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RonJeremy last won the day on June 18

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  1. Yep, anyone that thinks we will be a better team than last year is dreaming. We will score more goals even with slight development of Farabee, Frost,Tippett,Brink,Foerester and the addition of Michkov, but the defense is highly suspect, especially the second pair. We expect a career #6-7 guy Seeler to continue to play over his head and a guy, who can't play D and who's been injured for almost three years to play second pair minutes..and as you said, the goaltending is suspect. We are a bottom five team.
  2. When we had G and Voracek, they were pass first guys playing on the same line and they would never shoot. They should have been on separate lines and we had no finishers to benefit from their playmaking. Now we have several finishers and no setup guys other than Frost, who right now is a third liner in terms of production. We have never properly built a team and put the pieces of the puzzle together correctly. Today we have a bunch of scoring right wings and are weak at center and LW. We have a collection of second and third pair dmen and no legit first pair. Same old story.
  3. Me too, I think considering the age of Luchenko,we may have made a good pick, he had pretty good stats against older players. We just have to develop him properly and not turn him into another Danuis Zubrus .
  4. I probably had it right initially but since I can’t retain a thought in my head for more than a minute, I couldn’t remember the order by the time I started typing.
  5. I’m assuming this is Helenius , Buim and Luchenko. I actually like the Luchenko pick based on his age and how much younger he is than most guys in the draft. In a perfect world , I would have traded Drysdale for a first rounder and taken, Buim and Luchenko.
  6. I don't see Coots having a big comeback, he might be a little better, but his age , slow skating and bad back are gonna continue to play a factor in his decline. The PP can improve only because it's been the worst in the NHL three straight years. Michkov will help somewhat, but It won't improve that much be because we only have one creative center and we do not have a legit playmaking offensive threat from the blue line and we don't even have a dman with a big accurate point shot. Zamula was our best PP shooter,that shows you what a joke this team is. The PP all starts at the blueline and we have no one who can be a catalyst in that position. Drysdale is horrendous defensively , he doesn't have a big shot, he may help rush the puck, but we don't have enough play driving creative guys to setup our finishers like Tippett and Foerster. York is listed as 6ft and 195, there is no way he's that big, he's more like 5ft 10, 180lbs. He is solid defensively, he is not that great offensively and is a far cry from a #1 dman. The Flyers have miscast players for years and ruined their development by slotting them much higher than their skill dictates. As far as big trades go, we don't have anyone to trade that is gonna get us the #1 center or defensemen we desperately need, so at best we can make a lateral trade. They talk about trading Farabee, the best we can get for him is another Farabee,so what's the point. He is also our only natural left wing ,so why trade from your second weakest offensive position. Konecny was worth the most in a trade, but it's obvious from the new contract they are keeping him. As far as Krebs, he's a flop he's done nothing in three years, Perfetti is a right wing, which we don't need and Zegras is a one dimensional player ,Anaheim would want alot for him, they already fleeced us in the Gauthier trade I wouldn't trade for him. We are the last team that needs to be trading multiple assets for one guy. Goaltending is a big question mark, Fedotov looked big and slow in the net, hopefully he improves. Ersson played well but wore down from overuse. I do agree we should score more goals with Tippett, Brink,Farabee and Foerster improving and the addition of Michkov. I think the real problem will be the second pair defensemen. Seeler who was never more than a # 6-7 dman had a career season at thirty, in an UFA contract year while playing with Walker ,who helped make him look better than he is. I fully expect Seeler to return to the mediocre dman he always was and Drysdale is a horror defensively, he is not ready for second pair duty. I fully expect Risto to take Drysdales spot on the second pair within less than 20 games.
  7. You are absolutely right. There are a bunch of teams like NJ,SJ, Chicago and Anaheim who were as bad or worse than us over the years that are now loaded with high end prospects, while we have only one . We have been "rebuilding/retooling" since 2011 and we haven't made much progress. No first or second line center, no #1 offensive or defensive standout defenseman and questionable goaltending.
  8. When I looked at Patrick, I didn't see any high end, standout skill in any area like skating ,stick handling or shooting. Did any of you see him in juniors? Was he just hyped up like Mike Ricci another station wagon we drafted or was his skill top notch? Maybe he was just a typical Flyer pick, good away from the puck, two way player, the reliable station wagon, who became the Griswald Family Truckster.
  9. He can advise NJ how great Risto is and we can trade him to NJ for a first round pick.
  10. Sure the Caps will keep increasing over the years but the players salaries will also increase. We just paid 8.5 million. For a sixty point scorer in five years a 20 goal guy should get ten million.
  11. I see the offense being better with Michkov and hopefully more development from Frost, Farabee, Brink, Tippett and Foerester. The goatending is a question mark but the defense is going to be worse. We don't have Walker, so without him I think Seeler will regress back to the guy he was for all the previous years.Seeler played second pair level hockey one season out of his entire career. I don't see Drysdale being a second pair guy yet, he's horrible defensively. Zamula is still a question mark, so unless Risto steps up big, we are in trouble with the second pair. We very well could finish worse than we did this past season.
  12. No, both teams goaltending sucked, but our goalie gave up the cheapest Cup clinching goal in NHL history.
  13. True, we never had the high end talent of the other Cup teams but of all the Cup losses, I think we totally outplayed Chicago and would have beat them with just good goaltending and a capable second pair.
  14. He is also not a very big guy who plays pretty physical hockey. I don't envision him lasting like Giroux has.
  15. We have come close several times but there are basically three reason why we lost in the playoffs or lost the Cup. 1 Goaltending 2 Lack of defensive depth 3 Lack of secondary scoring . All of these shortcomings can be blamed on our GMs at the time. I'll just sum up our Cup loss to Chicago... Leighton and having a third pair of Krejac and Parent. We basically had no third pair and we had a minor league goalie.
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