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Posts posted by BearOnIce

  1. Clear shot to the head on a player in a defenseless position. If he doesn't get suspended, it's a travesty.

    I'm all for good hits and I like the way Kronwall plays. I know Voracek was looking down. But the hit was direct to the head, no doubt.

    How the hell was it not a penalty?

    Very clean hit. Very good hit. Textbook except that Kromwell got the head too. Probably a couple game suspension. Jake looked like he was praying or something after that hit. Objective lesson: Don't be looking down and admiring the puck on your stick. Ouch. Hope Jake is back in time for the playoffs.

  2. Totally agree. Fans were seduced by the successes of this squad, but seem to have forgotten all of the questions going into this year. Scary thought, an adequate goalie would have this team #1 in the NHL, without any doubt in my opinion.


    I totally agree with you.

    1.) I have always seen this year as a rebuilding year. I was most concerned about the D getting older, what to do there, and how the youth movement would respond.

    2.) Leading NHL in goals. Quite a surprise. Very bright future indeed.

    3.) Holmgren knows when to sit tight. I applaud him. No panic.

    4.) You are right. You never know when the playoffs start. I do not old out a lot of promise but maybe the universe and white tigers will, as I like to say, become proportional again, and Bryz will cause us to drop our mouths as he catches form and earns his paycheck...

    5.) The goalie has been a make or break proposition this year. Imagine what a .856 would get us?


  3. Howie:

    I am a spiritual person so I will remember him in my prayers. I wish you the best. Does he like hockey like you? You know there is a special place inside the special place for guys that like hockey..

    As far as our team, well, what can we say? It kind of is what it is this year. Strange year in so many ways.

    I hope the white tigers and the universe become proportional again, JVR heals well, and CP20 can live a healthy life.


  4. I know the guy is passionate and wants to win. There is no denying that. But his level of interefering for years not only generated no results, but created some serious fall-backs and issues in team's progress.

    I just can't imagine what possibly went through his old brain when deciding to sign this stiff Bryzgalov to 9 years (shaking my head) and burden the cap. Pronger is another mistake. As important and tenaceous as the guy is, how could Snider not see him being on the decline? How could this not be anticipated?

    Look no further than the Sixers (which, to my knowledge, Snider also meddled with despite a popular belief that he was only inerested in the Flyers). As soon as he sold the team, the new owners took the franchise in a different (i.e., positive) direciton and the team is enjoying its first winning season in a long time.

    I really feel as long as the Old Man owns the team, the Flyers are basically doomed. I just hope Comcast curbs his enthusiams a little and just asks him to let his GM do what the GM is supposed to do. But that ain't happening, most likely.


    All your points are correct, accurate, and laser focused right on.

    Let me add that as long as Bob Clark has an office in the Wells Fargo Center, there will be continued interference to add.

    Holmgren may have the GM position but I seriously question wheither any move of any significance gets agreed upon or done other than as a Homgren-Snider-Clark Triad.

    Philadelphia - City of Brotherly Love And Ultimate Sports Homerism.


  5. Greetings:

    1. Let's start with Bryz. He made some tough saves and looked engaged. But it was right where he is statistically, 3 goals and an .875 save percentage.

    2. We get scored upon again up front. Lavy has to call a time out to settle the troops. What gives?

    3. I thought Grossman and Kubina looked pretty good. Mez was in top form.

    Bottom Line: I guess we can outscore the low-to-mid tier but that might not be the case against the elite. Bryz doesn't look as disengaged but his numbers are not that great. This team really is a work in progress.




    Bottom Line:

    1.) Flyers are not an Elite Team.

    2.) Flyers cannot play with the Elite Teams.

    3.) Flyers have had a hugely dissappointing year, many factors.

    4.) Flyers are not going anywhere.

    Time to look at 2012/2013 and....


  6. This aint good. Our defensive additions have done nothing. Lost 6 of the last 7. Goaltending maybe a little better but nothing to show for it. The ship is taking on water and most likely will gurgle its last breath in the first round of the playoffs if they are lucky enough to get that far. Looking for positives but coming up empty. Where is that guy who said the Flyers could go 22-5 to end the season? I rightfully laughed at him then but need his optimism now.

    "I don't know if we got better or worse, but we got different."

    Paul Holmgren 2011

  7. It's funny... and obviously can't argue with the numbers you mention (dang facts...) I think Snider means well, but there is an old saying, claimed by many; about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

    Holmgren has broken the mold a little, not that there is a strong mold to break when there have been countless few with the title of GM, Philadelphia Flyers Hockey Club. Of course, he seems to operate under the philosophy of the do-over more than getting it right the first time.

    There is also a bit of bravado from the front office -- When the league informed the team that Pronger's contract would count as an over 35; it was laughed at; though I think many of the fans felt the impending doom.

    As for saving your money and participating via Center Ice? That's a bargain. I've been a ticket holder for about a decade now; and the quality of "going to the game" has left a bit to be desired. I love how they want people to renew - no refunds - without knowing what the pricepoint for next season is going to be (I've heard +$6 per seat per game). Oh, and hurry up and renew, before the league can have a schedule out, to see if it would be possible to split it up among friends.

