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Posts posted by BobDailey

  1. Hmm, The question about subtracting a top 4 guy from the D along with a 1st and a player.

    Lets looks at whats left then-cap space and who is already in the house

    and are we talking whats left this year or next year

    Weber -whats he going to go for $$$



    Carle- is he gone due to capology,?????



    So then you have one stud and your 3/4 pairing and a pair of rookies

    You still have to get a top 4 guy if Carle is gone and the cap hit of Weber will make that impossible by my guess

    Unless Bryz verbally implodes and gets suspended removing his cap hit from the team ( as I was hoping for) I think they are capped out. He has already imploded his game, its the consistency of raw sewage. Ed Snider is probably regretting this already

  2. I was looking to next year with the expectation that Carle is out of the mix in that line up

    Every Cup winning team has that #1 D man though I think both the Canes in 06 and the Pens did it by committe- Gonchar was the o guy and Orpik the tough guy.

    I dont care if the D corps does it by tarot cards as long as we see a cup soon

  3. Off the top of my head, I wish we would go back to the no salary cap era. The cap is like saying a millionaire can't by a sport car because the guy next door can't... STOP moving into weak finacial/non hockey markets!

    Yeah, but the commish promised them all a major tv deal if expansion was allowed-something like 13-17 years ago.

    Is that what he finally delivered with NBC and Vs new name (NOT)?

    After creating a capped sport when he could not deliver the tv deal to pay for all the newly bloated salaries for RFA's and UFA's. Think about it, the only reason the cap was there since there was not a major TV deal to pay the better players in a thinned out talent pool and to bolster the poor teams, yes millionaires poor playthings........................................

    And his obsession with teams in the sun belt

    How much has Phoenix lost since they moved from Winnipeg-it was 300 mill 2 years ago, what's it up to now?

    Andteh Panthers where throwing plastic rats on the ice was allowed without throwing people out, and that has reared its head again

    Yes class game there commish, more concussions and cheap shots and you let it happen and created the monster. disgrace

  4. This guy is what- a real 3-4 dman correct? Not a 1-2?

    What do you think the Canes are asking?

    I cant see Walker really subbing for Timmo long term (have not heard anything yet about that one way or another) and dont know if "mini-Kimmo" Gustaffson is ready to come back and what minutes he can chew successfully

    This may force their hand........

  5. Take Guy Bouchers 1-3-1 system and clog up the middle and make it kitty bar the door when you are up 2 goals. You dont have to agressively forecheck with the lead and they are putting the whistle away, there is a lot more contact and interference allowed than there was 3-4 years ago.

    Let someone else try to break the trap, slow the game down to a crawl, clog it up a like the arteries of an old man who ate potatoes kielbasa and cheese at every meal and win the game and the cup.

    Nothing wrong with throwing up a wall when there is something to protect

    And ALWAYS have one man in front of the net until the zone is cleared 100%

  6. There has to be common sense on both sides and there was not.

    I would never wear Flyers gear to a game in the Garden and go to a place which is the equivalent hangout to Genos within 2 miles of MSG and not expect crap to happen.

    For the victim- as a 2 tour of duty marine in Iraq and a current cop who may have thought he could maintain control in most situations, logic would tell you not to go there, its like walking alongside the road and waiting for an IED to be exploded. You know its high risk and somethings bound to happen. Its not like the guy was from the midwest. Hes from Jersey and should have had a sense of how bad it can be there.

    The late Joey Vento who owned Geno's is rolling in his grave for a marine current cop to be beat up at his place, Ranger jersey or not. He was a huge supporter of the military and law enforcement

    What happened was wrong, I dont condone it and unfortunately its just typical east coast stuff, there is an attitude all along the east coast thats like this (and with the Giants fan being assualted in LA and the girl being hit in the head at a Sharks game wearing a Nucks jersey maybe a west coast thing- but then it could also be tainted with racism for the latinos that attacked the giants fan-were they illegals or immigrants or did they have a police record?)

    Life & quality of life has less meaning to beligerent people and sometimes watching things on tv is the best way to experience them to avoid the scum. I mean its like trailer trash in the city, in row homes and apartments

    Funny, about 14 months ago I took a current Marine Captain to Genos during the afternoon. He was on a trip to all the hockey arenas from Ottawa back to Norfolk. But he was wearing a Flyers BrindAmour jersey.

    Here is an example of the same kind of thing I experienced on a less direct level

    A few years ago I was driving north on Broad St from center city to a professional society meeting at Temple Univ.

