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Dynamo 47

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Posts posted by Dynamo 47

  1. I think it is obvious the bias the league has the Pens. After the incidents in the last week of the season, how can anyone question it?

    Lavy goes justifiably nuts for Bylsma (who was a real tough guy when he played lol) put out goons in the last minute. Bettman has made it his agenda to end the message sending and stuff like that at the end of the game. What happens? Lavy gets fined. The Flyers lost their most physical defenseman in Grossman and one of their proven playoff performers in one game in questionable cirmcumstances and Lavy gets fined.

    Then there is another knee on knee hit by the Pens in the Rangers game. Torts calls it like it is and how the rest of the league sees it and he is fined.

    I am still waiting for a Pens suspension for a knee on knee hit or a fine. In fact I am still waiting to see the Bylsma fine.

    Finally after the Pens were back in the finals against the Wings and the Wings winning game 2. Malkin clearly instigatges a fight which would warrant an automatic one game suspension. ANY other player or team in the league would have been suspended for game 3. But not in this case. The Gary Penguins could not risk losing their superstar and risk going down in the series 3 - 0.

    I hate sounding like a Penguins fan, coach or executive in the organization but that is how I see it.

    Honestly, I think the Flyers would have been better off losing to Buffalo at the end of the year and we would be preparing for the Florida Panthers and the Pens could deal with the red hot Devils. I just think the odds are stacked against us in this series.

  2. Just getting a jump on talking about next season and yes, this is throwing the cart ahead of the hoarses. But just for fun...

    Has anyone discussed what happans IF Pronger comes back next season and I hope he does? Carl, Cobourn, Timmo, Kubina, Grossmann, Mezaros, Guffs, Lilja, Bourdon, Pronger, Walker, Marshall... Thats a lot of d-men and hands down the most powerful d in the NHL! Do we let one or two walk? Trade a few for another need? How possibly could the kids get any real playing time? Just questions I have been pondering...

    The same question could even apply to our offence!

    And we have Bob (expensive backup), Bryz, Leighton stuffed in the minors along with Brueshetta Bread guy and I think another promising pickup.

    Many decisions...

    I think there will be some drastic changes on defense.

    I think Pronger will retire.

    I think Carle walks as a free agent

    Here is my defense for next season



    Grossman - love his game and they have to resign him

    Suter - I think he is the Flyers Free Agent signing

    Mez - when healthy has an all around game

    Either Gus or Bourdon

    7th Defenseman - Oliver Laurridson of the Phantoms. He is huge 6'6 and plays a very physical game with an edge. I think he surprises in camp and makes the team as the 7th guy.

  3. LeBron James.

    Yeah I know, who cares about the NBA, but that's the best I could come up with

    See I like Lebron and I'm not alone.

    The only other player in the past that came to mind immediately was Barry Bonds. The guy was a sure fire hall of famer as he was an incredible player. But his ego wouldn't allow the spotlight to be stolen from him so he took roids. The only thing bigger then the guy's steroid inflated head is his ego.

    • Like 2
  4. assuming Briere is out of the lineup, let's throw Shelley in the lineup for Saturday against the Pens..

    Start the game out with Shelley, Rinaldo, Talbot, Bourdon, and Kubina and send a message early..

    let Shelley break Crosby's neck again and get suspended for the rest of his life, who cares..

    Can't wait for the next game

    I agree that we need to send a message for this game. Since the playoffs are all but decided I highly doubt the teams will have key players in the lineup. That being said, I would make a call to the Phantoms and bring up a few guys and let them get a taste for the rivalry.

    I would bring up Derek Mathers, probably the best fighter in the OHL who is now on the Phantoms. I would also bring up big, physical defenseman Oliver Laurridson.

    I don't care who plays but all I know is I had BETTER SEE Shelley challange Egg head the first time Egg head goes on the ice. Simmonds can fight but is 180 pounds and hardly a heavyweight. We are lucky he didn't get hurt in that BS at the end of the game.

  5. It's hard to argue with any of the award recipients. Giroux and Kimo have been the teams best forward and defenseman all season. Hartnell rebounded from a bad year last season to his best ever this year and Simmonds is the epitome of what Flyers hockey has always been. He busts his butt every shift, is talented, plays physical and will stick up for his teammates.

  6. I was switching back and forth to the Ranger - Pens game. I can't stand Torts but I do appreciate him calling things the way he sees them. It has even more impact coming on the heels of comments by Berube and Milbury.

