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TropicalFruitGirl26 last won the day on July 21

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About TropicalFruitGirl26

  • Birthday 07/14/1984

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    Latitude: 44°56′39″ N, Longitude: 93°05′35″ W -- heh!
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  1. And of course...there is always the danger of you breaking a goalie by putting him on your squad
  2. In that case, for your sake, you best hope Buffalo got it right!
  3. Well, I think it's about time for UPL. Buffalo looks like they are all but GIVING the crease to him....now he has to make good on it and show they aren't wrong in doing so! Reimer is a solid backup...but he IS just that: a backup. And if he is pressed into service more than he should, due to UPL shatting the bed, then the Sabres will continue to have some real problems in getting to competitiveness. I know Buffalo still has some stuff to work on with the defense, and the d-men, as a group, haven't exactly helped out whatever goalie has been in there, but this is UPL's chance to shine, and show the front office in big bold letters that he belongs in that crease, that crease should be his always, and that they need to get better defense personnel or at least a better defensive structure, in front of him. He needs to make it about improving the defense, not improving the goalie situation. Devon Levi could still have a good future in the NHL, but at 22, he is probably better off getting regular starts in the minors and not riding the pine in the NHL with Buffalo attempting, yet again, to do that three headed goalie balancing act they seem to like to do.....which never seems to work. So yea....it is UPL's time, no more excuses, he is now 25, he just needs to put on a show and justify that 4.75M the Sabres will be giving him annually for the next five years, and just get it done!
  4. Well, it's summer, things are slowed down now, somebody needs something to write about. Right away, one can tell this was a Rangers-centric article as it seems to want to explore the "oooo, ahhhh, wheeee" possibilites of having Kirill Kaprizov skate in a NY sweater, BUT, while they do acknowledge that a trade wouldn't come cheap, they really don't touch on the parts of WHO the Rangers would have to give up (not talking spare parts either!), nor how that would impact their overall lineup in order to win a Stanley Cup. You and I both know Kap would make them better up front....but at what cost? I think as Wild fans, we may have to come to terms with the fact Kirill may be leaving at some point, but that time isn't yet. The Wild front office still has time to continue to sell Kap on staying on board beyond his current contract. So, at least for now, the Rangers and anyone else who 'envisions' Kap in their lineup in a trade where they give up almost nothing for him can keep dreaming.
  5. More from social media... Bad enough Julien Brisebois lets the captain walk and he is now wearing that ridiculous mustard yellow, but the boys over at Fanatics had ONE FREAKIN JOB! And they couldn't get that right. Top it off with all the Stammer photos of him wearing something Nashville, and how "happy" he looks....tellin ya...he has the look of a man who is destined to be traded to an Atlantic rival and who will absolutely burn the Lightning the first chance he gets! And the Bolts will have DESERVED IT! But seriously Fanatics so-called "sports shop"...WTF??? Not enough consonants in your damned budget?
  6. Absolutely will! This is just for the rest of the summer and into the exhibition season. Once the season starts in October, we refresh once again. Honestly, a thread like this one for summer should have been started sooner...probably after the SC Finals. But either way, a good 2-3 months worth of summer/training camp stuff I would think here.
  7. I think a combination of "can't stay healthy" to go along with a good dose of streakiness will do that to a guy...
  8. This from dailyfaceoff and AFPAnalytics. I would think defensemen Oliver Kylington and Tyson Barrie should find new homes, possibly on contenders pretty soon. Forwards? Rumors were the Bolts might seek a reunion (at a low cost of course) with Tyler Johnson....I wouldn't mind it. Mike Hoffman looks like he might still have something to offer a contender as a middle six winger. Maybe Kevin Labanc? He certainly isn't the top sixer it seemed the Sharks were hoping he'd be. But maybe just a solid bottom sixer? Does he have enough of that style of play to be in that kind of role? What about Filip Zadina.... at 24 years old and still "on the pile"....is he a bust? And I would just say NOOOOO to Tony DeAngelo, John Klingberg, and JVR at this point....
  9. Probably a short lived thread...certainly an ever evolving one....to talk about who is left on the FA market and who would fit best where....and who shouldn't ever, EVER, I mean... EEEEEEEVER get another NHL contract......... ag-ayyyynnnn (you Chris Jericho fans will get that last bit ).
