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Commander Clueless

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Posts posted by Commander Clueless

  1. He's in the doghouse after the Phoenix game, allegedly (for taking two bad penalties).


    He averaged 11 shifts a game up to then and is now in single digits.


    Despite that, he is tied for second in total hits (29) with Ott and Abdelkader, one behind Evander Kane. (he had zero hits against Detroit and just two against Vancouver).


    Ah the good ol' doghouse.

  2. I love both the SHARKS & CANUCKS after my BOLTS of course.


    Sharks being my West con team & Canucks my Canadian team.



    I have to say this though, I do feel bad for Canucks fans... Vancouver should have kept Schneider and possibly should have let go Luongo.


    Sharks on the other hand, the way there playing thus far this year, it MAY be that this will be the YEAR of the SHARKS to actually go further than the playoffs.


    That is, if they can keep playing the rest of the season like they are now...


    You should become a secondary Leafs fan! I mean, we practically have the same jerseys as Tampa!


    Sharks are looking fairly unstoppable right now. I'm sure they'll come back down to earth a bit eventually, but they are looking good this year no doubt.

  3. CC - I'd turn that around 180. I see Rinaldo and his hits (leads the league or close to it) as critical to the Flyers' success - just as valuable as Grossmann's shotblocking or Couturier or Schenn's puck control. But Rosehill I just don't get. We finally got out from under Shelly's stupid contract and we immediately take on Jay Rosehill. Nothing against Rosehill but we've got guys who can fight; we just don't need him taking up a roster spot.


    Oh I totally agree. I meant Rinaldo should be getting more minutes. I was confused by his low totals.


    As for Rosehill, yeah...I liked Rosie while he was with the Leafs but to be honest he's an AHL goon. He was a stand in enforcer back then (because you know, we gotta have an enforcer), and to me that's what his role is. At 2 minutes a game....just get him out of there.

  4. @FORBSY


    Welcome.  I think.......   ;)


    We've been here for almost 2 years what took you so long to find us....it isn't as if we didn't leave a trail.....


    I don't think the Leafs have a deep enough roster to win the cup in 2015.  They could make it out of the first round though. 


    He's admitted to being a Leafs fan. We've been in hiding for years now. You wouldn't know it because there are so many, but it's just a ruse to keep everyone from knowing how many of us there are. When we truly have something to celebrate, it will be like a zombie apocalypse movie....but with more blue. And beer.



    I said a couple of years ago that the Leafs would win the Cup by the 2015 season.  This isn't a sudden prediction based on their blazing hot start.  If there's actually anyone left on the scorched earth that was once known as Philly.com, my claim can be substantiated.  The fact that they're 6-1 & not yet at all playing their best hockey (& without two of their top 9 forwards) is a good sign.  Last year I predicted the Leafs would make the playoffs & get knocked out in the 1st round.  This year, we will go deeper........bet the house on it!


    I didn't mean to imply it was a rash prediction. After 40 years, I'd call any prediction for the Leafs to win the cup bold. :lol:


    :( Oww my own feelings.....

  5. Well, MLSE can do whatever they want with their own (our) money. The cap hit thing is what really matters, and that sucks. On top of that we also have another 3 games without Clarkson thanks to what passes for bravado in his head.


    The cap situation is a bit messy particularly with Liles not playing. I like Liles and I think that, while overpaid, he can still be an effective NHLer so it sucks to see him in his current situation - although if I was Nonis/Carlyle, I wouldn't play him over Rielly at the moment either.


    That said, I can't argue too much with the results thus far. It does, however, likely prevent the team from picking up a decent rental at the deadline should they be in a playoff position come deadline time.


    Thankfully, a good chunk of that clears up this coming offseason so they should be okay, although by no means sitting pretty.

  6. Bold, bro. Bold.


    I like that the team is looking much better than they have been in the recent past, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. They've got a ways to go before becoming legit cup contenders methinks. That defensive coverage in particular needs some serious work - buuut they've been winning so I can't really complain.


    They'll also need their young guys to keep developing and a goalie to truly emerge, but I definitely like their progress thus far.

  7. @Commander Clueless  Apparently, we don't even need the Sharks to devour us to lose...we scored on our own net tonite on our OWN power play vs Montreal!! :blink:  UGH!! May have to switch teams...in shame... :(   


    Sorry buddy, I had to look that one up. That was pretty funny but I can definitely understand your pain on that one.


    Luongo was taking a bit of a snooze on his way back to the net there.


    For some reason talking about own goals reminds me of the time Bryan McCabe scored on his own net. With a slapshot....



    Poor Lu. Torts SMASH, I'm sure.

