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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. --- let the guy practice w/ the squad first... although, with this defense, I am not sure it will help anyway. Look, I agree that Bryz played well (not great) the first half of the season but do you think he played to the level of his ridiculous contract?

    I know this is incredibly unscientific, but I went back to look at the stats. If you break the season "in half" by months, you get something like this: January and February (1st half), March and April (2nd half). Not exactly even, but bear with me. Total games played in Jan and Feb was 22. Total games played in Mar and Apr so far is 15. All told, 37 games played. Again, not really half, but close. Kinda. I know I'm taking some liberties in my definition of half.

    Now look at the stats for these "halves":

    The offense scored 14 goals in January over 7 games played and 50 goals in February over 15 games played. That's a total of 64 goals over 22 games in the first "half" of the season. Not bad.

    Now for the second "half". The offense scored 30 goals in March over 13 games and has scored 10 goals so far in April in just 2 games. This is a total of 40 goals scored in 15 games -- 7 fewer games than the first "half". And probably on pace for more than what was scored in the first "half" when we hit 22 games in my version of the second half.

    What this tells me about the offense is that it wasn't half bad.....both in the first half of the season and the second. It could have been a lot better, but the two halves were, or will be, comparable with the second half being slightly better.

    Now look at the goaltending stats for my halves: Bryz played 20 games in January and February, 6 games and 14 games, respectively. His GAA was 2.19 over 6 games in January and 2.92 over 14 games in February. His save % was .924 and .892, respectively. He let in a total of 13 goals in Janaury and 38 goals in February. As an aside, Bouch played 3 games in February and psoted a .898 save % and a 2.48 GAA.

    For the second half of Bryz's season (March and April), he's played 15 games, 13 in March and 2 in April. His GAA was 2.99 in March and 3.00 in April. His save % was .897 and .867 in April. He let in 38 goals in March and has let in 6 so far in April.

    While these numbers demonstrate that his play hasn't been improving, it hasn't really tanked either. His goals against, on a monthly basis has been getting worse, so his play was better the first half of the season - but not to any great degree. He did let in more goals in the first half than so far in the second half, but we have played 7 fewer games to date. His save percentage has been high, then low, crept up, and then fallen again.

    So, he's been pretty consistently mediocre. The offense did give him 64 goals too in the first "half" of the season. Did he carry the team or did those 64 goals carry him? I'm not sure this suggests to me that he played so well that he carried the team in the first half of the season. It definitely demonstrates that he isn't playing up to the level of his contract and what was expected.

  2. Last night's game was a perfect microcosm of Bryz's problems. He can't stop a one on one shot about 80 % of the time and loses focus during the game at the worst possible moments. .824 save percentage coming off of 2 days of rest...and only faced what, 18 shots? I wouldn't mind being worn down like that at work.......

    I could have sworn I saw him duck on a long range shot that went in last night.

    EDIT: My apologies to Bertmega. I was working my way down the thread and just saw the video he posted. I was thinking of that - it was the Montreal game. It was Gallagher's goal. I remember thinking at the time that even the Montreal guys looked surprised that shot went in. Helps when the goaltender recoils in horror from it, though.

  3. I understand what you're getting at, but buying it is just as honest... it's just not sustainable because of the constant juggling and turnover.

    I was thinking about the best word to use when I wrote that post - maybe "honest" isn't it. Perhaps "pure" would be more accurate.

  4. Leighton for Mason maybe. Leighton and a third? Maybe, maybe not. I've watched Mason pretty closely here in Columbus and was initially very impressed but then he just tanked and hasn't really recovered. I really thought he had the capability to be a really good goalie. Maybe a change of scenery will do him some good and bring out his old self. Man, I really want to think this is a good thing, and it could be. But I won't hold my breath - especially in a market as hard on its goalies as this one is. That said, after all these goalie shenanigans, why didn't we just keep Bob? What's the end game here? Bryz and Mason? Is there more to come?? Only those in Homer's Head really know, I suppose.

  5. Totally agree, Hexy. I'm in the build from within, from the ground up camp. Even if that means I have to wait another couple of years. I want a strong, young team that will be able to compete for a decade, not win a Cup with a rental squad that blows up and disappears the very next season. While winning the Cup would be awesomely awesome, pretty much the best thing ever, I want to WIN it, not buy it. There may be those that disagree, and that's fine, but I just believe that's a more honest approach.

