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Podein25 last won the day on December 25 2023

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    North of 53
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  1. Oh yeah?! If you don't like Canada move south, traitor!
  2. Goddammit it's wonderful to have insightful posts on the Flyers from posters like @JR Ewingand @yave1964 Fantastic.
  3. I've been on this bus, it has a 72 foot plasma TV and a fridge full of haddock.
  4. I did this once, playing lacrosse: my ACL went in reverse, backwards, past the 90 degree mark, if you know what I mean. The sound of it was extraordinary, like a gun shot. Still threatens to haunt my dreams (thank god for the sheep).
  5. Lol, this is well stated. But to be clear, I'm definitely and definitively in the know nothing category.
  6. Have you seen the Flyers organizational depth chart? The middling reinforcements are already in house. I think he and Jonesy are going big name hunting when the cap space becomes available. Aren't these actually the same thing lol?
  7. Kind of hard to believe he only cracked 60 pts once. He was a 200 foot, all situations player though. Sad about how his career ended.
  8. Bryan Little was an excellent hockey player.
  9. Lol, yes that goes without saying. Even with all these precautions, the poor bastard is still almost certainly gonna come down with a rare Ebola strain halfway through his rookie season.
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