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Eric Burton

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Status Updates posted by Eric Burton

  1. @WSILNews @maddiesattler First duck hunting, now fishing?

  2. @MarkPearsonWDAZ @bestdirttrack @WDAZsports Yes it was.

  3. Nice! https://t.co/k1TUCGrcBG

  4. @ryahanson They're pretty good.

  5. BullDogs, Hawks, Mittelstadt, and Tigers https://t.co/U0QjX4CeRJ

  6. RT @masonbennett55: #NewProfilePic https://t.co/ZmxNPYkmBW

  7. @tjksports @Russostrib But of course.

  8. @runwiththedogs @Dirty1313 Goon's Rule: don't mess with IT people.

  9. Binge watching Blue Bloods on Netflix. Great show. Great cast.

  10. @LetsGoDU Oh boy.

  11. National Collegiate Hockey Conference Social Media Guide https://t.co/ykzPzw0hvv https://t.co/wzeT7owmC5

  12. After a week-long vacation, I need a vacation to catch up on my sleep.

  13. @DJohnson_97 I think I just dated myself. I was in college when OJ went on his Bronco ride.

  14. @INTLMAV I am willing to try Tapas.

  15. @icehockeystick Stop listening to those morons. Ignore them. Your work matters. I enjoy your work.

  16. @DonnySchatz is getting hot going into the month of money. @WorldofOutlaws https://t.co/c1YLOEstST

  17. There's nothing more pleasing than the sound of a Loon on the lake.

  18. @DRdiabloTHW You must be grabbing your inner Pink Floyd.

  19. Correction of last tweet: Raise your hand if you know the words to Pearl Jam "Even Flow".

  20. @Sioux1995 https://t.co/gjDSyN6FsX

  21. That sprinter looks a lot like @TonyStewart_Rcg car. https://t.co/28neVsMuBj

  22. @ArizonaSioux All I know is we don't need rain tomorrow night.

  23. @rodhotter48 The ponds by my hunting shack looked full.

  24. @Sioux1995 He doesn't look like he has to shave daily.

  25. @SiouxFootball Their parking lot isn't really user friendly either.

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