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Posts posted by trevluk

  1. Now that I have your attention, just some of observations that, though a long shot, it is in fact possible....

    1. To some degree the Flyers control their own destiny with Pittsburgh. If the Flyers maintain pace with the Pens over the rest of the season and win both of the remaining matchups against them, Flyers finish ahead of the Pens.

    2. If the Flyers stay 2 wins ahead of pace with the Rangers over the rest of the season and win their remaining match up against them in regulation time, Flyers finish ahead of the Rags. (I know, I know, just trying to think positive.)

    3. If the Flyers accomplish both 1 and 2, Flyers win the Eastern Conference.

    4. If playoff seeds were based purely on points, the Atlantic Division would currently hold seeds 1-4 by a pretty healthy margin. Toughest division in the NHL in my book, though Central division almost equally as tough.

  2. Here is how I see things shaking out. The 7 and 8 seeds may get jumbled a bit, but I think it will be 1-Pittsburgh, 2-Boston, 3-Florida, 4-NYR, 5-Flyers, 6-Devils. Devils will knock off Florida, we will beat the Rangers, so it will be Pittsburgh-Devils and Bruins-Flyers in the 2nd round. If we have the hot goalie, we have a shot because Boston can't roll over us in a shootout in the playoffs. So then Pittsburgh-Flyers in the Conference Finals. 7 game series that we win in Pittsburgh on a Bryz shutout.

    My ONLY (Ha!) fear is that we would be too worn out from the Pittsburgh series for the Stanley Cup Finals.

    I love your optimism. I'm just not as confident that this team could beat the Bruins, Rangers, AND Pittsburgh to make it to the finals. That is a tall order, especially considering all of our injuries and banged up defense. Kimmo is playing hurt and we wont have Mez back until the 2nd round at earliest and even then he wont be in playoff shape. I think we would need the help of an upset along the way, preferably Pittsburgh getting knocked out early, but I don't see that happening.

  3. Love this kid. I first took note of him early last season when he saw a little action. Was very impressed by his speed and work ethic on the ice. Disappointed when he got sent back down but understood that he needed some more development time that seems to have paid off nicely. He is only going to get better. He should be a strong 3rd or 4th liner next year.

  4. But don't be too surprised once it is - within the next couple years. Not the Final but I bet the NHL goes to the Stupid Shootout for the first 3 rounds if and when the next big t.v. contract is negotiated - if ESPN ever agrees to carry the NHL again that'll be part of the package guaranteed.

    That will be the day I personally drive to Bettman's house and take a giant dump on his doorstep.

  5. I know things could definitely still change but with the loss tonight against Florida, it is looking more and more likely that the Flyers will finish in the 5 seed and play either the Pens or Rags in the 4 seed. (At least we would have "away ice advantage" since the Flyers have played better on the road this year than at home.) I think with how well the Pens are playing and the mediocre play of NY, I'd rather play the Rags even though we haven't beaten them yet this year. Actually, the best chance for the Flyers to get out of the first round might be to lose a few more games and drop to the 6 seed and play the winner of the southeast division - most likely Florida who ironically probably killed our chances of catching Pissburgh or NY tonight but I still like our chances against them in a 7 game series. Any thoughts?

  6. To be fair, Thomas looked like crap as well. Not really sure why Lavy put Briere in that situation, the guy doesn't have any confidence in the goal-scoring department and you throw him to the wolves? Sure if he got the goal it may have been a boost but now he's even more in the pit. Tough fought game, shame a skills competition decided the outcome.

    Yeah, neither Goalie looked good and I agree with you about Lavi's decision to put in Briere. He has been seriously struggling and he nevere seems to be a clutch player in the regular season. I could be off, but it seems he chokes more often than not in a pressure situation in the regular season. Luckily he somehow becomes a different player in the playoffs.

  7. Good battle by the Flyers today and Bryz played well, but he looked terrible in the shootout. He displayed none of the confidence he showed in the game and looked lost in the SO. Then again so did Briere on his attempt. That was an embarrassing performance by both of them. Hope that doesnt kill Bryz's confidence for next game.

  8. Grossmann is pretty much what they hoped Matt Walker would be. I'm happy with him and he has been good at cleaning the porch.

    He's on at $1.6M right now. If he could be re-signed in the $2M range that's probably a good addition.

    I'm seeing Carle as the odd man out in this cap situation. Not anti-Carle, just looking at the way it may break out pending a decision on Pronger's contract.

    People are saying that Grossman would get 2-3 mil but has his play with Dallas and thus far with Philly worthy of possibly almost doubling his salary?

