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Everything posted by BearOnIce

  1. He goes down tonight. The henchman - "Roo".
  2. NHL officials blew this game. Those guys are done. Expect a different called game Wednesday.
  3. I have something to add. The NHL is a fraud as a league to let this punk operate the way he does. I want this punk laid out cold Wednesday night. Lights out. Send him back to Nova Scotia to be a fisherman the rest of his life with pumpkin squash left inside his head.
  4. Hard to imagine he was once a NHL coach.
  5. Did you see the game? It was quality not quantity.
  6. You serious? What series you watching? Bryz is A+. The real issue Is no defense and backing in, we are missing 1/2 Pronger/Mez, and forwards slow getting back.
  7. Something could happen in these playoffs to the health of said Crosby or Malkin. They both have bullseye's on their back. The Penguins organization needs to be humbled. The playoffs are a whole other level of intensity, and not a lot of room to protect prima-dona superstars.
  8. Longshot. Let's enjoy Flyers hockey as long as we can this year. The future looks bright.
  9. He believes in his self-importance.
  10. Can we get it on the Zamboni too? Both sides! Enlarged! With Hartnell driving it!!!!
  11. He is gone without a good playoffs.
  12. They have already have the plans in place to spend the LTIR money.
  13. Bear would like to see this. Start the game. Just drop them. Nobody leaves the ice until it is done. Clear the bench if needed. Ed will pay the fines. Ed would actually like it.
  14. Homerism at its best. He is an arrogant, pompous jerk. I have met this jack-*** and he has no place in the Flyers dressing room. One year suspension. Minimum. Plus, he is not even that good a beat writer.
  15. I see the Flyers falling to 6 anyway. In perspective, this team has overachieved respective of trades supposed to effect scoring, rookie play, injuries, and loosing Pronger. Team is very young offensively and banged up. Defense will be issue in olayoffs. Let's see it for what it is, a nice growth season. Proud of team. Finally we have a team. Good future. Maybe we get by R1 if say we play Florida.
  16. This team is run by a former defenseman. I believe just about anything is possible including the second coming of Pronger. I do not believe any medical reports. I even believe in the miracle of St. Briere around the time of R1.
  17. Brilliant. Simple. Fair. Perfect. Nice work. Some things just do not need to be changed.
  18. Completely agree. The best teams would play. But Buttman will not admit how soft the South is.
  19. Thanks Van. Figured it had to do with division privilege.
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