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Props to the Boston Fans, Bruins, and Sabres

Dynamo 47

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I wanted to first wish my condolences to all Bruins fans and their families impacted by the cowardly bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Last night was a fantastic testament to a city, its residents, and hockey fans alike. The fans singing the National Anthem was fantastic and something I will remember for a long time. The crowd recognizing the first responders, those who participated in the marathon and the ovations were incredible.

Finally, props to both the Sabres and Bruins. They showed why hockey and hockey fans are the greatest in all sports. The two teams saluted the crowd in unison at Center Ice then proceeded to try and kill each other for 60 minutes plus overtime before a shootout ended the game.

Last night showed how truly great a city Boston is and the great fans in Boston. I will remember that for a long time. I taped the game for my 11 year old son to watch as an example of the great sport of hockey, the strength and perseverance of its fans.

Last night Boston showed the world they are Boston Strong!

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