    Funny thing is that fans of other teams around the league share the same view of Crosby. You go to any of their forum's and there is likely to be a posting about what a dirty player or whiner Crosby is and how there is a bias in the league for him.

    I just laugh at Crosby. Does anyone else remember the game a couple years ago that was particularly nasty and the Pens sat Crosby out most of the third period?

  7. Talk about damning with faint praise. Maybe Roenick and Milbury slamming him means that our view (that he's a dyck) is going mainstream.

    I think it already is main stream. I remember a game at MSG where the fans were going nuts with Crosby's antics. I think that generally people respect his talent but dislike his game.

    I think it's also fair to say that outside of Pittsburgh he is despised around the league by the fans, which is expected but also by the players.

    • Like 1
  8. There is absolutely no way I put Lindros in the NHL HOF. Why would he belong there? Why must we put every single above average player in the Hall of Fame and weaken it even further? There are people who truly deserve to be there. Let's not clutter it with an also-ran.

    Because if Neely is there and they played a similar style game, Lindros' stats dwarf Neely's

    He's not in the top 50 in points.

    He is 18th in PPG, so we'll give him that one and 20th in playoff points per game. You don't see him anywhere else in offensive statistical leaders. If he'd actually WON something, that might offset the offensive stats, but he won nothing.

    Neither Did Neely and he is in the hall of fame. If your argument would be that Neely doesn't deserve to be in then I can see your argument for Lindros but based on stats, style of play, and injury shortened careers, if he is in then Lindros should be with better numbers, more all star appearances, more International play, more hardware

    And all this to the fact he became a pariah to his organization, I don't understand how anyone could argue for NHL Hall of Fame. The "fastest player to xxx" stats are swell, but when he appears NO WHERE on career totals list it clearly shows a career that flamed out. In the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, the Hare was the fastest to every point. Except he lost. Where'd that get him?

    No way in the hockey hall of fame unless we also put nearly everyone else there just for showing up.

    I hardly think averaging over a point a game and being one of the most physically dominant players the league has ever had qualifies as just showing up

    As for the the Flyers Hall of Fame, absolutely. But to retire his number? No. I would have argued AGAINST retiring Mark Howe's number, who I really liked and am not real upset they did. But if I would argue against Howe, I'll argue strongly against Lindros.

    I think his jersey should be retired by the team. If he were healthy all of the Flyers team records would have been his. I also think Howe and Hextall's need to be retired.

    I don't care if he comes back now and everything is glossed over and hunky-dorie. No way. The guy was run out of town for a box of cracker jacks and became a complete ***. I don't care what anyone says, his re-appearance COST us the series against New Jersey and probably the Cup that year. Put his jersey in the garbage, not the rafters.

    See my post Rux. If Neely is in with his stats and career shortened by injury then there is no way you cannot vote Lindros on. Had Lindros remained healthy his entire career, he would have put up all time numbers. If you elect Neely due to what If scenario's then you can't keep Lindros out as his stats and impact on the game far exceed Cam's (and I loved Neely as a player). .

    His coming back against NJ cost us the series? Are you serious Rux? The TEAM cost us the series not Lindros coming back. All he did was come back in Game 6 in New Jersey and score 2 goals (one that counted and the second that SHOULD have counted) and was one of the best players on the ice. That is his fault that he came back and was the best player on the team? The team should have been inspired and busted their asses seeing how he played that first game back. Instead they were flat and it cost us not only game 6 but the series.

  9. Lindros absolutely belongs in the Hockey Hall of Fame for one reason - Cam Neely being elected and the circumstances in their careers.

    Both players were huge and could dominate a game physically. Both players careers were shortened by injuries.

    But when you compare their numbers there is no comparison. If Neely gets in then they can't possibly keep Lindros out.

    Cam Neely got in with these stats

    NHL Totals 726 395 299 694 1241

    Teams went to two Stanley Cup finals and lost both by a combined 8 games to 1

    Masterton Trophy winner

    He earned four NHL Second-Team All-Star berths


    NHL Totals 760 372 493 865 1398

    In only 34 more games Lindros had 171 more points

    In addition Lindros won the Hart and Person trophies

    Lindros went to the all star game 6 times

    Lindros led the league in playoff scoring when he led the Flyers to the finals

    Other factors, Lindros by far made the players around him better.

    * He made a 3rd line winger in John Leclair a 50 goal scorer and all star. Prior to playing with Lindros Leclair's top goal scoring year was 19 goals

    * Lindros made Trent Klatt and Brent Fedyk 20 goal scorers.

