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Everything posted by orange_crush

  1. What happened to Orange Jesus? last week everyone proclaimed he can walk on water...reality check.
  2. you can analyze every goal Bryz allowed but bottom line is he kept us in the last 2 games..our defence is horrible and offence is non exisistant.. Bryz has been hung out to dry 90% of this series..not his fault
  3. Lavy is being outcoached right now..plain and simple.. and the young guys are breaking down..
  4. I would insert Kubina and scratch Gus... the only way to stop cycling is to win the physical battles and were not doing that right now..
  5. It's time for Bryz to get his head out of his @ss and start playing at a higher level...the rest of the team is fine..
  6. who the hell listens to the radio anymore? that's like reporting Flyers will no longer sell VHS tapes..
  7. your probably correct..Bryz was injured going into the playoffs and hasn't played well since..
  8. I'm going to say they reveal Bryz i still injured and will be out the remainder of the playoffs..
  9. looked to me like Schenn and JVR are about the same size..but I agree Schenn plays with an edge and toughness that JVR just doesn't bring to the table..
  10. Marty had reasons to be whining after getting run over by JVR, Hartnell, and Simmonds all night
  11. I agree what your saying about Schenn..its ashame he loses his spot just because JVR comes back from an injury..not sure why Lavy would want to mess with the lines after all the success we had in round 1
  12. Not to be negative..but why don't we wait until he actually wins us something until we make him a God..
  13. It's all about matchups...Rags are a very defensive minded team with an elite goalie.. therefore yes Bryz needs to be better to beat the Rags...we will be lucky to score 2 goals a game against the Rags
  14. I agree Rags usually give up less than 2 goals a game..we need better goal tending to get past them..
  15. Bob isn't any better, we have no choice but to ride Bryz thru the playoffs...the best we can do is continue to block shots , clear the crease, and minimize the shots against him..like they did in Game 6 against the Pens
  16. he's kind of reminding me of Thoreson..can't score in a whore house..he's a great PK and fast but I don't see much goal production from him...but he's definantly a valuable player on this team
  17. actually nowadays his salary is probably about average or even a deal compared to other elite players in the NHL...yeah Briere is always money come playoff time..
  18. usually I agree with you but I have to respectfully disagree on this one..JVR really stood out in this game, driving the net and generating scoring chances..if he gets on fire with Briere watch out..
  19. I thought all 3 goals were bad and should have been stopped by Bryz, luckily the offence bailed him out again..but he really needs to play better if were going to distance this year..
  20. Good thought on Carle going to Minny, they'll have alot of cap money to spend..I hear there aggressively pursing Parise..
  21. Blysma is as bad at press conferences as he is coaching.. what does Pittsburgh see in this guy? I know he won a cup but does he really deserve full credit for that?
  22. If we win the cup this year, that quote and first shift by Giroux will go down in history forever..
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