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Posts posted by magnumpi

  1. honestly, i could care less if Girous snubs the asshole philly media


    Why does that matter?


    im sick of the media create drama; its all part of the loser sports culture in Philly.  And the fans suck it and then villify the players the media tells them to hate.  ITs absurd


    The Flyers have done a poor job of selecting captains since Lindros.


    ITs not Giroux's fault, its the crappy Flyer organization that is hurting him


    Watch him thrive elsewhere.

    Dumb Philly fans will get their wish and see him traded and watch him become a perennial all star. 


    But we're philadelphians so we need a good ole witch hunt

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  2. PuckMeister  To All,


    I am finally back from Ecuador and living in Texas so I do not get to watch many Flyers games.  Lord, I watched the first two periods of last nights game and could not believe my eyes.  I've followed the Flyers for years since their inception and this was the absolute worst performance I've ever watched.


    Our D is big and VERY slow but the entire time took the night off.  Can't expect the goalie to bale the team out every game.  They have to show up and play with intensity for 60 minutes!  Things you already know.


    Org. cannot keep trading away talent for zip only to see them blossom elsewhere.  Getting rid of the coach doesn't seem to be the answer either. The players have to accept the responsibility for their play and not lay the blame elsewhere.  Homer has over paid and given out too many NTC/NMC far too often.  Change is needed from top down as many have already posted.  I think the players sense this team is flawed big time and are playing to be traded elsewhere to a team that has a chance to succeed. CG is still injured at the wrists and finger and I think this is his scoring problem.  Bringing Downie back was STUPID when they already have Rinaldo.  The Bullie days are gone for good and hockey has progressed were speed and talent is needed.  Bringing up McGynn is a day late and a buck short IMO.


    CG was too young to be given the responsibility of captaincy so I agree with the others who have posted the same.  If he is injured, then get him off the ice 'til he is recovered and give the C to some one else.


    If the room is as rotten as we think, then why not blow this ship up and begin anew.  The good old boys are not going to get it done so change the leadership all around.  Get all the picks we can in trades and draft smarter.  Not sure smarter is possible.


    Sorry for the rant.



    since thre Lindros era, the "room" has alwsys been rotten.


    So, isn't logical to conclude that it isn't necessarily a player or a group of players, the issue is the management of the organization which includes Al Davis.


    You can change the "room" but the results are going to be the same. We could have an entirely new "room in 2015 and the posts would be identical to today. 

    The comments about this team are identical to the comments about the mike richards team, the peter forsberg team, the team that shot pucks at Checkmanek's head in practice, its endless.


    until management is cleaned out, we're going to havbe the same issuers.  The soluition isn't blaming tyhe captain or any other particular player

  3. get rid of them? hexy could pressure them to waive it if not, the coach can bench them if they dont play right, and maybe they will become unhappy and go someplace else. they are not going to happy if they are on the bench.



    it's not like it's 10 games for giroux, it's been like 69 games for giroux, he hasnt shown no effort last year or this year, so if he doesnt show effort then what's the point in keeping him? plus he going to make 8 million, you want a medicore player at 8 million a season for 8 years?





    im not going to argue Giroux's play over the past year because imo that's not really the point.

    I believe trading him would be the typical knee jerk reaction Flyer move.  Something's not working at this particular moment so let's do something major.  Thast's what they've done since the end of the Lindros era and its a failure of a building plan.


    The intelligent, rational, strategic thing to do would be to add pieces around Giroux instead of over reacting and lessening his true value.  I guarantee if any of those players who mentioned who are supposedly better than him were replaced with Giroux theyu'd be going throughgh the szme isssues becasuse this organization is rotten to the core.


    As I said an intelligent plan would be to decided upon a group of younger players and build around them, and do not worry about wins/losses until 2016.  That's how you build a champion but again Al Davis would never approve such a thing

  4. Dude... gimme a break, relax and get over it.  It was meant as a general comment in response to some posts that have been floating around about the silly people who can't admit the Flyers are a mess.  Your reaction is truly "quite feminine in a way."  Nowhere did I say that anything that you insinuated.  

    that would be a worthy response except you qouted me essentially saying trading Giroux is an over reaction and then said I was drinking kool aid

  5. Like drinking Kool Aide?


    Like parroting trite cliches???  what exactly do you mean?


    saying do not trade Giroux means im "drinking kool aide"??????

    i suppose you assume then i believe there is no problems with the organizsation.  did you bother to read the remainder of the post.


    please offer something intelligent in response instead of silly cliches and try reading the entire message so then you may be able to take one particular phrase in the proper context


    stupid people, eyeroll

  6. build around giroux, schenns, courtier, simmonds, vorachek, mason, and any other quality young player not mentioned


    dump everyone else, tank the next season or three.  Don't trade any draft picks, don't sign any expensive free agents until there is a solid foundation of a defensive unit.

    its actually quite simple but Al Davis is not patient enough to implement such a strategy.


    [talking about trading giroux and a couple others is pure hysterical over reaction, quite feminine in a way]

  7. Crosby, Malkin, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Toews, Patrick Kane, Tavares, Nash, Parise, Ovechkin, Backstrom, Eric Staal, Stamkos, Vanek, Krejci

    And I didn't even mention top skilled defenseman or goalies. Giroux is overrated.



    If Giroux played for an intelligent organization that understood the concept of building a team his production would be near the top of the league.


    The mad horde of Philly fans come out looking for a scapegoat without ever evaluating the real issue - its the organization, its rotten to the core.

  8. I've come to the conclusion that the problem is this great Flyer "culture" not Giroux or any other particular player.


    IT seems every new edition of a Flyer team since the Lindros era has at one time or the other been reviled because of various items, especially all the captains.


    At some point don't you have to begin questioning the organization not the individuals who are currently the "problem"

  9. HUH????????????????????????

    didn't the Flyers just draft a dman?

    so based on your professional scouting background, who should have the Flyers drafted

    @aziz, If everyone went by your theory ,then Chicago wouldn't have drafted guys like Keith and Seabrooke and wouldn't have won the Cup by drafting an 18 year old child defenseman, and Boston wouldn't have picked Hamilton, who was is now in the NHL. The Flyers keep wanting to stay competitive and be good enough to make the playoffs, but not good enough to win the cup. Maybe we need to take a few steps back and build an all around team. We have no young defensemen with puck skills, other than tiny little Gustafsson, and hes certainly not a top 3 guy.

  10. @RonJeremy

    you don't base draft decisions on your current roster.

    Schenn/Grossman are irrelevant to the decision.

    He's going to make a real impact on the NHL roster for another 4 seasons; the entire roster could be turned over by then

    you draft the best player on your board.

    your logic would say

    well, we already have mario lemieux, mark messier, and wayne gretsky/

    Steve yzerman is the best player on the board, we dont really need a center so we'll draft chris therien instead because we need a dman. even though Therien won't be ready for 4 seasons

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