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Posts posted by blocker

  1. I'm hoping they have a chance to intermingle. The game will be at 4:00 PM, so even with the drive home, there should be some time available. I'm going to offer to spring for some pizza. We've discovered that no matter where kids come from, they'll always eat pizza.

    Diets don't vary much nowadays.

  2. A peewee team from the Ukraine is coming over for the Quebec City tournament. They also wanted a extra game with my grandson's team. Even though some of their stay would be a relatively easy drive, (Cardigan Mtn School in New Hampshire), fitting the schedules together seemed impossible.

    But, Norwich University has a couple kids from the Ukraine on its hockey team. So, Norwich stepped up. They made changes in their ice schedules and are hosting a game for the kids in February.

    It's a very nice thing for them to do. Even though they are division 3, they are still under a lot of pressure to produce wins. And that accomodation surely wasn't easy for them.

  3. He said that he was taught English, Latvian and Russian in school.

    I hope the US wins the relegation game against Latvia, but I'd sure like to see him get a couple goals in that game.

  4. Hey, Voyageur,

    Yeah..........I watched the game with some of my children and grandchildren.

    There were a few chivalrous moves by both squads. When the Rangers pulled the goalie and Flyers were reluctant to take advantage, my grandson asked why. I explained that Philadelphia had a two goal edge in an exhibition game, and were showing class.

    He said that maybe now, he understood why his cousins loved hockey.

  5. The other day, I'm looking through some media stuff about the Women Worlds hockey rosters.

    Most of these girls are really, really good looking.

    Kinda makes you want to cheer for all of them.

    There used to be a figure skater named Josee Chouinard. She was gorgeous. Once, we watched her in a competition that she didn't win. I watched the tears run down that face. If I'd been one of the judges, I'd have voted her extra points, just to keep her from crying.

  6. I wondered about the outcome when Finland scored to make it 2-1. The Finns looked as if they were coming on, but the quick goal to make it 3-1 helped to change the complexion of the game.

    One of the the improvements in the game now from the past, is the players singing their national anthems after a win. I'm from the US, but I got a little watery around my eyes, watching those young Canadian players sing Oh Canada.

  7. Jack....

    This isn't a similar situation, but:

    One of our leagues was of 6 to 8 year olds. It consisted of surrounding towns with teams of 11 players, plus a couple pooled teams to keep the 11 player limit. We had no written codes for substitutions, but we had agreed on a few things. One was that the strongest 5 kids would play against the other teams strongest 5. A horn would sound every three minutes and all 5 kids would be subbed. No scores were supposed to be kept. It was suggested that a different kid play goal each game.

    We had about 20 teams. Everybody played by the rules, except for one "coach". He would leave his own son on the ice during changes, while some little 7 year old kid sat on the bench. People complained to me about his treatment of children. I really had no authority over him, but I tried to fix it by going to his local organization. That approach didn't work. So, I decided to have another talk with him, even though that hadn't helped previously.

    So, I'm waiting for the end of his game to have my chat. I watch the game. There's one kid who hasn't played at all. Some man climbs into the bench area, grabs the "coach" by the shirt front, and punches him. Across the rink, the rest of the parents cheer. I turn and leave, because this parent had delivered his message more effectively than I could have.

  8. I've never had a problem working in Quebec, and I'm far from fluent in French. But two guys I work with have had several incidences of anti-English comments hurled at them. Not sure why I've never been the target, but I try to speak French while one of them refuses.

    I've told this story before, and You're probably sick of it. But, one of the perks of being old is that we're expected to bore people.

    I'm at a tournament in Essex Junction, Vt. Teams from the eastern states of the US, and the eastern provinces of Canada. I'm standing with a group that includes some of my Quebec counterparts. We've had a few pops. I start to holler instructions to the players and the officials in my "French". My friends laugh, so I continue to yell.

    This woman in the row in front of us, turns to stare at me. I look at her, she looks at me and says sniffingly "Stupid frog".

  9. Jack.....

    I bought a lot of our hockey equipment from a family store in the eastern townships of Quebec. They were mostly French-speaking, but bilingual. I ordered things in my fumbling French, and they would kindly correct any errors I made. I dealt mostly with the Mrs. One day, I'm explaining our needs, and I can feel a dawning fluency. It's like all of a sudden, I'm Maurice Chevalier, and the French is flowing from me.

    I'm on a roll. I decide to make a joke. I know that French cuss words usually make some reference to the church, so I speculate upon the habits of the priest.


    Her kids who were there thought it was funny, but she sure didn't.

  10. Rod......

    I married into a French-Canadian family. I have many French friends and hockey cohorts.

    But, I want to tell you a story.

    I was on the board of a regional league in Quebec. The meetings were conducted in French. I can usually understand French if the speaker speaks slowly and distinctly and if the issues are fairly simple. However, sometimes I need help. Occasionally, one of my friends would explain something to me in English.

    At one meeting, this guy interrupted a speaker, and demanded a vote that meetings no longer be interrupted so that matters could be explained to someone too stupid to learn French. The vote was taken and his proposal was defeated. I knew that my purpose in being there was to provide exposure to a better level of hockey for the kids, so I kept my face straight and took it.

    But, I'll never forget it.

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