  10. Capwages (thanks again JR and J0e) seems even MORE closer to resembling the former capfriendly. CapWages | NHL Salary Data I have found myself using them more and more....although 'Pedia still has some interesting stuff on them. Both are in my bookmarks.
  11. Just like the main Wild thread, a fresh discussion board for discussion of upcoming players in the Wild's system. What new faces get promoted? Which ones are worth watching overseas? Which ones look like they got Bust City written all over them. Wild prospects...summer, heading into the new season, and throughout the new season, right here!
  12. Summertime in the State of Hockey, and just seems well past the time we have a new thread set up for discussion on what the Wild are doing this summer and heading into the exhibition season before the start of the new season. The next step past the now long in the tooth 23-24 season thread. New faces, new places, new strategies perhaps? Hmm...will remain to be seen. Cap hell is still present...ho hum. At any rate, fresh new thread as the Wild leave last season behind and move forward in preparation for the 24-25 season. There ya go fans....all general Wild goings on, right here.
  13. Interesting. If this doesn't show that the NHL is number 4 out of 4 of the major team sports in North America, then I don't know what does. Money talks. But like I said...interesting. The breakdowns. And they look about right too. As @Howie58 mentioned...the ticket sales are HUGE for the NHL and that graph shows it plain as day! Which means franchises like the Panthers, like the former Coyotes, and sometimes the Dallas Stars (yep..I think they had some attendance issues not that long ago), can get into deep holes unless people show up at the games! Couple that with concessions and we are looking at over half of the revenue for NHL teams...all relying on you, the fan, showing up and spending money at the arenas! No big surprise the NFL is number one, AND that their big money comes from national tv media. I am also a big baseball fan, and glad to see the MLB doing very well and their big thing is ticket sales and national tv media...which is why my Rays are considered paupers in the MLB....attendance isn't so hot, and they don't get a ton of nationally televised games. They DO however, have a fantastic local tv media inflow....sadly, that isn't near enough. Good post, @NHL HHOF
  14. The group I got this from didn't include goalies, and they did say NOT including goalies, but if so, it probably should have been the "best skaters from each team for the last three years". Because by saying "players" that SHOULD include goalies. And as such, I think some teams could possibly have a goalie as their best player. Hellebuyck in WPG for starters...although, now that I think about it, I would even take someone like Kyle Connor or Mark Scheifele over Josh Morrissey...nothing against Josh, as he is a more than solid defenseman. But without Hell Boy, I don't think the Jets are as good a team, whereas those other guys could be compensated for on the team... Igor Shesterkin on the Rangers would probably qualify as their best player because even guys like Adam Fox or Mika Zibanejad go into bad streaks and he is still there stealing games. And of course, Andrei Vasilevskiy on the Lightning could be a consideration...despite last season being his career worst statistically. Kucherov is still a viable choice...but Vasilevskiy and even Brayden Point definitely deserve consideration.
  15. you know, when I first saw your post, my immediate thought was, "How can he even consider EEK over Kap!" Then I looked into their numbers, thought about the things I see from both of them on the ice....and well, EEK is a LOT closer to being a 'team best' guy than I initially thought. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm an EEK fan, and I know the value he brings to the team, all the things he does well and the fact the team is definitely better with him on the ice, than when he isn't, but Kap's skillset is so good, it was hard to imagine the 'do-everything' EEK could come close...but he DOES! Now, I will STILL go with the listing as Kaprizov being the Wild's best player...let's face it...when the chips are down, Minnesota needs a goal or someone to create a goal situation, Kap is the guy they turn to, and Kap is the guy the other team is trying to shut down. But that said, EEK is sneaky good, does things Kap really doesn't do a whole lot of (the complete game, yes!), like hitting, takes faceoffs (although as a FO man, he does seem pretty average, even though he takes a ton of them), and he draws penalties because he agitates the crap out of the opposition, PLUS, he plays on both special teams. I think as Kap evolves in the NHL he will add to his skillset and duties on the ice (and he does back check and play some defense here and there), but even as he is now, IMO, he is STILL The Man on the Wild...although, EEK isn't a bad consideration at all and several arguments can most certainly be made in his favor!
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