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Posts posted by Lucky13

  1. Meszaros, Read and a 1st is way too much for Ryan. Read is still unproven and could take a step back this year...just as likely he could score a few more and nearly equal Ryan's goal total. No one knows...it's a crapshoot...but still...

    Then Meszaros, who was excellent 2 seasons ago, maybe our best defenseman. Was that the season he won the Barry Ashbee trophy? Anyway, as long as he heals up OK, he will be extremely valuable to the Flyers.

    And then a 1st rounder as a cherry on top...? I'd be happy to see Ryan on Giroux's wing, but if that's what it takes, no thanks. If Read regresses and we need goal scoring I'd rather pick up a rental at the deadline than make the trade posited above.

  2. Hmmm...Not sure what to think of this as I haven't really watched Luke Schenn much myself. I remember last time this rumor went around, the prevailing opinion on this board wasn't all that high on him.

    But I do know that now we definitely need a winger for Giroux.

  3. I'd like to have him back on the team, though I agree with others that the Flyers need to manage his ice time to be sure he can contribute more & have a higher energy level come playoff time. If they can work out a system where he plays ~60-65 games in the regular season (like a starting goalie, for instance) I'd be pretty happy to have all the other things he brings to the table, especially his influence on the young players. We have plenty of depth at forward to bring someone up to take his spot for 20 games.

  4. Hartnell's quote is about as perfect as it could be -- tells it like it is but stays positive about Bryz and shows support for him. Props to Scott for a very good answer to a tough question.

    I hope Bryz is only trying to be funny and something's just getting "lost in translation" otherwise (as a couple previous posts mentioned) this looks like it's setting up to get worse before it gets better :/

  5. I just like Jagr's general outlook too. Guy seems to have his sh!t together, does everything he can to be a great pro, and then takes life as it comes. Stays positive and looks to be having fun on & off the ice. You really can't do it any better than that.

    I hope he stays in Philly for as long as he can play, and they sign him up as a coach the day he retires. I wouldn't mind reading a book about his career either after he hangs 'em up.

    Cannot believe I've said all that about Jaromir Jagr, but there you have it.

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