    • Like 1
  8. From what little I've seen of the Wings so far this season, I agree Kronwall has looked a little off from his usual self. Mild injury, maybe?


    Tatar and Nyquist full time. Make it happen! ^_^


    What line is Alfredsson playing on?  I still think he's a has-been now.  He looked weak last season, and I'm afraid it's only gonna get worse from here.  


    See, I knew it! Everyone's always saying "silly Leafs fans" but it's true! Alfredsson is a fiend! ;)

    • Like 1
  9. Ouch. Sharks really seem to have the Nucks' number lately.


    Santorelli has some pretty sweet stats this year so far. See? You guys didn't need Raymond! :D 


    As for that early goalie pull, I think there was another coach (Eakins maybe?) talking about how it was under-utilized and should happen sooner? It certainly gives Torts more time with an extra man, but of course increased risk. It does make some sense I guess - particularily if you are down 2 goals.

    • Like 1
  10. A 4-0 shutout against the Preds tonite, the 7th of his career...looking really good so far in the Leafs' net, really exciting to watch him!  At age 25, his career on the rise in his prime.


    (On the other hand, what the heck is happening to the elite goalies of the league? Pekka Rinne gives up 4 goals tonite, Henrik Lundqvist gives up 6!! (6-0 shutout for Ducks tonite)....whaaat?? Lundqvist has really not been looking himself lately!)   :o


    In Rinne's defense, he let in 4 goals but he made some pretty awesome saves. I can't comment on King Henrik (didn't see the game).


    I agree though, Bernier's been really fun to watch. Very calm back there and controls the game around him well. Hopefully he keeps up the good work.

  11. Very early in the year, but Bernie's certainly making his case. I really like what I've seen from him so far. Reimer's been quite good himself, but Bernier's definitely be the better goalie thus far.


    We probably won't be able to get a good feel for this until at least the halfway mark though.

  12. I think they should take down the nets and have everyone put on disney costumes and just skate around for a couple hours.  No one gets their feelings hurt; no one suffers a concussion; and Hartnell can fall as much as he wants and we'll all think that's what Goofy is supposed to do.


    They should just have a full speed headbutting contest, big horn style. First team to inflict a concussion gets the extra point. Tucking in your jersey or removing your helmet gets you an automatic suspension.


    Spin-o-rama headbutts are totally legal.

  13. A spin-o-rama is motion... and as long as the puck continues to move forward, leave it alone.  How much do we really want to micromanage the game?  


    A good point, although I do think the player should have to keep moving and the spin-o-rama represents the player coming to a stop, if not the puck.


    However, this is within the rules and stands as a good shootout goal....and I'm not complaining about that. It's just my 2 cents.

  14. No, it probably shouldn't be allowed. Just like you shouldn't be able to skate up to the goalie, stop, deke, and then shoot. It should probably be a continuous motion with the player's legs and puck.


    But I think we're forgetting the real enemy here - the Ottawa Senators. Screw those guys.


    Also, this whole thing is somehow Daniel Alfredsson's fault.


    /end spite

    • Like 1
  15.     So lets throw a hypothetical,:

      Your club, lets call them the Flyers for lack of a better game is playing the Wings. Lets say Giroux is crossing the Blue line and gets destroyed by my favorite player in the game, lets call him Nick Kronwall. Absolutely crushed, maybe clean maybe a bit dirty and Giroux does not know who or where he is. The ref sees nothing wrong and no penalty is even called.

      Under the current system Rinaldo would watch his minutes go from ten in a typical game to being the clubs most active forward, a heat seeking missile looking for anything in an opposing jersey to hit, especially going for the skill players to even up the hit on Giroux, at least until someone for the Wings finally said, fine, it is evened up, someone like Brendan Smith or Tootoo  fought Rinaldo and both teams called it even. The game might be chippy but the message would be sent, Zetterberg or Datsyuk would be a little worse for wear and there might be bad blood but the Flyers would answer the bell and the message sent.

      Under the rule with no fighting it would be: Kronner destroys Giroux. Rinaldo hits everything that moves until he has either cost his team the game by living in the penalty box or until Tootoo and he fight and get ejected, leaving the Flyers TWO forwards down for the remainder of the game.


    I see what you did there. Sick burn! That's pretty harsh - kicking them while they are down! :o


    Anyway, let me start off by saying that I find the fighting entertaining. I admit it. Call me a brutal savage if you like, but I find it fun, including the random meaningless fights (although less so than more "meaningful" fights).


