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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. Kronwall has the reputation of hitting players who are in vulnerable positions. There's a new hit every week or two from him (see all the youtube clips in this thread). You don't see other players with the same hit over and over and over again. Kronwall has gotten very good at "legally" head hunting.
  2. What is really astounding is your new avitar. Is that a teddy bear???
  3. How many fights end up with a player getting a concussion? I think they need to look at some other things to limit concussions, like softening the equipment, getting rid of the tempered glass, etc.
  4. You typically don't see the enforcers in the line up for play off games. I wouldn't count on seeing him.
  5. Pretty good article on the worth of Carle to the Flyers. Many Flyers fans don't see it this way. Read it with an open mind. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/Carles-deadline-impact.html I like this comment: "Lets get rid of the ignorance and stop the "turnover machine' nonsense. Carle turns the puck over less than one time per game(45). He is 20th in the league in turnovers. Behind such crappy defenseman as John Carlson(74), Brett Burns(54), Zdeno Chara(52), Keith Yandle (65), and Drew Doughty (55). If you are going to spew ignorance at least get the facts. He also leads the team in blocked shots (top 20 in the league)by a pretty healthy margin. He also leads the team in ICE TIME basically playing with whoever is the replacement of the day. Leads the team in shifts taken and total even strength time on ice. He hasn't been paired with Pronger at all this season and most of last season due to Prongers injuries so saying his stats are a result of Pronger is just blatantly ignorant and wreaks of WIP brainwashing. The stats and facts don't lie. He hasn't been "exposed" in any way and whoever says he has knows nothing about hockey."
  6. Agreed. Canucks made a bunch of moves, too. Not sure if any of them will help. In fact, I'd be concerned about all the moves affecting the chemestry.
  7. Gaustad and a 4th round pick got a 1st in return. Nashville over paid.
  8. Bob will, more than likely, be part of the trade package. They won't carry 3 goalies, and Bob would have to pass through waivers. That's not going to happen.
  9. I would go for JVR for Schneider in a heartbeat.
  10. He just needs to find peace in his soul to play in this city. That's all.
  11. I do have a problem with only a fine. The standard was set when Stewart was suspended. Theres is a HUGE disparity in the discipline handed out. Both should have received a 1 game suspension. They got both wrong.
  12. I haven't seen this in any of the threads regarding Nash so I'll throw it out there. Homer may be talking with Howson so that anyone who has interest in Nash think both teams are working a deal. Maybe one of them panics and throws a huge (over payment) offer to Howson that will hurt their team for years to come. Maybe a little out there, but it's possible.
  13. Rinaldo got suspended 2 games for a 2 min minor penalty. Staal got a 2 min minor when he should have gotten a 5 and a game. Then he was fined when he should have gotten a suspension. I don't see how you can compare the 2 plays. Try comparing the Staal cross check to the cross check that got Chris Stewart from the Blues suspended for 3 games. Stewart had no history of suplimental discipline prior to this suspension. Come back if you think your argument is still good. http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=60&intcmpid=nhl-hp-vidchn-safety
  14. Bbbwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa!
  15. Babyshowers?!? WTF??? By the way, the AHL does morning games during the week.
  16. That hit was 100 times worse than the Rinaldo hit and he gets his hand slapped. I'm all for "climbing the ladder" when it comes to suplemetary discipline, but you have to recognize when to bypass a rung. Shanny hasn't figured that out yet.
  17. Announce the fine "Stall receives a $2500 fine and Referee Stephan Auger is suspended for the next 10 games for blowing the call".
  18. LOL!!! You guys can't be serious?!? Shanny handed down the fine so Staal can play tomorrow. They don't announce a fine with "future considerations". It's done.
  19. You almost sold me, too, but the commute is a little too far.
  20. Agree with the lateral move comment. Trading a 2nd overall for a 3rd overall (both under-achievers) seems pretty even to me.
  21. I saw the thread title and thought this was a trade rumor.
  22. In numerous recent fights, I've heard and read commentators on the fight saying one player won the fight. Last night's fight between Sestito and Kassian is a good example. At least 3 commentators said Kassian won the fight. It appears that Sestito throws 15 punches and lands 10 of them. Some of the punches are glancing blows. Kassian throws 6 and lands 3. The last 2 were the best punches and knocked down Sestito. So what determines the winner? The knock down or the number of punches landed or is it something else?
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