    So if you compare him to Cam Neely he was better statistically and a far better player then Cam. Given the circumstances of the style they played and their careers being shortened by injury, if Cam is in there is no way to keep Lindros out.

  10. When the season started I was totally ready to give up on Hartnell. The lack of production and stupid penalties and antics was too much.

    But one of Lavy's most underated moves of the year was benching Hartnell in the beginning of the season. After the benching and short ice team, he was a different player.

    Not only has he produced, he still brings the grit to the game and has played much smarter. In fact he has played like an All Star.

    But one of the things I loved the most was his doing the Hulk Hogan hand to the ear to mock the fat Penguins fan who looked like Hulk Hogan's brother at the end of the game. That was classic and showed me the team was having fun which is key to beating the Pens.

    Even ESPN Sportcenter and Comcast mocked the guy and included the Hulkster talking leading into the highlight.

    At the beginning of the season I was all too ready to see Hartnell walk at the end of the year and spend that $4m+ somewhere else. But he has proven to me that he is capable of playing smarter, contributing offensively while providing grit as well as the intangibles to bring him back.

    In fact I think it would be great for the game on Saturday if Harnell came out wearing a Hulk Hogan hockey jersey to "I am a Real American" and mocked the guy and ripped the jersey off and gave it to the fan.

  11. Honestly beating the Leafs soundly isn't news anymore. I have always thought there was a bias with Bettman in the Pens not only with his star attraction in Crosby but also for his personal and heavy involvement in keeping the Pens in Pittsburgh.

    I also feel that not knowing the game he always had a disdain for the Flyers and their style of play from when he first got into the league.

    Those two things scare the hell out of me when facing the Pens in the first round because we are likely going to be fighting an uphill battle against not only the Pens but the leagues protection of Crosby.

    • Like 1
  12. There would have been suspensions has the roles been reversed and the Flyers put their 4th line out there.

    The Pens should receive a fine as the coward Bylsma who was a chicken **** when he played had the last shift and easily could have put another line out there.

    I say that on Saturday the first time the Pens put out the Crosby or Malkin line after a stoppage that the Flyers put out Shelley (let him earn his paycheck), Rinaldo and the latest call up from the Phantoms, Derek Mathers with Marshall and Bourdon on defense and do the same damn thing.

    Was the hit on Crosby a little cheap, yes. But nothing major. IF the Pens were that pissed at the hit then go after Schenn. Putting the 4th line like that out there was for one reason only.

  13. @Phillygrump

    Well forward is the least of this teams worries. We may well be the deepest team in the league at forward. So why on earth do we need Nash?

    And I totally agree with you that forward is the least of our worries but all the rumors are indicating conversations about Nash so I posted this more as an interesting conversation piece then factual. I even prefaced the post with preferring to spend 7-8- million I want Weber.

  14. While my preference would be that if we are going to spend $7-8 million a year I would prefer it be on someone like Weber, I definitely think there is something to acquiring Nash.

    IF the Flyers truly are involved with Columbus on acquiring Nash, then surely one of our young stars will almost surely be included in the package. So playing devils advocate, if either Schenn or Couterier had to be included to get the deal done, who would you include?

    And I have heard a lot of people complain about youth but Nash is still only 27 years old and in his prime. His stats on a lousy team speak for themselves.

    He's averaged over 30 goals on a horrible BJ team that has no one else. You put him on a line with Giroux and we likely would have our first 50 goal scorer since LeClair. He is big, but unlike Carter, actually does pass the puck as he has a pretty good goal to assist ratio.

    I think Schenn has shown lately why he was so highly rated as he brings a physical package and can score. Couts is bigger, not as physical but his hockey sense is through the roof.

    So if a trade for Nash had to be made, who would you include of Couts and Schenn?

    My choice would be to keep Couterier. He is like a coach on the ice, has excellent size and will only fill out over time. Plus if moved up to a scoring line or playing with guys who can score, his numbers would dramatically increase. Not to mention his all around game of being responsible defensively, ability to win faceoffs, etc.

  15. I have to admit, that interview was concerning. I am frustrated too Flyingswede, but I take a little different view. I would play Bryz until he gets better or implodes, whatever comes first. I would keep him in no matter how many goals. I think with the addition of Grossman and Kubina, the Flyers are hoping it gives Bryz more confidence and he plays better. Like most things, this comes down to money and they have contract in place for $51m so they have to live with it. But I know, it is not easy. Or, we could all be surprised and Bryz could be part of a blockbuster trade... Maybe Columbus?..

    I agree. For better or worse you signed him to be the man. So play him and keep him in until he plays himself back into top form, regains his confidence or shoots himself with poor play.

