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Everything posted by Polaris922

  1. Yeah there was a lot of hype about him initially and he just never progressed it seems. He hit his plateau I guess.
  2. I'd gree with Wolski too... seems to be capable, but a bit streaky.
  3. I'll take that $20 just for the sport of it! I'm hoping beyond hope it doesn't happen. I honestly don't think the docs even know what to make of these things yet.
  4. I always thouht you were more likely to get another as well. But docs at these lectures don't seem to agree. I had one years ago and never had another so I dunno. I don't picture Parise here either.. simply because we're already going to have two $9 mil players on payroll, and I doubt Shero will pay anything close. And with the cap space say Detroit has... well... gonna be tough to compete with them. Having said that.. I'd LOVE to see a player of his talent on wing with Crosby.
  5. You just never know. Crosby was with Parise at Game 3 of the Finals. And he wouldn't be the first free agent by any means to play for a division rival once they hit free agency. Crosby isn't going anywhere for money. They're paying him whathe's asking for July 1st if the reports are accurate, and Staal leaving about seals that up. As for the one hard hit away... that's every player. Let's face it, anyone's career could end in the next game, and docs are saying he's no more likely to be hurt that way again than anybody else. I've sat in on lectures about concussions thanks to USA Hockey's requirement, and Dr. Burke spoke about Crosby specifically. You can't live life worrying that it MIGHT happen. It's no more likely for him than for anybody else. I think if the money is there, and it's a contract that is comparable to other offers, with the team being as strong as it's been, I just think those things will give us an edge. Nothing is guaranteed obviously. Word around here is they're after Suter too.. though I would rather see Weber than Suter personally.
  6. You can't sell short that Crosby and Parise are close friends. If you were given a competitive offer to play with your good buddy who also happens to be one of the best if not THE best player in the world would you take it? I would... Would Parise?? Guess we'll see.
  7. Sundin's longevity and consistency got him the nod. I think he also had less talent around him to do it with. Lindross was an impact player but not for very long.
  8. Well thought out and posted. I like JVR myself. Think he has great potential IF he gets motivated. I think Toronto misused Schenn, and I'm afraid his addition to your Club will make life a lot harder for mine than JVR ever did or would. In an age where quality young D is tough to find, you boys scored one with great potential. Truthfully I would have wanted more for him if I were Burke, and I sincerely think you guys got the better of this trade by a fair margin.
  9. Carle is better than Garrison. Garrison doesn't skate as well or have the offensive vision Carle possesses. Said it before and I'll say it again, Carle is your ONLY d-man I worry about carrying the puck. Garrison plays a lot more games against weak southeast opponents, and from what I read gets top power play time fairly often. If you guys don't want Carle, I hope we get him. I know! We'll trade you Paul Martin!!
  10. I'd be shocked if anyone took Lilja. He genuinely stinks. Have to be a desperate club with no NHL experienced options out there.
  11. You already got the better end of the deal. Schenn > JVR. If I were Burke I'd have wanted a second round pick along with JVR for Schenn.
  12. That's my knock on him though... He has offensive competitiveness in spades, but in defense he's lazy gatting back, and you can't have that in a two way center. He wants to be an offensive threat, and his defensive effort shows it too often for my liking. I like the kid, just think he needs to be a #2 somewhere, and Carolina will allow that to happen.
  13. But so do many teams... Many great teams... Going to be an interesting process.
  14. My point is Sutter is going to fill the defensive role better than Staal In my opinion. Plus a couple mil cap space... No distraction in the locker room thinking trades and free agency. Two great prospects on D for the future... And Sutter's offensive production isn't THAT far behind Staal's really. I repeat Staal = overrated. Yes the Pens got better making this deal.
  15. I don't think it hurt at all. Stall is/was overrated as a two way center. His defense isn't what a lot seem to think it is. Watch enough of his breakdowns and you'll see that. He'll make a good number 2 center, but that's it. The Pens don't need that, they needed a shut down center. Brandon Sutter sure seems to fit that bill and for a two million a year less to start. I think we got better, not worse. And with the cap space freed up... I think they'll make a serious run for Parise, who is a good friend of Crosby's.
  16. I think you guys Did very poorly in the draft. I think you made out on the JVR for Schenn deal, cuz if I were Burke I'd have wanted a little more for Schenn. Now we'll see what happens with that cap space I suppose. Both the Flyers and the Pens going after Parise maybe?? I'd give us a slight edge there since Parise and Crosby are buddies, but you never know...
  17. . What I know is the rankings are wrong sometimes, and sure where someone goes isn't a be all end all of their talent. But I also *know* that you could've gotten a much higher rated prospect in that position and still had a good chance at this one later on. The ratings aren't perfect, but you have to admit that they're generally indicative of the odds of a player's success. No they're not perfect, but yes they have a purpose. Giroux was picked slightly above his anticipated number, but this is a good 20 plus leap here. No thank you.
  18. Because your team has plenty of young talent up front, not much talent in your d-corps... You guys still think a lot of Timonen and Meszaros, but I don't. I think Carle, Cobrun and Grossman are your D top 3, and Schenn could become one of your best real soon. Many more forwards than D on the market. Tough to find good young D talent this season without it costing, and JVR was a good price for your Flyers.
  19. I think you got the better end of this deal. I'm surprised you got Schenn for just JVR.
  20. Take away the time to develop a player, filling needs, and everything else but the "draft the best player" mentality. Was #28 in north America and #50 internationally really the "best player" still available at #20? I don't think so. I've read a lot of you condemning the pick as I would, and in fairness I've tried to see those defending the pick's point of views as well. I honestly think anything defending this pick is just hoping beyond hope the organization is winning the lottery on a random ticket and drinking the orange & black kool-aid. I just can't make sense of this pick.
  21. So many rumors.. So little time!
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