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Eastern Conference: Mid-Season Report



blog-0822616001389158067.jpgThe Eastern Conference is a little more up for grabs than the Western Conference. There have been four teams that have proved to all that they will be in the playoffs. Boston (58) and Pittsburgh (63) have clearing proven that they are the class of the conference. Not far behind is Montreal (55) and Tampa Bay (54). These teams are a little bit of a surprise, but have been consistent in the first half of the season, and have basically solidified themselves as playoff teams.

The next category is the teams that look like they are in, but cannot afford any let downs. These teams look like they have a seventy five percent chance of making the playoffs. Toronto (47), Detroit (48), Washington (46), and Philadelphia (46) have all proved that they are moving in the right direction. Toronto and Detroit have had there ups and downs. Toronto bolted out of the start, and has recently fallen back to reality. Detroit has been decimated with injuries, and look to improve their point total as they become healthy. Washington has been a weird team this year. They have been mediocre most of the year, and time will tell what direction they will go. I do think that they will remain consistent and make the playoffs. Philadelphia was a train wreck to start the year, but recently remembered how to score. I look for them to continue surging upward into the playoffs.

Now the log-jam of teams on the outside looking in. The following two teams are looking to steal a playoff spot in the second half. Carolina (45) is on the way up, and New York Rangers (45) look to be trending down. Both will have a difficult time working their way in, but there is about a fifty percent chance that they will be able to pull this off.

The long shots will really have to pull one out of the hat, but it is still a possibility. The following four teams must put together a long winning streak to find themselves playing in the post season. Ottawa (45), New Jersey (42), Columbus (42), and Florida (38) are all on the outside looking at the mountain that they must climb. Surprisingly Columbus, and Florida are in a minor winning trend lately and playing the best hockey they have played this season. It is a long shot, but one of these teams may find a way to sneak in.

The New York Islanders (37), and Buffalo (28) are out, I mean out, dead gone and no chance. Now some may say, well the Islanders could pull it off? I will believe it when I see it. They have no scoring, consistency, or goaltending. I have a hard time believeing that this will change. It is time to prepare for the future for these two teams.

The Eastern Conference is not as strong as the Western Conference, but the race down the stretch in this conference looks to be amazing. There is a few more question marks and it will be a wild second half of the season in the east.

Eastern Conference: Mid-Season Report



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