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FD19372 last won the day on May 15

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About FD19372

  • Birthday May 16

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  1. Cup contender?? Briere has a lot of work to do, to just make this team reach the playoffs.
  2. Now, after reading a comment from NHL insider Kevin Kurz on Twitter..ok X..."Travis Konecny has a no-move clause for the first six years and a limited no-trade clause for the final two of the new contract", I feel worse about this deal than I did originally. #Master Of Puppets #ObeyYourMaster
  3. As long as they trade him for decent value when he's approaching 34, assuming we have better and younger right wings at that point, I'm fine with it.
  4. He probably wasn't going to sign in Philly, for less than $8.5 mil.
  5. I don't HATE it, but I don't really like it, either. The money per year is fine IMO, but the years are a bit long on the contract. Congrats on the new contract, TK. Do we really want to be paying a 35 year old, many miles on the tires TK, that much per year? Hey, at least there's not an NMC.
  6. Good question. I think they would have been better, but they didn't (stop me if you've heard this before) have the caproom to improve the team. At the start of the season, they had what..$5 mil to improve the team with? I think they would have made the playoffs, as they likely would have been one and done, but it's better than missing the playoffs every other year like they did (especially when they barely miss them, and don't end up with a top 3 pick in the draft). They weren't as good as the Penguins, Bruins, Panthers, Rangers or Lightning, for sure..at that point.
  7. No. The answer is, less banana peels in the front office for the dumb, deaf and blind Old Guard front office puppeteers, to slip on. #ObeyYourMaster
  8. Boston Toronto Florida Detroit Tampa Bay Ottawa Buffalo Montreal This is a good division. It wouldn't shock me if Florida, Toronto or Boston won it. I think Toronto has a better regular season than last year, and Florida takes a small step back, but I still think the Panthers will be very formidable again, come playoff time.
  9. I think a lot of those so-called Facebook fans, are fake, like AI-generated bots or something. No one that's a fan with any interest in them winning a Cup anytime soon, should be happy with this middling crap, they try to pull.
  10. The trades have been fine. I would like to see them pick in the top 2, and totally bottom out next season. The draft is supposed to be quite good next season. It would be nice to see them get a potential superstar caliber player, to play alongside Michkov. I want to see what Briere can do with another year under his belt, and maybe just maybe I won't have the awful notion that Holmgren, Clarke or any other Flyer alumni from that era will interfere, with their rusty Cup rings in his face.
  11. I know I tend to go a little cynical at times, but that being said, I really think it's a worse situation than that. Holmgren and Clarke are still hanging around, and pulling the strings, with Clarke shining his two Stanley Cup rings in the eyes of Briere and Jones. The draft was an embarrassing and terrible look, though, IMO. They looked unprepared. #ObeyYourMaster
  12. Sponsored, endorsed and funded by Comcast Corp., who really don't care about the fans like me that really want to see the Flyers win a Cup again, before we die. They've become corporate ignoramuses and an Alumni Rewards Program.. and it's why I don't take them seriously, though I'll technically still root for them. I've decided to invest my fandom in teams, that realistically have a chance to win it all and are open-minded in their approach toward attempting to win. The Flyers *organization, is indeed way too arrogant. I will always be a Flyers fan, but I don't take them seriously because I know their "business model". Their now too corporate franchise, slapped me in the face, and I won't waste my time with them.
  13. FIFY. Cam may not have kissed enough hairs on the posteriors, of Flyer front office alumni, yet.
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