  9. No. Watch the slo-mo. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the technique. The announcers on one of the clips actually NOTE Kronwall's vertical body position--that he didn't lunge with his shoulder. The shoulder hits first, because the head is down. Otherwise it would have been body-to-body (the Flyers logo, actually). Technically speaking, the ONLY thing wrong with the hit is that the head is the primary point of contact, which I admit is sufficient reason for this hit to be reviewed by the league. I hold a different point of view on this the you do, for sure. If you're skating forward with the puck and your head is down, and someone checks you from DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU i.e. not a blind side hit (see hit on Savard), without charging i.e. leaving your feet prior to the check (see Ovechkin's hit on Michalek), without lunging at your with their shoulder TARGETING the head (ala the Rinaldo hit on Ericcson), without bringing the elbows up (Cooke on McDonough), without boarding being involved (numerous examples), if he hits you and your head happens to be the first point of contact, you are significantly responsible for putting yourself in that vulnerable position that Rule 48.1 says should be taken into consideration when evaluating the hit to the head. We can argue about this until we are blue in the face, but we're gonna have to agree to disagree. What we BOTH will agree upon is that the league is remiss in NOT reviewing this hit and explaining WHY they consider the player putting himself in a vulnerable position on this hit as significant as compared with others where it should also be considered. This is a PERFECT example of a hit that can help define the rule. If they did review the hit and gave Kronwall a game, I wouldn't like it, I wouldn't agree, but I could accept the call. I could very easily accept a judgment of a legal hit also, as Voracek IMHO was GROSSLY negligent for keeping his head down as long as he did. It was careless and stupid, and when you play carelessly, there are consequences. Voracek HIMSELF admits to his own irresponsibility and takes blame for the hit. In either case, the league should use this opportunity FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME, to render judgment and then explain their answer, whatever it is to help make the rulings more understandable as far as balancing the spirit and the letter of the law, because by the letter of the law in Rule 48.1, Philly's got a beef. However, it is noteworthy that the Flyers organization is NOT making much of a big deal about the lack of a ruling on the hit. Nonetheless, the league is remiss for not clarifying how that rule will be enforced using this as a case study.

    I really don't have a big problem with the hit. I do think it is borderline legal at best as it does appear he leaves his feet a little bit and the head was principal point of contact. That said, I dont think Kronwall targeted Voraceks head and it was not a malicious hit with intent to injure. I do agree that Voracek was very negligent for even putting himself in that position and should never have tried exit the zone with his head down so in that regard he is more responsible for the licking that he took than Kronwall is. I wouldnt be surprised however if Kronwall at some point pays a retaliation price for targeting players in that position. I also agree that everyone would have benefited from an explanation from the league as to why it was deemed a legal hit.

  10. But as everyone knows in hockey what comes around goes around and someone will lay out Kronwall with a hit that he would make.

    Except that, as a defensemen, Kronwall will likely never be in that position breaking our of the zone with his head down, Defensemen have the luxury of being able to lay open ice hits but rarely are in a position to receive one. (They can occassionally take some punishment in the defensive corners though.)

  11. Clear shot to the head on a player in a defenseless position. If he doesn't get suspended, it's a travesty.

    I'm all for good hits and I like the way Kronwall plays. I know Voracek was looking down. But the hit was direct to the head, no doubt.

    How the hell was it not a penalty?

    It also appears that Kronwall lunged and left his feet a little bit so that his shoulder would make contact with the head. Voracek should not have been skating with his head down in that position but it should have been a penalty and should earn a short suspension. Maybe 2 games if there is any justic at all. If Voracek were Crosby it would have been a penalty, a match penalty, and a lengthy suspension.

  12. The Rags are running away with the regular season.

    The Flyers are still just two points out of 4th.

    Quite frankly, I'd rather be 6th...

    Still 20 games to play for the 4, 6 & 7 seeds. Lots of things to happen.

    Agreed. At this point, 6th place would be ideal. The Flyers might actually have a chance to get past the first round against the SouthLeast division. Otherwise, it's one and done.

  13. lol.

    "and falling fast"

    you people are like a bad snl sketch. Dramatic Guy. "omg, I got a paper cut, I'M GONNA LOSE THE ARM!!1!!111

    Perhaps a bit dramatic but 2 months ago this team was 2 pts out of first place. They are now 1 pt out of 7th place. Not sure how else to describe that fall.

  14. Methinks you may have set your expectations too high and are ripe for a disappointment. If we even make the first round, I will consider this a successful season. I have no expectations beyond this.

    Losing pronger... Having what 8 rookies in prominent roles... A new goalie that sucks. These would be amazing hurdles for any team to overcome.

    I am a Flyers fan so I am always ripe for disappointment! I don't think my expectations are too high and I would be pleased if they go any further than the first round, but not making the playoffs would be an under achievement for this team that was battling for 1st place in the east at the Winter Classic. Fortunately the 8th/9th place teams have been struggling recently also so there is a decent chance the Flyers still make the playoffs.

  15. Ok, so let's take a look at this Western Road trip. First of all Winnipeg is not even in the Western Conference so the Flyers actually went 1-2 in their Western Road trip but whatever, let's include them in this discussion. The Flyers barely squeaked out OT and SO wins over Winnipeg and Calgary, both teams that probably wont make the playoffs. They got shut out by Edmonton, the 2nd to worst team in the NHL, and they got shutout by the Sharks, a decent team but has only won 3 of their last 10 games. I am sorry but I would hardly consider that a road trip worth rejoicing.

  16. Vancouver lost two in a row and traded their Calder Candidate!!! So you have given up on the Bruins as well?? Detroit have lost two in a row as well. Maybe time to trash them too.

    Oh please. There is a huge difference between how the Redwings and Canucks have been playing and how the Flyers have been playing. And yes, if I were a Bruins fan I would have concerns about them too. The difference is they have a Stanley Cup champion goaltender in net that can win them a series by himself. The Flyers do not. I will say this, If the Flyers can position themselves in 6th place for the playoffs they should have a favorable first round matchup against the winner of the SouthLeast division.

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