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Posts posted by magnumpi

  1. The attitude displayed by the original poster matches the attitude of the Flyers organization since 1995.

    Let's panic, overreact and make a flurry of moves instead of coming up with a long range strategic plan.

    I'm sure Gomer and Al Davis share your thoughts. so, don't worry, get ready for a few 35 yr olds joining the roster to save the day

    Who are potential UFA goals this year?

    With vernier out if the running (way to eff that one up homer) we desperately need a capable safety valve for Mason so we can unload bryz.

    I don't give a crap about his game or his locker room off- kiltering at this point, we need his cap dollars desperately.

    If we start this season with bryzzy in net, the race is lost before the gun goes off and it has nothing to do with what he does out on the ice.

    Who's out there?

    Tim Thomas? Luongo after he's bought out? Bakstrom?

    Guess I'll go look. Screwing up this vernier deal really burns me up. He's really probably a top tier NHL goalie for the next ten years and now we're back where we've always been at the goalie scrap heap hoping to weld something together that vaguely looks like an NHL goalie

  2. Can you use more comma's? Lots and lot's of them.

    i understand your sarcasm and irony. Whenever I write on these forums I'm rushing through my post.

    however, my original comment was focused solely on the use of "cliches" or "colloquialisms"

    Their use is terrible method of writing.

    Attend a creative writing course and the instructor and the fellow students will cringe whenever someone uses one. A recommendation will follow suggesting to eliminate the tired phrase from your writing piece.

  3. fantasy novels

    ive only read Tolkein

    Song of Fire ICe ie Game of Thrones (the first 3 novels; i'll wait until its over then finish the entire series)

    Wheel of time by Roibert Jordan - i read the first 10 or whatever. I loved the series through the first 6 books but then it began clear he was dragging the story out for a big payday every other year. Its' been recently finished by another author. Currently, i rereading the entire series, on the first book right now. But im reading them while I'll take a dump each day.

    Im always reading new fiction/nonfiction (ie books i havent read)as my primary focus

  4. @ JackStraw

    you're missing the big picture

    Intelligent GMing 101


    The Flyers are not winning the cup in 2014 or 2015. There's too many holes. Too many young players need time to develop

    By 2016 players like the Schenns, Vorachek, Courtier will be about to blossom. Giroux will be in his prime. There are other players who will be better by 2016.

    Therefore, you don't take cap hits for 2016/2017 unless youre extending a young player like Giroux or signing a player that is going to help 2016 and beyond. Streit will not be worth the contract by 2016.

    Having an intelligent plan doesn't always mean DOING SOMETHING.

    Realize this team needs a couple years of developing properly and then you get aggressive in 2016. For now develop the team and stay patient.

    You're advocating the band aid approach that has never worked for this organization.

    And I contend this organization has had no clear plan/strategy since the end of the Lindros era.

    At some point you need to take a couple steps back for a couple seasons, develop players and then get aggressive.

    This mentality of "oh, we have to do something, we have to spend our cap money, let's try to win the cup this season with no thought to the future" - DOES NOT WORK

  5. @pensuck

    how develop a long-term strategy for once

    target 2012, do not do anything thats going to affect the cap for 2016 and forward


    because they're not winning the cup this season or the next

    if they demonstrated patience and actually developed a PLAN then by 2016 they'd be ready to make some noise.

    But now this idiotic contract will hinder their ability to make moves for 2016/2017.

    You don't build a champion by putting all your chips into the upcoming season, every single season.

  6. First post was originally created by filly4life..... Not all of the first post was recoverable.

    No offence to Mark Streit, and I hope he makes me eat my words, but this signing is just another bandaid where a full length cast is required. Streit is a decent player but he will be long gone by the time the core of this team is ready to win a cup. IMO, this move does not make sense, unless someone has a crystal ball that says Coburn and Schenn are going to both realize their full potential this season and Grossmann and Mezaros are going to stop getting injured. Oh well, wouldn't be an...

    u understand the big picture

    2016 should be the focus not 2014

    but that would require patience, intelligence and strategic thinking

  7. Surely most of you realize this is an improvement for your defense, right?? At least in the short term? I guess I expected a bunch if complaints about the contract length as I think THAT is the true issue. But it seems most of you think Streit is a waste of a roster spot.

    An improvement is not the issue.

    Its irresponsible management.

    This is not the kind of move a team should make if they are not anywhere near the cup. Its completely pointless. And id argue if a team were near the cup signing this particular player would be stupid as well. If you're an intelligent GM you'd be able to figure out (by the trade deadline) a cheaper move that doesn't negatively affect the long term.

    In 3 seasons the flyers should be targeting a cup run. This move will be a killer at that time; it will restrict them from making a move when perhaps they really may be able to contend.

    Typical lack of patience and zero planning or foresight.

    They're an amateur organization with terrible management

  8. Typical BS Flyer move demonstrating no plan, no long term strategy, no patience.

    They approach every season with the mentality of "what do me need to do to win the Cup THIS season"

    That is no proper way of running an organization. It causes you to constantly scramble in an effort to patch holes, leading to bad trades, bad signings, not giving youth a chance.

    If Streit was the best available dman then they shouldn;t have signed anyone. They have zero shot at the cup this season or the next. Why not use these seasons to build instead of applying band aids?

  9. Of course he wants out. Flyers will not make a playoff next two-three years, being with Pitts, Caps, Rags, NJ, Isles. He wants to win all the time and it's fine, our D is crap with even Timmo (old man), offense is marginal, 1 1/2 lines max so far. I don't see Flyers have a good group to win 65% game in the season. Believe me they screwed. Also the the cap is going down it will hurt even more with bunch players to sign.

    New Jersey is garbage

    but there's no way the Flyers beat out pittsburgh, isles, rangers, or caps

  10. Will be a free agent come July 1st, don't believe he has made any indications he is retired. Sitting out was all politics and the Bruins.

    Flyers I am sure will want to buy-out Bryz and find a veteran goalie to platoon with Mason as insurance.

    Hell he'd love Philly, Snider is a republican and so is he... ha ha ha

    why do assume he's a republican because he wanted nothing to do with that clown called president?

    I wouldn't meed with the president either

    and im not a democrat or a republican

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