    Would any of that change if the Snider/Clarke/Holmgren troika was removed? I doubt it. The owners as a group have led this league to where it is...

    I agree with your insighful and true thoughts. The world is a crazy place today. I look to hockey as entertainment. I have to tell myself many times though to keep it in perspective.

  8. Bear: Dad is probably not here for long but I hope we all get to 91 with our marbles intact.

    As for Homer...you and I hope he builds a nucleus of good young people. And yes, maybe Bryz get his "bleep" together....




    My sincere regards for your Dad. 91, wow, God bless.

    The Flyers? Bryz? Well, we will have to see if there is positive reinforcement to come out of the SO win. Maybe the Universe and White Tigers are not looming that large any more..

    Don't trade anybody.


  9. Bear:

    Good to hear from you...dealing with a sick Dad and work BS...Flyers hockey is a good diversion.

    Bryz...lost season or lost career in Philly...won't know until next year. The contract was un..f....believable. But this was Homer...not me! My hope is not to cannibalize the good young players.




    I am sorry to here you Dad is sick. I hope not serious. I lost my Dad a couple years ago. Still miss him every day.

    I understand the work BS too...

    If you are Homer, just say no. Keep the young guys. Bryz may come around, stranger things have happened, like the Flyers going to the Cup.

    Take care Howie,


  10. totally agree!

    We don't Nash...

    Butt Puss Bryz will still be here because of his contract

    Don't want JVR turning into another mistake like Sharp

    Would do Schenn for JVR straight up...don't think wil happen

    JVR/Bryz for Brown/Bernier but no way LA does this.

    Getting another #1 D-man cannot be resolved until after the season.

    Bottom line..believe we are done..let the kids play and see where the chips fall.

    As I have mentioned before..we are not cup contenders this year so why sell the farm..

    Agreed, let this team play, keep things intact, maybe Bryz turns in around and Flyers et a couple of rounds deep in the payoffs.. Just enjoy the games while there are some to be played.. ;)

  11. Thought I'd start a deadline day thread because things are bound to get lost over multiple threads otherwise ;)

    Also, take it for what it's worth, but:


    Sources state that Holmgren is involved in multiple talks. Nothing is imminent but the flyers are entertaining ideas to improve immediately

    I know, you could say that about any team really, and I don't know how legit this guy is. But combined with the top article, it at least confirms to fans that the organization is pissed about the goaltending. It has been an epic failure if you consider how public an issue Snider made it, using his private jet to parade Bryz around town, and almost a declaration that our goaltending woes had been solved.

    Make no mistake, this makes the franchise look silly and they want to fix it.

    But I do not understand, how are you going to move Bryz-aster? He has a NMC. While I would agree he might agree to waive the NMC and play for $51M in some smaller market with much less media attention, is there a GM in the league with a set big enough to do this deal? If so, who? Or maybe the question is there a GM desperate enough? Will Holmgren get hosed? How much does youth he piss away?

  12. Greetings:

    There is another related thread on Snider.

    Yes, we are hamstrung by 1) A commitment to win every year instead of accepting ebbs and flows; and; 2) Constant hiring of insiders/former players.

    I think the other "problem" is history. We might be better off thinking about our franchise since the strike rather than over 40+ years. Two cups 35+ years ago in an era when 5-6 teams dominated the league year-in and out might not matter much. What I see is a post-strike team characterized by one word: inconsistency. We have had the worst season in franchise history followed by a final four. Two years later we barely make the playoffs and go to the final. Along the way--seasons with good and bad stretches.

    I am hopeful we do not trade away this cadre of forwards. If we do--it will mean past is prologue.



    Good points. I am not in favor of trading much. Especially nothing involving young players. Bryz is not moveable so we had better hope that some of the good that we saw last night carries forward. I like Grossman and Kubina. Not perfect but better.

  13. @mojo1917

    He looks like the same goalie that sucked in postseason for Phoenix.

    You sir are absolutely correct.

    If you look at the film, it is obvious.

    Where was Holmgren on this Bryz acquisition? The same place as Pronger. Throwing a lot of the fans money at big, questionable, long-term contracts that don't work. The model is Detroit. That is what works.

    As long as Snider owns this team, Clark is in a Comcast office, and Holmgren is the GM, I seriously have to reach for my wallet and stay with Center Ice to see some real hockey...

    No cup in 36 years.

    Game 6 loss.

    2 Winter Classic losses.

    And now this team.

    The Flyer Fans deserve a lot more for the money they plunk down than this crap that the Flyers organization gives them.

  14. At least we won.

    Again, it sucks - but if Pronger isn't hurt, we aren't having this conversation. Even Bryz would look better.

    When we can beat the Rangers and Detroit's then this team is as advertised. Until then, we should be sellers and rebuilders and Ed Snider should shut his 36-years-without-a-cup-but-very-rich-mouth and quit telling the Flyers Faithful that the Flyers are a contenter.. It gets a little old year after year with the same net result.

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