I agree 100%. You would think at some point this young man would have said to someone "I think my skates are too big". I have owned upwards of 20 pair of skates in my life and was fitted by a qualified person every time, and I never played for money or country. How does this happen to an elite player in this day and age? This is very odd on every level.
my point was why don't we hear these stories about any other organization? Is it because we put the Flyers under a microscope? Or is it because it only happens to the Flyers?
These players have all given their best to the Flyers under trying circumstance. Sadly, they are also all 3 diminishing assets, 2 of them with albatross contracts. The Flyer way. Give us mediocre, or give us death.
Thanks for your deep dive into the stats, interesting August hockey news.
The Flyers currently have no early draft picks next year. They have multiple middle to late 1st round and 2nd round picks. There is a BIG difference, as we are all aware. They are good assets though, perhaps we will see some creativity by Danny B in the coming months.
Also, my reference to dumb and dumber is not a Briere and Jones thing. It's aimed at REC and Homer.
All of the culture and hard work drove them all the way to mediocre. When the lack of depth caused burn out in the last 3 weeks we saw the real Flyers. Other teams started to ramp up for the playoffs and we saw the results. No skill, no depth up and down the line up. No amount of culture and work ethic are going to get them past a 1st round shelling at best. The modern day NHL requires high end skill. Dumb and dumber apparently will never get that.
I think I've said this before in this chat room, I wish that Dumb and Dumber would just come out and say we are happy to be the land of broken toys, we are happy to not challenge for a Cup run, and we don't care what anyone else thinks.
There really is no other explanation for repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again, with no consequences. They appear to be untouchable.
Used to be if you banged your head against the wall enough times it would start to hurt. Apparently the diabetes and the bike accident have completely numbed them to pain.