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Posts posted by Phlyer1

  1. The game is still sixty minutes. There was a time it was an unwritten rule to not run up a score. That era is gone. JMO but the Flyer should have kept trying to score and play in the Caps end right up to the last horn. The semi defensive mode cost the shut out/

    So I advise turn off the sound and eliminate Doc and Pierre and enjoy the hits like Flyer fans have done for years. GO FLYERS

  2. Depth move. As long as he replaces Knuble it works for me. Now to flip Briere to Ottawa for Bishop or Lehner and another prospect and I'm happy. Mike handles the puck like it is his first time on the ice does not come close to the Knuble of old

  3. It is an old cliche you can't fire the whole team so the coach has to go. This deserves some consideration. There are many inconsistencies on this team and he has not had them ready at the start of each game. I know they are big league rs and should be ready to play but sometimes they need a kick in the butt before they remember that. It looks like this team needs a hard a$$ to light the fire.

  4. When the coach relies on his Time Out ploy every game it misses the mark. When I see a goalie is not in the game pray tell why can't the coach see it.

    Having said all that it does not excuse the less than solid play of he team.

  5. Another loss or two like this and our friend Lavy will be scapegoated and released. This is not a coherent group. The defensive lapses are awful.



    I still think Offense is missing. The first line is conspicuous by their absence. Giroux is an anomaly right now and I wonder why? Stands to reason if your offense is in their end the opponents probably won't score on you. JMO
  6. Am I the only one that thinks we need new assistant coaches badly. I would love to see Lavs stay and turn it around but that wont happen till we get some good x's and o's type assistant coaches I think....How about making Murray an assistant, hes a good tactician. I know he is with the Phantoms and probably be better suited developing the young talent(none there yet) but this team is just not putting it together...they look very lost. Poor passing, stupid line changing penalties, and did I mention the pp and pk suck ass. What are your thoughts fellas?

    What is Berube's job?
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