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Winter Classic Revision



The WC was and is a great idea and treat for hockey fans everywhere, but has the time come to take this idea to the next level?

Of course I was excited, like everyone else, about Philly hosting this years WC. But at the end of the day I couldn't help but feel let down or disappointed . I know it would have been more satisfying with a Flyers win, but still I think the game had a little more talk and less action.

We all know the challenges of pulling off this event, warm weather, bad ice, stadium lighting, ect. which eventually lead to little action and mostly garbage goals. Which leads me to propose some new ideas to energize the game a little:

  • Make the All Star game the Winter Classic game- This is a win/win in my book, brings back some life to the All Star and WInter Classic game. Also it's a little easier paying that big admission price when your getting to see the best players in world and not Mike Rupp scoring goals.
  • Stanley Cup finals rematch at the WC- One thing the irritates me about the selection of teams in WC is based solely on popularity and regional location. Why not make it a privilege and reward to play in the WC? I wouldn't mind seeing Bruins vs. The Nucks this year, heck even make it a neutral site like the Super Bowl.
  • Viewer choice game- Heck this game is supposed to be for the fans, so let the fans vote what teams they want to see in the game. Heck even let the fans vote where they want the game hosted!

In conclusion, I'm not bashing the Winter Classic , as a passionate hockey fan I'm just looking ways to continually improve the game and keep the anticipation of the game fresh.

Take care,



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I said it in the thread but I'll say it again -

  • Winter classic as the Popularity Game (aka all-star game) is a great idea. To add to it, make it in February after the super bowl. It's before March Madness, after the NFL is over and there really isn't much else it can compete with. Plus, February IS winter in the northern hemisphere. The WC on New Years competes to much with NFL, Bowl games and christ for that matter the holidays/new years.
  • I'm not a huge fan of a rematch of the finals.
  • Viewer choice is the popularity game. See #1

I believe the WC is starting to slowly lose it's luster. It needs to change. Just a date change alone should pick it back up.

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Good points Digi, I think were on the same page..

You brought up another good point, the WC keeps competing with College Bowl games on New Years which kills more ratings..

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I don't agree with combining the Winter Classic and All-Star Game. I know the All Star game is losing ground, but with the WInter Classic being a regular season game, they players play hard, tough hockey. Watching the All-Star game outside would be like watching the Winter Classic alumni game, and that's NOT what rabid outdoor hockey fans have in mind. The novelty of a New Year's game is cool but yes it does conflict with a lot of other stuff. I agree with moving it to February, plus you'll get a lot more "dependable" weather in the northern climes. Having the fans pick the game would result in a lot of WSH/PIT or NYR/PHI matchups, don't you agree? Makes it hard for less followed teams like Florida, Anaheim, or Isles to get their shot.

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WingNut thanks for the comments!

I actually thought the Alumni game was more special than the actual WC game, imo. and I guess that was my point of having the All Stars play in it.

A regular season game is just another regular season game, really no magic..

Why wouldn't you want to give the fans what they want? After all there going to be the ones either going to the game or watching it on TV. If the fans want WSH/PIT, then give it to them, but please don't ever consider the Islander for god sakes!

Peace out

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