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Posts posted by WingNut722

  1. I agree with @Miller Time. Setoguchi and Heatley should have stayed. Otherwise, they should have gotten more than Havlat and Burns for them. As of today, the Sharks hold the 9th spot, one point out of 8th with 2-3 games in hand on the rest of the league. If they do make the playoffs, it'll be in a low spot, and they'll be matched against the likes of St. Louis or Vancouver -- two teams who have dominated San jose all season long. I'd be willing to bet they won't make it past the Quarterfinals.

  2. @Digityman

    Not to mention the following week featuring the Sharks, Caps, and Rangers. This stretch of games will essentially solidify Detroit's position in the standings, wherever it may be. Fortunately, we should be getting Lidstorm back soon and Datsyuk isn't far off. Howard is day-to-day but Babcock will not hesitate to put in McDonald just to be sure. Despite the shortened roster, I believe they can come with the stuff to make a decent run through these games. A larger cushion in the standings would be nice, but the Blues have just been too good lately. The Wings are good at stepping up despite injured and tired bodies. I'm not worried.

  3. I remember back in November hearing the Wings were offering Filpulla and Smith for ryan of Anaheim and I was praying it didnt go through. I have followed him since college and he is a keeper.

    Where did you hear that from? That is a horrible trade and I refuse to believe the Holland would make such a silly move. Of course, since he didn't, this is all purely academic. I'm excited that Smith is getting his ice time. Might be a bit of a learning curve with Quincy still new as well, but once these guys get their stride, look out...!

  4. @SpikeDDS

    Good points Spike. The best thing these kids need to remember is that this is NOT the preseason. They've already got the job, so it's time for them to play smart, not to impress the coaches. The time for taking silly chances in order to show courage and hustle are over, and stunts like that in the post-season can actually have the opposite effect.

  5. I have a feeling Nash is going to stay in Columbus his entire career.

    Looks like Howson is playing two-face right now. He turns to Nash and says sure, we'll accomodate you and trade you if possible. Then he turns to the rest of the league and asks for a whole team in return. Personally, I wouldn't trade Nash. Rebuild the club around him, since he's the face of the CBJ anyway. Give him a little more breathing room. Promise him you'll tade (for a decent offer) if they don't make the Playoffs in 3 years.

  6. Ken Holland was his usual self yesterday, staying pretty quiet during the trade deadline. The only move he did make was to send part-time defenseman Mike Commodore to Tampa for a couple 4th round picks in the 2013 draft. I heard about a lot about people calling into Detroit sports radio stations threatening to "turn in the Red Wings Fan cards." Well go ahead, ya hacks! Why would you expect Ken Holland to do anything else? Some big names were in the rumor mill and very very few of them were moved. The highlight trade of this year was probably Jeff Carter for Jack Johnson. Two players the Wings had no interest in. Rick Nash, Ryan Suter, Alex Semin, Tuomo Ruutu...none of them ever moved despite the hype. Ken Holland is one of the smartest, slickest, and shrewdest GMs in the league. He's not going to buy up big names just because he can. It's not simple math...like adding Nash would add another 30 goals per season. Nash is incredibly expensive, and Holland will not bring him on so he can make more money than Datsyuk, Zetterberg, or Lidstrom. Holland treats his team like a family, and family comes first.

    What is going on with the Red Wings currently is their yearly injury bug. Every single year, a couple top line guys head for the infirmary at the same time, leaving a rough go for the guys who are left. Folks are just upset that it's happened so late in the season instead of earlier. Datsyuk, Ericsson, Eaves, Cleary, Howard, and Zetterberg all have dealt with some kind of injury in the last two weeks. It's no different than last year, except Franzen, Bertuzzi, and Krinwall are not on the list. Expect a few more losses in the next few games as the Wings adjust, and then they'll bounce back, just like every year.

    With the team Detroit has, (even without Patrick Eaves) they were able to climb to the top of the league and stay there before being dethroned by the number 2 team. I have no reason to believe that any huge deals needed to be made yesterday by Ken Holland. The acquisition of Kyle Quincy is one that few expected but nobody is really surprised. Holland also has his mind set on bringing up a few young defensemen. Jakub Kindl should now see full ice time, and Brendan Smith will likely get the call-up from Grand Rapids that everyone expected him to get back in September.

    The truth is the Red Wings have fallen from the top of the mountain and, in all honesty, will likely not return soon while so many players are either out entirely or not 100%. However, there is every reason to believe that Detroit can remain in the top 4, keeping home-ice advantage for the playoffs, while their team heals. With rested stars and young, energetic call ups, the Wings will still make their usual dent in the playoffs.

    And by the way, there are no official Red Wings Fan Cards. You got suckered....

  7. The team can win without Datsyuk. They've done it before. The went the distance with Vancouver, but lost in a shootout. Todd Bertuzzi, Jiri Hudler, and Zetterberg are all good at shootouts, but just couldn't get it done then. Having Datsyuk out of the lineup is no excuse to play lousy hockey. The team hasn't been plaing at their best, and it' individual effort. Datsyuk is not some magic catalyst.

    The numbers quoted by @Digityman of 0-2-1 don't look good. But they're all losses by one goal.

  8. @WingNut722

    Helm kinda reminds me of Kris Draper. How many times did Drapes have breakaway opportunities that ended with "SAVE!"? He was so good at getting past the defense. Helm has that same ability with his speed. Hope this is a sign that Helm might be moving beyond that level.

    Helm studied under Drapes for a couple years and played on the same line. That in itself will rub off on a young kid. I love watching Helm play anytime. He puts so much effort and heart into the game. His speed is incredible, and his puck-handling skills are contantly improving. Darren Helm, Drew Miller, and Justin Abdelkader...the Future of The Detroit Red Wings.

  9. ...and I missed it. Missed it all! Damn Thursday night leagues...

    I'd rather the streak end this way, in a super close game against a super good team. That would have been real lousy if they lost 5-0 to Columbus or something like that. Anyone catch the crowd shots of people crying? Crying?? REALLY? CRYING???

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