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Posts posted by Lindbergh31

  1. Why is Brayden Schenn still unsigned beyond this season?


    Just waiting for cap space to open up?

    Maybe Homer learned from the JVR signing, wait and see what Schenn does before giving him a lont-term deal that will end up handcuffing the Flyers cap wise.

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  2. I think Mason is a better goaltender than Emery.  I liked Mason as a goalie, and wished he'd recover.. not anymore   ;)   If it falls to Emery I think you guys are in no better shape than you would be with Bryzgalov.  I know a lot of you love him and will jump to defend him, but he's no better than Bryzgalov.  Maybe just not as nuts.  

    I hope Mason rebounds to have a good year as for Emery even at his worse I'd still take him over Bryzgalov any day.  As for the defense, I was hoping that they'd pair Gus with Grossmann, Streit with Schenn and Timo with Coburn with the 3 sets of D getting close to the same playing time. Timo is probably gone at the end of this year or if he comes back it will be in a reduce role.  Somehow Lavi has to get Gus with more playing time this year to see if he can handle the load and basically become the replacement for TImo.

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  3. Jammer... That is a perfectly valid question and not a single one of us knows the answer - the true answer. Maybe hexy and homer talked and both agreed that going with the youth is better served. Maybe Hextall swayed homers thought process during talks.

    My point here is that I find it hard to believe that homer promised anything more than a" we'll see." To me Gagne and camp did a disservice to himself/themsleves by telling his agent to not talk to anyone else - he admitted to doing so...

    Does it make it right? Of course not but by doing so he put himself in a bad position. Again, my point is that Homer did not promise anything so nothing was a given in terms of a contract.

    I love Gagne but I think he was naive at best during the whole process. Running g a hockey team is about putting the best product on the ice and not about favors or handshake deals. It is a fluid situation and as opportunities present themselves thinking and strategies have to change.

    I think once Cleary was invited Gagne should have known he had a long shot to get an invite. To say that Homer was "hinting" that he would get a contract or an invite tells me that Homer was playing both sides of the coin - as a GM I find it funny that people get upset with this but to me it is strictly business.

    I hope the best for Gagne and I find it odd that he publicly recanted some of his comments. I don't fault Homer for making tough decisions in the best interest of the club. Whether they are the right decisions is a different storyB-)

    With that said I hate how the whole thing played out... A good soldier like Gagne should go out with nothing but class. I think the Flyers should have handled better but I think Gagne could have handled the situation better as well.

    Last, having a young kid play will be better for the team and better for the cap. I just don't see Gagne helping this team at the cost he will demand.

    The one thing I haven't been able to find or see in articles is what Gagne was looking for in a contract. If the Flyers were looking to sign him between $1 million and $1.5 million but Gagne was looking for over $2 million then Gagne should have figured it out for himself. As for Cleary, I find it hard to believe that the Flyers offered him a 3 year deal yet he took a one year deal to stay in Detroit. Always liked Gagne as a player but he's been in the business long enough to know you don't put your eggs in one basket and it doesn't look like other teams were interested in him probably because of his past injuries.

  4. Yesterday, Panaccio reported that Timonen may continue playing after next season. It depends on how his body feels and whether he can maintain his accustomed standards on the ice.


    Timonen finished 6th last year in points of all NHL d-men. 


    Although Timonen stated that this would would be his last season do you want him back next season at age 39?

    Isn't Streit suppose to be the replacement for Timonen? If he wants to resign for one year at $3 million then maybe otherwise let him go.

  5. "Hockey has periods not quarters"

    What are we going to hear next? Faceoff specialists are like long snappers?

    I smell the stench of Kuato from where I am sitting.

    In any case, I think that Reese may be able to inspire healthy competition from the Flyers two current goalies. I am not sure how helping Mason out means getting him to play deeper in the net, but time will tell.

    It also doesn't hurt that Emery has played in Philly before so he understands the fanbase and Mason got a little taste of it last season. It should be interesting to see which goalie takes the bull by the horns and runs with the number one position.

  6. I'll go ahead and assume that Giroux is also "extremely disappointed" to not be at camp.


    Sometimes, the responsibility to rehab an injury in support of the team of which you are the captain and being paid handsomely outweighs "team building exercises" for a group that won't even insure you.

