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Buffalo Rick

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Everything posted by Buffalo Rick

  1. OK. Darcy Regier may have done a few bad things, like trade Vanek (arguably) and fire LIndy, but he did something right. He got us a boatload of picks to build on for the future. I loved Jason Pommenville and Derrick Roy both,. Loved them and loved Vanek. But all things come to an end eventually. Did he do the right thing breaking up a team that most likely could have made the playoffs? Certainly they would not have the record they now hold. But to win it all the old belief is you must be bad first to be able to get those blue chip players that can do it. Patrick Kane would look good wearing the colors of the team he grew up cheering for. Remember how bad Chicago was? And for how long? The Sabres have never been bad for as long as the Islanders and Oilers have been since their glory days. And I do not expect that to change. Buffalo has always had some magic when it comes to landing a top notch goalie. If Miller does go, I have to wonder who the next one will be? Hackett they say is not NHL ready and neither is the kid playing with him in Rochester. The kid is a big goalie. Murray says he likes big goalies, and I am sure that did not sit well with Jhonas Enroth. Should Miller be dealt, Enroth will be thrown to the hounds and be the starter. I hope he likes rubber. Moulson most likely has his bags packed and is living out of a suitcase. Stafford is probably looking into construction. You have to really take your hats off to those paying fans that go through those doors every night. As much as a fan as I am, I cannot battle the elements and make the drive to see this product right now. I will wait until they re establish themselves as a contender. I need my own repairs so no big hurry. My life is in direct correlation to the Sabres and Bills sometimes I think. I know you think I am nuts. Maybe I am. What did I do to deserve wide right and no goal? Lets get it right this time Mr Murray. And leave your boy Brian out of our business. I cannot stand him. Return the Buffalo Sabres to being an elite team. The next time we show up at the dance we are going home with the prom queen
  2. Miller will start vs the Sharks tonight so Buffalo's domination of San Jose may continue
  3. Ward is available. But he won't be cheap. He is an elite goalie in this league for sure. I respect him very much.
  4. Cam Ward is one heck of a goalie. I am pretty shocked Carolina is putting him out there. Why? Have they found a good young goalie? I think this takes the pressure off and leaves the door open a bit more for Miller to stay in Buffalo? Maybe. Ward will draw some attention for sure.
  5. Well I thank you for that comment and it is true it is a great hockey town. Back when the old Buffalo Bisons were wrecking the AHL and Vancouver was doing the same in the Pacific league, most knew those towns deserved an NHL team. It only took Buffalo 5 years to make the finals, of course we had a guy named Perrault after winning a famous coin flip vs Vancouver. The Sabres will rise from the ash's again. I assure you. And I believe we will be in the finals before Edmonton, Winnipeg, Florida or any of those non desirable locations Speaking of Bowman, I was at a Rochester Amerks game one night and he was sitting right behind me in the stands. Alone and in average seats. His late brother was a scout for Buffalo and Scotty lives in Buffalo.
  6. Done? What in the Dickens does Done mean?
  7. Well here we have a guy with an ounce of common sense about him unlike his Flyer counterparts that believe that we are living in the 60's
  8. With a committed owner in Pegula I think Buffalo is more desirable than many places like Winnipeg or Florida for instance. Or Edmonton or Calgary even. Buffalo is a great hockey town. Miller is listed to go tomorrow but he has already sort of started to thank the fans and more or less say his goodbyes. The Buffalo News is putting up clips of famous saves by Miller. But nothing is sealed in stone yet
  9. I believe D'Agostini and Flynn have earned a right to play next year. Girgensons for sure. Myers is going no where either. We know who the dead wood players are. Stafford leads the list. Weber leads the defensive list. I do not think this team is as bad as their record as seen last night. Beating a rested Boston team is a good sign. When you go through all the turmoil off the ice the Sabres have gone through, its going to reflect on the ice. Regier ripped this team apart and now Nolan has somehow gotten a makeshift unit look like a not so bad NHL team again.
  10. I believe D'Agostini and Flynn have earned a right to play next year. Girgensons for sure. Myers is going no where either. We know who the dead wood players are. Stafford leads the list. Weber leads the defensive list. I do not think this team is as bad as their record as seen last night. Beating a rested Boston team is a good sign. When you go through all the turmoil off the ice the Sabres have gone through, its going to reflect on the ice. Regier ripped this team apart and now Nolan has somehow gotten a makeshift unit look like a not so bad NHL team again.
