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TFG's 2014-15 Scheduled Games Commentary


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Ok, time for me to take a break from fanbase bashing, T.O. moments, and horrid (truly putrid) pick up lines and spin a bit of 'What's on the Slate' for tonight...  ;)


Thurs, March 19, 2015


7:30 EST / 6:30 Central


Boston @ Ottawa

Carolina @ Montreal

Detroit @ Florida

San Jose @ Toronto


The Sens' quest for the playoffs continue tonight against the very team they are trying to catch. Sens have been winning, but Boston keeps garnering points, even if they've been the OT loss variety.

Still though, Ottawa simply has to have this game. In regulation preferrably, but they need the two points and just can't afford to give Boston another two.

Bruins beat the Sens here and I think it's over for Ottawa...despite there being more games to play...just have that feeling....


Montreal continues to try and hold off the Lightning for the division and possibly home ice throughout for the Eastern Bracket. The Canes will try to muck things up for the Habs and although the Canes are in on draft picks but not contending, they still play a pretty decent brand of hockey. Montreal best not take these guys lightly.


Red Wings need some points to try and nab some home ice...and maybe even stay out of the WC slots. They seem rather 'locked' into 3rd in the Atlantic, but these last dozen games or so could turn that around either positive or negative in a hurry.

They take on the Panthers whose own playoff hopes, once real clear, seem fading fast....


Sharks-Leafs....only if you must and only if you are a fan. We all know the mess in Toronto....San Jose? Technically are still in it, but some recent perceived squabbles and the team's own inability to consistently get points while the other Western Conference WC contenders keep getting them, to me, says the Sharks are pretty much done.



8PM-8:30 EST / 7PM - 7:30 Central


Washington @ Minnesota

St. Louis @ Winnipeg

Pittsburgh @ Dallas


Wild continue to try and chase down Chicago, or better yet, just secure their own spot.  They keep getting wins and points even in games where they don't necessarily play a full 60 minutes!

They get a tough playing, good scoring Washington team backstopped by the underrated Braden Holtby and led by the always polarizing Alexander Ovechkin.

Minnesota really doesn't want to take any periods off in this one....hey, they are in the home of the Home Ice Advantage tonight after all.


Caps have much to play for:

-Keep Boston behind them

-Bump Pittsburgh out of the top 3

-Outside shot at catching the NY Islanders for a home ice slot....or dare they, a division from the Rangers?


Barry Trotz will have his boys ready...hope Mike Yeo does as well. Let's GET WILD! on this one!


Jets meanwhile will play a possible opening round matchup against the team they have had trouble with all year, the St. Louis Blues.

Both will try to grind, bash, and odd man rush the other. I will give the edge in goal to the Blues, but Winnipeg still sports some real good north south big bodied players and that may be all they need to finally get themselves a 'W' against their Blue nemesis.


Pens-Stars....Dallas is pretty much out of things, although they always seem to play like someone kicked their dog!

Penguins, meanwhile, well, I honestly don't know which set of water fowl I will see these days.

The ones who know how to win and put teams away neatly, or the ones who float around and hope a good play comes their way.

One thing is fore sure, they won't be able to sleepwalk around Dallas...Stars are just way too aggressive. 

Pens will either get blown out if they do, or wake the eff up finally and realize, "Hey, there are teams coming for our playoff spot!"



9Pm -10PM EST / 8-9PM Central


Philadelphia @ Calgary

Columbus @ Vancouver

Colorado @ Arizona


A bunch of 'pride' and 'jobs' games here.

The Flames and Canucks certainly have something to play for...whether that be positioning (Van) or outright being in or out (Cgy).

They each get opponents who are out of their Eastern races but are looking ahead to whom they may want to keep around for the following year.


Flyers and Jackets have proud veteran players who don't wanna be shown up by any upstart young teams, so they will try and play spoiler well...whether they will actually have enough to do so is another matter, but Nucks and Flames best come out as if they are playing a World Beater.


Avs-Yotes, just like an earlier matchup, only if you must, and only if you are a fan.

Yotes thinking draft...Avs MAY be thinking 11th hour heroics, but both these are done (Yotes already took home a Dooky) and this is just for the pride in the men playing this game.


Enjoy your selected games, everyone, I know I will!


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Tues April 2, 2015


Time is winding down on the season, would-be contenders have already fallen by the wayside, but here we are, still with some good matchups to keep tabs on.....some teams' fortunes could be on the line as early as tonight as well.


