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Everything posted by nitoTV

  1. these neocon pyschopaths actually celebrate the cold war, how does anyone take them seriously??? https://t.co/MCdxRweiFj

  2. @sc0rch ill read it tomorrow, u should still read that PDF i linked. ignore where it came from and just read it. Ga… https://t.co/jITkDm23oG

  3. RT @zerohedge: Rand Paul Says Senate Health-Care Bill Doesn't Have The Votes https://t.co/gWvXr7ru30

  4. Amnesty International Stokes Syrian War – Consortiumnews https://t.co/JwqHqZLDFf

  5. @seanschraeder its just so weird.

  6. @wincing borderline? lulz hes pole vaulted over that line long time ago. most ppl have imo. normalcy is all relative.

  7. so apparently when my right usb port stopped working, so did my hdmi port :(

  8. actually yes, regressives, please have less children, less mental illness in the world can only be a good thing ? https://t.co/3UIHcSxlTU

  9. has @MaxBoot ever been right about anything? nope!

  10. the lame stream medias love for reporting nonsense that is beyond irrelevant. https://t.co/gykTZUUhWX

  11. words redefined by regressives in last few years: every ism ever (racism, sexism etc), treason, nazi, tolerance, equality. did i miss any??

  12. when this is necessary you know apple jumped the shark with this "innovation", but, but, thin!!!? https://t.co/a48VeRXFAQ

  13. RT @Ian56789: Russophobia Hits the Libertarian Movement. But “Libertarians for World War III” won’t get much traction https://t.co/hBTFBTmX…

  14. and then john pedosta decided to make an example out of him bc killary needed a bigger body count in her name. https://t.co/2emdYzV1Lx

  15. round 2, #pizzaPretzelLiveTweets final product. not enough cheese https://t.co/tEVRpsyv5Z

  16. trying to get yeast to rise. one of the most annoying parts of making my pretzels

  17. did first backbend dropping into an urdhva dhanurasana today and first full flip into the pool. 2 achievements unlocked. boom!

  18. SAVAGE ? https://t.co/qH8Q2s8N07

  19. @JustinRaimondo how did u even get that far down in this dreck? this “article” is mind numbingly terrible.

  20. @brycepackham not for a bit, but its still a plan

  21. its cute he thinks hes a real journalist. https://t.co/q5y4WOOXHP

  22. RT @CassandraRules: Me rn as people are trying to cite Newsweek in my mentions. Ok buddies. ?? https://t.co/MbPGM9H865

  23. @NotAlexNoyle true story :(

  24. FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate | UCLA https://t.co/TlEnbrOcJc

  25. ive obviously heard of @vice but never actually skimmed it. that place is a dumpster fire of mental illness beyond any state of repair.

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