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Commander Clueless

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Posts posted by Commander Clueless

  1. I really think Caryle is the driving force behind this. He seems to have a lot of influence in the roster moves. He had it out for Grabo from day 1. He might have made a bit to much, but when he signed, his previous year he had 30 goals. The Grabo, Kluminen and McCarther line was solid, broke them up for no real reason. Now 2 of the 3 are gone and I think it was not great asset management by the Leafs. I think Grabo goes on to be a productive player, ditto for McCarther who is now a Sen, playing against the Leafs 6 times a year....good luck with that....ha ha.

    I agree with most of this. Grabovski and MacArthur were solid players for the Leafs before this past season but it's obvious Carlyle was not a big fan of either of them.

    With the emergence of Kadri and Bozak stapled to Kessel's line, Grabovski got saddled with Carlyle's shutdown line role. While Grabo is certainly defensively responsible, this is not the type of role he excels at. Carlyle/Nonis likely also wanted to beef up so replacing Grabovski and MacArthur with Bolland and Clarkson would seem to fit that mold.

    We'll see what the end result is I guess, but I hope that this doesn't come back to bite the Leafs.

    I for one will miss Grabovski, even if his results never really matched up to the amount of effort he put in. That was sort of his appeal.

    I imagine some team will pick him up and be thrilled with what they get.

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