    Maybe if Hockey Canada was paying his salary instead of the Philadelphia Flyers then they can bitch about him not showing up for these team building exercises, it's not like he'd be able to participate in the ball hockey exercise yesterday. If I'm not mistaken Joe Thornton wasn't there either.

  7. Greetings:

    I just went to the Flyers's website and noted that Andej M is still on the injured reserve list.


    If not mistaken, Homer first said he should be cleared at the end of June, then it was the end of July.

    I think his days of playing with Flyers...or anywhere for that matter, may be over. That would knock another 4.5 mill of the cap. Obviously, for his sake and the team's, I hope my assessment is off. We saw what he can do if healthy. But "if" is the operative term here...and I really wonder. CP may have company in the rafters.



    Hopefully that's the case, maybe if he's still on IR that he starts the season on there which would give the young defensemen a chance at playing.

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  8. I might also say that I think that the first line Hartnell-VLC-Giroux also has the benefit - if it gels - of being signed for the next five years. I think it can be a pretty devastating line with Hartnell as the Mikael Renberg of the group - if you will...

    I think they'll start Hartnell on the line with Giroux and Vorachek, second line will be Vinny with Simmonds and Schenn. 3rd line will be Couts with Read and Gagne (if he resigns) and Hall centering Talbot and some one else.
  9. FC, eventhough I agree with you regarding more of the old boys club, Hextall is different when it comes to Philly management. The biggest thing is he wasn't trained under Clarke or Holmgren so he has a different perspective on managing. Another plus is he is a former Flyer who understands how Ed Snider thinks and how the fanbase is. I think he'd do well as a replacement for Holmgren down the road. Hopefully the Flyers will allow him to rebuild the farm system for the Phantoms.

  10. Hey guys, first time posting, been reading from a distance for a long time. Used to be on philly.com awhile back. Last time I posted... lindros was on the team! I used to post under jayhockey back in the day. Some of your names are familiar. Don't always have time to post ( I don't work at a desk) but I'm ready to put my two cents in. Look forward to flyer related discussion.

    Welcome Quint, the more Flyers fans the better.

  11. @DaGreatGazoo

    I get your point, but doubt Homer would hire him to put pressure on himself. More of the old boys club, that's all.

    FC, eventhough I agree with you regarding more of the old boys club, Hextall is different when it comes to Philly management. The biggest thing is he was trained under Clarke or Holmgren so he has a different perspective on managing. Another plus is he is a former Flyer who understands how Ed Snider thinks and how the fanbase is. I think he'd do well as a replacement for Holmgren down the road. Hopefully the Flyers will allow him to rebuild the farm system for the Phantoms.

  12. Distraught by the fact he was not offered another multiyear deal by the Flyers and inspired by George Costanza, Free Agent Winger Jody Shelley has reportedly barricaded himself in a press box at the Wells Fargo Center.

    After being denied access to the WFC, Shelley apparently exchanged punches with an 80 year old security guard. Shelley was reportedly busted open and bloodied by the guard but was able to still power past him. Shelley entered the building and crawled through the ventilation system before dropping into the press box.

    Negotiators have been speaking with Shelley by phone. According to an unnamed source; Shelley stated, “I am not ready to leave the Flyers. I spent the entire year in this press box last season and it’s my home. I know I did a great job serving popcorn and Pepsi to Homer, Clarkie and Lukko all season, way better than that hack Riley Cote used to do.” “When Homer signed me and gave me a Full No Movement Clause, I thought that meant I did not have to move out of the press box unless I chose to.” Before hanging up on the negotiators, Shelley reported stated that Snider better be prepared to cough up a front office position or coaching position with the Phantoms if they want him to surrender.

    Respected Hockey Reporters Pierre McGuire and Eklund are racing to the WFC and will continue to monitor this situation. McGuire, who was on vacation with Sidney Crosby said that he was shocked by today’s events and, “that’s not the Jody Shelley I know.” Eklund, who was making up fake blogs from his mom’s basement at the time of the incident replied, “Major update coming (e5).”

    Stay tuned!

    Thanks for the laugh but I was concerned that Holmgren resigned him to a 5 year deal with a NMC.