    However, I've always found that while fighting is a component of the game in a sense, it's more of a secondary thing that has little bearing on the actual game of hockey. While it is a part of the game and can certainly generate energy and momentum for one or both teams, I find that it's "true purpose" of enforcing the no cheap shot policy is overstated. If enforcers are required to keep a game from getting out of control and to keep players from cheap shotting each other, then to me that speaks more of the officiating (or lack thereof) in the game than it does about the necessity of fighting. Players shouldn't have to police themselves.


    I will be disappointed if fighting is removed from the game. I will not stop watching hockey, but I will be disappointed.

  16. I think people are putting too much stock into the first three games of the season. There is a ways to go before you need to worry about either team.


    Agreed, way too much hockey left to be played to determine anything. So far, from what little I've seen, both teams look like they have another gear they aren't showing yet. But hey, where's the fun in NOT panicking? Way more exciting.


    Also, apparently Philadelphia disagrees with you.

  17. Playoffs: can't blame Grabovski for being frustrated. He was saddled with tough zone starts: 28.8%. Despite starting out the vast majority of his shifts next to his own net, his line still badly out-chanced the opposition and he was far and away the best centre in terms of chances/possession: +19.3 CorsiRel.


    What Carlyle did with Grabovski is a textbook case on how to mismanage a player. Grabo had a good year in 2013, did a ton of heavy lifting from next to the Leafs net with weak linemates, and that let Kadri score easier points with plumb offensive zone starts. Despite those rough starts, the puck still moved the right way. A chart of the players who played 200 minutes with Grabovski, and Tyler Bozak over the last 5 years, for reference:




    That's 17 of 18 players whose possession numbers improved, and not just a little bit either. WAY better.


    There's nothing wrong with using Grabovski the way that Carlyle did. I'd rather throw tough minutes at a veteran who can handle them, but it's not right to treat him like a disappointment when (gasp!) his offensive numbers take a hit when his shifts start in his own end next to weak teammates. That's a damned good hockey player who they paid to play for somebody else.




    While I agree, when a player makes $5.5M people (well fans...you know us Leafers) expect stats. STATS DARN YOU! You'll notice advanced stats don't favour Toronto, so those are best left ignored. ;)


    Grabovski certainly filled a role that was asked of him and not his ideal role, and for that I respect him. He had a right to be angry, although some of his comments during his "exit interview" weren't true. Grabovski was never played like a 4th liner...he was an effective 3rd line center with a larger price tag than many fans liked.


    Carlyle can be a stubborn man. This is known, and can certainly be a negative.


    Buyout was still frustrating. I can't believe they couldn't find even a crap deal for him....

  18. @King Knut


    ah good, another possible member to the Wild side.




    At this rate, this will switch from a Flyers' dominated board to a Wild dominated board.


    ...and this Leaf fan will sit in the corner feeling lonely and debating his existence...*crickets*.

    • Like 1
  19. Yeah, I will miss Grabo. I liked him a lot. I liked Mac too but I think his scathing remarks are less deserving than Grabo's. I will not look forward to either of them scoring against the Leafs, as ex-Leafs always do.


    Raymond certainly has been a pleasant surprise as Mac's replacement. It was either awesome luck or double secret schrewdness on Nonis' part - I'm guessing the former. Still, credit where it's due.


    Eerily similar situations, with MacArthur's arrival to the Leafs being in the form of a cheap ($1.1M I believe) "show us what you got" type contract.

  20. @jammer2


    Yeah, Grabovski is and was a good player (while not producing anything in the playoffs, Grabovski played very well and did so with intensity), but it is good to see him "freed" in Washington. For whatever reason, Carlyle got it stuck in his head that Grabo needed to be his shutdown guy - although I guess it makes a certain amount of sense as Kadri was the better scorer last year (and can't play shutdown) while Grabo never really seemed to gel with Kessel, while Bozak did. If Grabovski had any chemistry on the top line I seriously doubt we would have seen him bought out. If anything, Bozak would have walked for Bolland, or Bolland would never have been traded for.


    Count me as one who is happy to see Grabovski thrive...while dreading the day he returns to Toronto. I assume he'll go crazy. I'm also hopeful that Bolland is more suited to the role that Carlyle had previously thrust Grabovski into, but I guess we'll see. He certainly won't get as many points as Grabo will this year, but that's to be expected. As for MacArthur, I think Raymond adequately replaces him at a cheaper cost. While MacArthur is grittier and a better scorer IMO, Raymond is faster and better defensively while being cheaper. I think Raymond makes a better 3rd liner while MacArthur should be top six like he is in Ottawa.


    On a semi-related note, Grabovski signed for $4 million, didn't he? Can't help but think they could have retained a bit of salary to move him and amnestied Liles for a better overall cap situation going forward.....

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