    I was in the right lane next to the parking lane. I saw a few blocks up there was construction and put on my signal to get into the left lane. A car with some mixed minorities in it car pooling back from work probably, wouldnt let me in, there was plenty of time but they wanted to f with me. They blocked me out and I had to make a near panic stop to avoid driving into the torn up road. As they drove by they all gave me the finger and laughed at me. Why? I dont know, maybe they wanted to screw with a white man with a tie on, who they didnt know. But thats the same f'n mental midgetry, selfish little low life existence as the guy that beat up the other guy at Genos. Its all over this country and thats the shame of it. This nation is afflicted with selfish trash throwing disrespectful low lifes of all ethnic racial and social backgrounds and the level of common decency has gone way down.

  7. Dont you think the Flyers 3rd and 4th lines can grind it out of the other team a bit and put them off balance

    Sestito, Rinaldo and the Z man bumping cleanly and forechecking hard with speed and size.

    If they had a little more "hands"......

    Maybe it will come

    "You skate around and make the other team hate you" #28 Giroux

  8. The real reason he is still on the roster is they both played in Johnstown, PA in the famed Cambria County War Memorial

    Holmgren was there for a few game when the J-town Jets were the Minnesota fighting saints farm team (slapshot era) NAHL- Firebirds era

    Shelley started there too during the 90's in the ECHL

    Holmgren had a 30 goal season on Linsemans wing may have been the first USA born player to reach that plateau

    Dont think Shelly would have had 30 on Gretzkys line

  9. I stopped playing after 33 years, for certain had one in the 1980's

    3 years ago I suffered a concussion while being T-boned at a light by an out of control van

    My car was hit in front of the drivers side pillar and I was sort of whiplashed back sideways as my Forester was driven into a Big Suv on the right and bounced back

    I was examined by my ortho doc who was an at game doc for minor pro and later by a pro teams head trauma specialist

    It took 3-4 weeks to stop feeling light sensitivity, like cotton was stuffed into my head and to sort of feel normal

    I worked in the office for about 2-3 weeks with difficulty and it took a while for me to be able to drive again without fear

    This stuff is serious and I think even hitting some hard bumps in an uncushioned sear makes me feel weird in the head and neck a few years later.

  10. Its all about capanomics and assets and planning

    I dont know if the next CBA will come soon enough to help with contracts of older players

    Its going to be like Rathje I think (not a comparison of players) tries to play goes on LTIR each season until the new CBA comes

    Gut feeling, they dont do anything major until the off season UNLESS it all falls together and they have the makings of another run

    Right now theres some tease like that, but need Roo back before they start moving the other pieces around

    I would do Schenn #1 and a prospect for a top 4 D RFA/UFA who would indicate signing an extension if traded here

  11. Meh, I cant totally understand the Shelly thing either. Unless hes a semi coach, 3rd assist captain type in the "room" who kicks people in the butt for loafing. When all is said and done, he worked his way up from the Johnstown Chiefs and ECHL to an NHL career, whatever you want to label his role. The Flyers were not the first ones to give him a spot at this level either. I do question the dollars though. Its not like he came up through our minor league system, played a long time as a Flyer/Farmhand and this is his golden parachute.

  12. 3 on 3 at the end of a 4 on 4 if no one scores, that would be cool & acceptable to most real hockey fans. If no one scores at the end of that get on the bus each with a point.

    Makes too much sense but the ADD fans wouldnt like it and neither would the moron in charge

  13. I agree with a lot of this, there are SO many wrong things

    Eliminate the Shootout is the top of my list. This is a team game and stop pandering to those teams that build for that

    It will never happen since the attention deficit fans love it along with the little moron running the league

    Eliminate the Cap and no luxury tax, stop having teams in existence that cant survive on their own merit

    Eliminate the 35 and over special rules regarding the contracts counting if a guy has a medical or any other retirement. If he wants to hang them up and not take any more money (aside from an insurance payout for medical reasons) he is off the books

    Allow free movement up and down within a teams farm system with no re-entry waivers for all players under contract to the teams(tied to no cap)

    Picking up a player on waivers the new team pays the salary and takes the cap hit, or remove any penalties or salaries or cap to the team letting the player go

    Have Federal Investigators tear this league up-Find out why Nathan Horton was not suspended for hitting a fan with a water bottle during the playoffs and why/how Gregory Campbell ended up going to a cup winning team-another of Colin Campbells interventions like during the 2009 Cup finals when he allowed Malkin to play after having two game misconducts and automatic suspension during game 2????

    There is no transparency in this league except a thinly veiled smokescreen that's not hard to penetrate if you dont drink the koolaid

  14. We have to wait and let everything settle in and see whats going on mid season

    Lets be real this is a rebuilding year and unfortunately Bryz is not as steady as he has been other places.

    If he carried the Yotes maybe he knew that and had a better mental approach, maybe he does not have the mental edge here with all the big names on D, Flyers history etc-that is he is too fracking relaxed- and I dont mean shale energy process, its a battlestar galactic reference to another word

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