  13. Well I get it. What all you guys are saying. My only thing is now we're back to Goalie-Go-Round and the word "controversy" can't be far behind. How does this work in actuality? Who's told what? You guys will tell me "they're both told to fight for the job" and that's all well and good. But that's just words. What I mean is - who plays when? What happens when...soft goal, bad game, bad week of games, great game, great month...etc.

    This whole platoon deal is for the birds if you ask me. Now that we've got Emery my idea would be to give him the starting job and tell him it's his to lose but that he will be given a wide berth, a long leash. I'd do this because I think Emery is closer to a stable asset than Mason is, Emery will give the Flyers the best chance of winning. And then Mason gets to do 2nd-half of B2Bs and starts another 20 games or so. Exactly the wrong approach for Mason but that's what we have now with Emery.

    Well you can look at it another way, both goalies want to be number one so hopefully they bring their best every game instead of having a goalie signed for 7 more years who is more concerned about outer space than playing goal. Competition isn't a bad thing especially for one goalie (Mason) who is trying to redeem himself and get back to being a number one goalie.

  14. I like this. I always liked Ray Emery even when he was getting in all that after-hours trouble up in Ottawa. But I think this signals to Mason "we don't believe you'll make it kid" and that's a shame. Probably the right evaluation but a shame. Mason is so big, so fast, so smart but what goes on between his ears is anybody's guess!

    Well it looks like Holmgren is giving Mason a second chance to prove himself and to show he is a good number one goalie. And if he proves that this year then he'll get rewarded financially. Glad to see Emery back, he's a veteran who has experience not to mention a cup ring. Finally, Holmgren did something right, too bad he didn't do this with Bobrovsky two years ago instead of signing Bryzgalov.

  15. And so it begins...

    Where is Eminger? Let's trade Coots for Eminger.

    I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.

    I agree once again Holmgren paints himself into a corner - cap wise and the Flyers will end up trading one of their young players. If he is going to trade Couturier I hope to hell that he gets a young player - hopefully a defenseman back. It's starting to look like the Flyers will never win a cup until Snider passes away like what happened in Chicago when Bill Wirtz kicked the bucket and then the Blackhawks came back to being an elite team.

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  16. Which is why I think he's a better fit elsewhere. TO and Detroit need a 2nd line center. Heck, Nashville needs "A" center. In Philly he'd have to play wing if they want to keep developing Schenn. But you still talk to the guy. Never know what he'll say.

    I read somewhere that Vinny would rather stay in the States instead of playing in Montreal or Toronto because he doesn't want to be in the limelight like he would in those cities with their rabid fanbases.

  17. I agree with Gagne, bring him back!! He deserves to be here and won't hurt us. It certainly sounds to me like he's willing to take what he can get to be here and RETIRE a FLYER as he so deserves!!!

    I'll be pissed if Holmgren doesn't resign Gagne. Gagne is willing to take less to stay in Philly, he will take over being the mentor for the young players, especially to the French speaking players. If he is willing to sign for cheap then he'd be great on the third line.

  18. Lets say the Flyers stay at #11 who is your pick? Who do you want to see them take at #11.

    This has to be a player realistically slated for that range. I saw some mocks where Nurse was slated there so lets include him.

    I'm saying Ristolainen.

    I agree the Flyers can use a right-handed shooting defenseman!

  19. Lightningbuys out LECAVALIER. The Flyers have always coveted LECAVALIER and wonder if Holmgren is thinking about signing him. What's everyone think Holmgren will do?

    Never say never when it comes to Holmgren, he'll disregard the real problem on this team - goaltending and defense and try to sign another forward (will call it the Bob Clarke syndrome). He'll say that he needed to replace Briere.

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  20. Based on what I am reading form various sources I think the next move (internally) is to lock up Captain G. While there is a lot of speculation what do you expect in relation to the Cap Hit and Terms of the contract? Is an 8M cap hit on the way? What is the expectation on the contract length? What does he deserve based on a break out year 2 seasons ago and an average (in G terms) year in a shortened season?

    IMO, this contract is going to be the crux of what the "Organ-eye-zation" is built upon for years to come...


    Giroux will probably get an 8 year deal with an annual cap hit of $7.5 million

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