    I have faith on Homer but did the Flyers EVER have any in depth talks with this guy? In Phoenix he could be a space cadet because no one cared. In a major hockey market with pressure of being the man it's magnified 100 fold. Some guys thrive on the pressure and others can't

  16. This game is terrible. Pierre and the other announcers are acting like these guys are just unbelieveable and are just putting some crazy moves. The D on team Alfie isn't even trying, period. They are like Hossa's nickname is Hello Good-bye and look at the move he made. Showed the replay and the D did nothing. Where's the remote, I can't listen to these tools.

    I think the game is terrible but only because of the players involved. The league truly needs to make it an "honor" to want to play in the game and have the players vote for the all stars. Only Karlsson and Spezza were truly all star worthy this season. Allowing the fans to vote has turned the game into a farce and a popularity contest; not too mention turning the site of the game into a joke with the home team's fans loading the ballot box.

  17. I think we need a younger stud defenseman to replace Pronger. I don't see the Flyers making that move as it would likely cost several key players. What I think we have to do is get more physical on defense. I don't want some 35 year old guy due to his contract. I want a younger player who will grow with the nucleus of the team and be a factor for years. That's why if I make any trade that would be considered major, it would be a JVR for Schenn. Schenn would give us the physical presence on defense, give us 20 minutes a night, unite the Schenn brothers and be a guy to build the defense around as Pronger is done and Kimo is at the end of the road.

  18. The Flyers are regressing,Bobbo gets hung out to dry,Giroux is becoming the new enforcer,nobody on the Flyers doing anything remotely physical,and Lavi out coached to the point of embarrasment. Its looking like the guys are tired of Lavi's BS and his inept system. The Flyer's game fails at the most fundamental level,nothing works,the players take the heat. I watched a little of the Rangers/Pens game and noticed how hard the Pens worked,played physical,made the best of what they had,and beat the Rangers. It was nice to see hockey played high speed and upscale,something missing with the Flyer's game.

    I don't think it's Lavi at all. I stand by my assertion that the team needs a physical defenseman. While they might not have stopped the shootout fest last night ultimately it will help.

  19. @brelic

    It's amazing how some guys play the game at full speed yet some can be just as effective slowing it down and thinking it out. He's definately got that hockey sense going on.

    And that is what truly makes a player special (the ones capable of slowing things down). You see that with Giroux with his speed and and stop and start ability. I see glimpses of that with Couts with his hockey sense which is really off the charts. What he might lack in flat out speed he makes up for in "knowing" where the play is going, anticipating and being there on time.

    We are seeing why he was the top ranked junior player going into his draft year. Fortunately for us he suffered mono and it impacted his game enough to drop to the 8th spot.

  20. Ah yes its time again for the war of words between the rich men and corporations whose teams are playthings as much as they are profit centers/tax loss writeoff centers.

    Frankly I like the fact Donald Fehr is there to ruffle the physical and mental midget commissioners feathers as well. The only downside is he is going to try and protect jobs in markets that are LOSERS and exist on league subsidies or ownership

    Now I feel better and on to the real issue

    Sane people will pretty much expect Pronger to be done and something to have to be done with the space cowboy goalie

    Based on the fact that the everyone knows the CBA is

    1) Wholly inadequate relating to over 35 years old contract players injuries/retirment

    2) It previously allowed one time buyouts

    3) Player movement between NHL/AHL due to AHL vets salaries restriction is problematic

    4) Too limiting in regards to maximum number of player contracts with growing numbers of injuries

    What do you think will happen that will benefit the Flyers in the new CBA or renewal of some existing terms in the CBA

    My take is the same it has been for years prior to and after the lockout and it's so simple in it's form


    If the bigger market teams want to spend more implement a luxury tax or a weighted salary cap scale based on a percentage of the league revenue they generate.

    The NHL is successful when the big market or traditional hockey market clubs are successful. The casual fan is more likely to tune in to a Flyers - Wings or Rangers - Blackhawks matchup then they would a Columbus - Tampa or Phoenix - Florida final. Heck even die hards might not tune in for those latter matchups.

    Why should successful teams like the Flyers, Rangers, Le Habitants, Leafs, Red Wings, etc. be penalized or put on equal footing to support Bettman mistakes in trying to put hockey in every city?

    I stand by my assertion that the NHL is a niche league and does much better ratings wise and exposure wise when the top markets are playing. So give the teams that are or were keeping the league afloat a little advantage or remove the cap entirely.

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