  6. I don't think there should be any worries/hesitation/revenge/ramifications for any big legal hit whatsoever. Those hits should be ENcouraged. Not DIScouraged. That includes big legal hits on my guys.

    I agree. My fear is the League's tendency to be inconsistent and ambiguous about what is a big legal hit and what isn't -- calling some big legal hits illegal and calling some that aren't legal legal. I think that creates more disruption and causes more hesitation among players than worrying about possibly dropping the gloves. They may not throw that big legal hit because of how an on-ice official may botch the call or how the League may interpret the rules on any given day. I know 100% consistency is an impossibility, but if we're going to talk about the impact fighting has on discouraging legal hits, let's talk about the League's inability to get it right too. And that's where I agree with DGG - less League involvement the better. I lean towards letting the players sort it out. Most acknowledge and operate within the code.

  7. I don't believe our situation looks bleak on paper.

    .......but then injuries will completely devastate the team the third week into the next season, a very deep hole will be dug yet again out of which the team will struggle to play, panic will ensue, long-term plans will be scrapped, trades will begin, the win-now-at-all-costs mentality will creep back in, and all will be lost. Not that I'm being pessimistic or anything. :P

  8. If not deterring future hits, if not scaring anyone per se, then at least causing hesitation by making somebody look over their should or think twice before acting. Just get inside somebody's head, even ever so slightly. Make them start to think. That's disruptive enough.

    EDIT: Just for the record I did like a lot of what B21 said in his "rant" post, which I thought was one of the more well-stated cases made on this topic that I've read. I also tend to agree. But, like DGG said, the less league involvement the better. There is a role for self-policing in cases where the hit may have been questionable, illegal, or even a legal cheap shot to change momentum, or keep the game in bounds.

  9. Nice report, DGG!

    The one thing that made an impression on me as I watched last night's game was that nobody dropped the gloves in defense of Giroux when he was decked into the boards at the end of the third, before they tied it up. Not to drop the gloves may have been the smart and prudent move, but the impression it left on me was that there's nobody sticking up for anyobody. Hartnell did for Timo in the first period which was nice to see, but that felt like an exception. G is your captain. You have to deal with that and to heck with the consequences.

    It's not like NOT taking a major for fighting is going to make a difference at this point in this last season. It's already lost. So do it, send a loud, clear, violent message to your opponents and send one to your own teammates - that we're here for each other. I was just thoroughly disappointed with that lack of sticking up for your teammate.

    Looks like the NHL has finally and fully neutered this team - not only in their overall play (they seem timid and afraid to be physical) but in their willingness to just be mean, nasty, and rough and tumble.

  10. I was checking on Leier's stats the othe day and I noticed he had really good numbers.....and he's not playing on the top line or the top pp (as far as I know, maybe Claude can clear that up, he goes to Winterhawk games)....anyways, a nice solid year from the kid. Gives a lot of promise. I have watched Stolarz quite a few times now. His athleticism is noticed immediatley. He moves great for a big kid. A few of the times I watched him he gave up easy/soft goals, so that was not comforting...but can at least be worked on. At least he has the raw skills to be successful...at least IMHO.

    That's encouraging. In time this deal might pay off. That would be some small consolation.

  11. Because I have goalies on the brain and it's still a fresh wound, right now the one that bothers me most is trading Bob for the 45th and 117th overall picks in the last draft. He did also manage to get a fourth round pick this year too. But let's see who we got so far:

    • Anthony Stolarz (Round 2, 45th overall). Goalie. 19 years old. His save % has ranged from a low of .898 to a high of .960 - that's over 3 games played this season. His GAA has ranged from a high of 2.84 (Bryz is in this area too, I think) to a low of 1.27 over 3 games this season. Jury is still out. Possibilities, though.
    • Taylor Leier (Round 4, 117th overall). Left wing (and we have plenty of those, thanks anyway). 19 years old. Played for the Portland Winterhawks this season in the WHL. 27 goals, 35 assists in 64 games. Plus 41. Those are impressive numbers. Could have serious potential in 2 or 3 years.

