago. The signings reek of attempting to be good but not likely to be great. Yeah, I'd have to agree with Nashville and New Jersey. Straight up conversation about the draft? San Jose. #1 center and a top pair defenseman? yes please.
  9. Full disclosure: i wasn't thrilled with this pick but was in the "he knows what he's doing" camp at the time. I still think he had the right plan but was hamstrung by some dumb luck and Sleestak "advisors" who were brain damaged and held strings. I don't think O'Brien was an example of any of that, though, in retrospect.
  10. Don't forget Jay O'Brien. Hextall 2018 (it's six years already!!!). That turned out wonderfully.
  11. If you read their Facebook fans, they're all perfectly good with the approach, because THIS 100th time makes perfect sense! It's THIS base they know they have conned and know are too stupid to see the direct line repetition of the last 99. Seriously, i don't know how 90% of them know how to log back on without electrocuting themselves on their toaster. I think most of them are from Tuscon or somewhere else stupid.
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