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If the isles win tonight there is

Guest pensuck

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No way in hell the NHL let's them win game 7. Its pure marketing. Watch the game and see what happens. If its close the pens will get the calls.

Yeah...the NHL is going to hand the game to the Pens.....are you still living in this fantasy world??..and BTW...NY had the calls go their way the ENTIRE game...
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I said game 7. The league wants series to go 7 games for better marketability. Especially if cindy is playing. This commissiner learned it from the NBA. How would a pheonix/Florida finals look like? That would be a marketiing nightmare. It'll never happen.

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Another conspiracy theory. Do you realize how many referees through the years would have to been willing to keep quiet about such a thing? Do you really think you could get that many people to collude on fixing hockey games and nobody would want to write a book about it afterwards to make millions? You're nuts.

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