    The problem is, the return on investment is years away with these two. It's great to have talent, or possible talent, in the pipeline, but BOB is ready to play now. He's coming into his own and will only get better. And the Flyers needed a goalie. I want his skills, talent at this moment in time. Not Stolarz or who knows who in 5 years. Bad move getting rid of Bob now.

  12. The reason the Flyers are not living up to expecataions is simple, the expectations were too high

    I admit I totally fell into that trap after last season. I thought our scoring would pick up where it left off, knowing we were still weak on defense, thought with a season in Philly under his belt we'd see inspired play from Bryz. Just didn't pan out that way.

  13. @OH1FlyersFan " Voracek (14 G, -8) has barely met but not exceeded my expectations,"

    Really? Voracek sits a comfortable 12 in NHL scoring, with 34 pts in 32 games, more than a pt per game! I didn't expect that out of him. He's shown me he can be a top flight 1st line NHL winger, and I didn't know that going into this year. What more could he possibley do?.....those are some lofty expectations....LOL!

    I agree with both Jammer and Brelic -- to a point. Voracek has been excellent this season, on a team that suffers from a lack of excellence. So maybe that's why his play stands out. He's actually one of my favority players to watch. I was pretty excited to see him thrive in Philly his first season after watching him play, and struggle to a degree, here in Columbus. Based on his performance last season, perhaps I set the bar for this season too high. He had 18 goals last season, I was hoping he could double that - but I do understand that this is a shortened season and to be at 14 goals after only 32 games is pretty darn good - so he's meeting my expectations. He was +11 with 49 points at the end of last season. That's good too. But he was looking like a player who I expected to blow through that this season. I was hoping for a top 5 kinda player. But maybe that was unrealistic. He's really, really good and I think he has that potential but maybe I got too carried away with what he could do in only his fourth NHL season. He's still young. But because he's had flashes of brilliance, and has put up some decent numbers, I'm only going to expect more and more from him. Because I think he's capable.

    But look at his numbers in a different way - by league rank. His goals scored put him at 14th in the League - which isn't bad. He falls behind guys like Stamkos (23), Tavares (20), Kunitz (19), our very own Jeff Carter (18), and Kane (17). So he's just outside of being in some very good company. The other stat I used, +/-, Voracek (-8) is ranked 712th in the League. That's not so great. The list of guys ahead of him here is too long to post - but includes names like Fraser, Winnik, Voynov, Saad, Kobasew, and many well-recognized names. If you're looking at just RWs, the list includes guys like Orr, Bertuzzi, Asham, and Kaleta.

    So I'm a little disappointed. It would be hard to argue that here is no room for improvement. He can't always help what happens to him when he's out on the ice and a goal is scored, it's a team game, but he can help his numbers by scoring and assisting on plays - being a playmaker. So, he's meeting my expectations. Last season I would say he exceeded because he did much better than I had anticipated he would do based on his play with the Jackets. This season, he's holding his own so far. Maybe I'm too hard of a grader. Ha.

  14. @OH1FlyersFan Put Bryz on an elite stacked team and you still are left with the fundamental flaws, the utter disreagard for rebound control, the sloppy out of positon play, how he can't track the puck if his life depended on it, the untimely soft goals......that would all still be there. Stats might be a tad better, but the propenticy for back breaking goals would still be there. He would still crumble like a cookie.

    That post articulates very clearly my fear.

  15. I tend to agree with aziz and ctid. Hartnell makes me nervous because he seems to have fallen back into his old ways. If he can find his game from last season, then definitely. I still like Couts. Give him another season, see if he can rebound from this one. Read would make for nice tradebait, but he'd be hard to part with. I like all our young forwards. I'd hate to see Read, Schenn, or Couts go - but we need the help on defense more than offense - despite the fact our scoring has dropped off considerably this season.

  16. Ray Emery is playing behind a stacked team. I'm not saying he isn't playing well but be honest with yourself you know he ain't putting up those numbers on the this team with our rubbish defense.

    Good point. That's the theory, anyway. It's a team sport. It would be interesting - fascinating - to see what Bryz could do with a stacked team. That would put all the questions to rest. I think we may have to wait 2 or 3 seasons before we can call ourselves stacked, though.

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