7pm-7:30 EST / 6pm-6:30 Central Slots


NY Rangers @ New Jersey

NY Islanders @ Philadelphia

Pittsburgh @ Ottawa

Carolina @ Detroit



Let's start with the Rangers at the Devils.

NJ obviously is out of it while the Rangers are not only playing for top spot in the East, but possibly the President's trophy....and are wanting to ride that advantage all the way BACK to the Stanley Cup Finals this year.

Devils, however, would like to be a bump in the road for the Blueshirts.


Doesn't matter that NJ is out of it...its a classic Devils hates Rangers / Rangers hates Devils thing going on, and games between these two tend to be tense, no matter the point spreads. I don't expect this one to be any different.


Isles at Flyers is kinda like the above matchup...divsion rivals none too fond of each other, Isles playing for something, Flyers not so much....but you best believe Flyer pride (at least it SHOULD be that way) won't allow the Islanders to get a win and celebrate on their home ice.

Philly has a chance to help screw some things up for the Isles in an otherwise done season for the Orange n Black.


Isles, on paper, should be the better team...however, NY has looked FAR from All World the last few games. This is a chance to see if they can turn things around to first of all, MAKE the post season, and secondly, make headway once there.


Pens at Sens.

Pretty simple.

Two teams that want to get into the post season, trending in seemingly different directions (Pens down, Sens up...well, sorta), but the important thing here is, Pitts has the upper hand and actually owns a playoff spot....Sens do NOT.


After a crazy run, Ottawa has looked mortal the last few games and I think its safe to say if they don't get a win against the Pens, they are all but done.

The Hamburglar or Anderson? Strike fast against a currently disheveled Pens team, or play a bit cautious?

These are things the Sens must consider......oh, who are we kidding...the Sens only know one direction and that is full steam ahead....defense be damned...that's what the goaltender is for, right?  ;)


Canes at Wings.

Detroit sure is scuffling.

About a two or three weeks ago, we were thinking they are preparing for a team like the Lightning in an opening round of the post season...these days, they are scrambling just to stay in the picture!


On paper, once again, the Wings should dominate this game...but the Canes are a most Jekyl and Hyde team and until they show up, one never knows which Carolina team shows up...the one that can't seem to generate any offense and plays lackluster defense, or the one that grinds pretty hard, plays pretty good defense and keeps games close?

Well, since the Canes never know which of them will show up, Detroit CERTAINLY doesn't know.

Wings just better come prepared to face a Stanley Cup contender. Period.

Detroit has no margin to take ANY team lightly...including Carolina.



8pm-8:30 EST / 7pm-7:30 Central Slots:


Winnipeg at St. Louis

Minnesota at Chicago


Jets won a big one last night in St. Paul against the Wild...it not only kept them relevant to the Western playoff picture, but it kept the Wild from clinching a berth, and eliminated two other teams in the process (San Jose and Dallas). That's a lot of work done in winning a game last night!

But their job isn't done.

Jets are still fighting to stay in, now having to deal with either the Kings or Flames (whichever falls out of the Pacific top three)....and still have a chance to overtake the suddenly reeling Wild who have lost 3 in a row.

And Winnipeg will deal with St. Louis tonight, a possible first round opponent. And the Blues are looking to grab the Central title...battling Nashville and Chicago for that.


Wild meanwhile, are looking to regroup. Nice run to get into the playoff picture, gain firm ground, but his recent slide has them clinging once again.

They need two points to clinch, will get three shots at it (Chi, Nsh, St. L), and all will be tough assignments...all the while having to worry that Wpg, LA, or Cgy may get in and leave them in the cold looking in.

Chicago, of course, is wanting the Central like St. Louis, and would love to move closer to that at the expense of Minnesota, whom they've eliminated the last two years from the post season.


Lots of things happening for all four of these teams in this time slot...keep your head on a swivel, fans! :)



9pm-9:30 EST / 8pm-8:30 Central time slots:


Nashville @ Colorado

Arizona @ Calgary

Los Angeles @ Edmonton


Cases here of teams playing for something against teams well out of the playoff picture.

If the "out" teams have any pride, they play the contenders hard....but if they are looking for the highest draft picks possible, well, it means the contenders may have easy nights.

I hope its the the former...integrity of the game and all that ya know.....plus, act like MEN for puck's sake! You are all highly paid professional hockey players.....act like it!

Play the games!


Anyways, LA, Cgy, Nash....all looking for top seeds or to stay in the playoff hunt.....I only hope the Avs, Yotes, and Oil show up and make these competitive, watchable affairs....


Enjoy your choice of games everyone!


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