  11. Drafting is a must But so too is free agency. We must get a couple of quality players that way. Of course it may depend on Miller, Ott and Moulson and what happens to them. Kesler wants out of Vancouver. In my mind we should go after Kesler
  12. It seems like the entire team is for sale. There is an 800 pound Elephant in the room and even Enroth cannot escape the microphones in his face after each game with the topic of Ryan Miller's likely soon exit. The big question is how smart and "connected" is this Murray. I loath his brother. cannot stand him. I cannot stand anything to do with Ottawa. And this guy is going to decide our fate? Pegula has said he will spend whatever is necessary to get this team to the promised land. Well I hope Pat La/fontainne has some say in all of this. Drafting is not so difficult as the homework is more or less done for you by the group of so called experts in the hockey media. But free agency is not so easy. And they must get some free agents. I have heard Calahan's name come up. He is a Rochester NY native. Greece to be exact, a suburb here. So he likely grew up a Sabres fan like Patrick Kane. Now there is a guy I wish we could get. I do not know what road they will go down. But there are some keepers here and Girgensons is one that really stands out
  13. And against the hated Bruins who were well rested. I have to say I did not like our chances that much aftet beating Carolina and knowing Enroth would be in. But they really showed heart. Nolan has made his case to be hired. I hope they are not stupid.
  15. What a joke. If Miller is in the nets we are winning this game.
  16. Up on Boston as I type. Miller beat Carolina last night. Ennis scored the winnner. Its not like they do not have any players. Hodgeson, Ennis, Myers, Ott, Girgensons who scored tonight and more will be kept on. We know the ones that are on the trade list. Girgensons and Ennis are not. Nor is Myers I would not think. Or Erhoff. Nolan is getting the most as usual. I hope they beat Boston
  17. Up on Boston as I type. Miller beat Carolina last night. Ennis scored the winnner. Its not like they do not have any players. Hodgeson, Ennis, Myers, Ott, Girgensons who scored tonight and more will be kept on. We know the ones that are on the trade list. Girgensons and Ennis are not. Nor is Myers I would not think. Or Erhoff. Nolan is getting the most as usual. I hope they beat Boston
  18. I really will be mad if Nolan is not signed. What else does he have to do? He comes into an impossible situation, accepts it and goes to coach Latvia amd almost shocks the world in that Canada game. Tell me that Latvia's play did not reflect how good Ted is? I was shocked way back when he was coach of the year and then gets no contract. That was just plain crazy. Of course I will always love Lindy Ruff. I wonder how long he will be in Dallas and if he even likes it there?
  19. Keep taking your cheap shots at me Flyercanuck. I expect nothing else from you.
  20. I know one thing. If Vanek or Miller were announced to have signed in Philly, you guys would be dancing in the streets. Imagine Vanek and Giroux together. With Miller in the nets. He does have a limited no trade clause as to certain teams he will not go to. But I do not know who they are. I am certain Boston is on that list as well as Toronto
  21. Everything you are all saying makes sense. But it also makes sense trying to keep a goalie like Miller. For 6 more years. He can certainly play that long and it will not take that long to turn things around with the amount of ammo Regier has stockpiled. You laugh about Kane but do not forget he is a Buffalo native. That means something. Miller, if he goes would want either Detroit, his hometown, or California where his wife is. St Louis makes sense to me. And Minny. He is far better than anyone either of them have. And what about Vanek? Do you see your boys making a play for him?
  22. I have been a fan since the Sabres came into existence in 1970. I cannot agree with what is about to take place one bit. I do not believe they are making the right move if they move Ryan Miller. Dumb move. First they should offer him a contract. See what he says. If he turns it down, that is one thing. Nolan has now said its out of his hands what will happen. they will prepare for Carolina as Miller is still en route from Russia and Enroth made it back already. Could anyone blame Miller if he stopped in Sweden or Switzerland first? I would. Moulson says he has heard he will be traded since he got here. It sounds like that is a pretty good bet also. But what will they get in return? Not enough for Miller in my opinion. You are not going to have a guy in the nets next year as good as Miller if you trade him. I am hoping it does not happen. Even if it means the summer comes and we see what offers come. He may re sign as some have said. They said that is not impossible, but right now it seems rather unlikely. And Nolan does not even know his own fate. I think the man deserves an answer and a shot. Its a bad time in Buffalo. It can only get better, it cannot get any worse
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