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NHL's top 100


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I don't get it. I know the NHL's centennial year is supposed to be a celebration of hockey (read $money$ if you are an owner) in general, but why release a list of the 100 greatest players of all time and list it alphabetically? Is it like a participation trophy? (:bonkingheadonwall:)

What is the point of making the list at all, and not ranking them? There would be lots of debate and conversation if you ranked them.  This way, I didn't even finish reading the list. I don't get it. :dizzysmiley-1:

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I get the list, and I'm ok with the list alphabetically.   Likely, there was a committee that formulated the list and came to a conclusion to naming the top 100.  A task much easier than actually ranking them.  They are being honored for being in the top 100.  It is a group honor.


I didn't finish reading the list either, not because I didn't want to, but because the NHL's website is sooooooo...... freaking elongated that I didn't care to scroll through the entire length of names with an inch of space in between each one.  Placing them in a table format would have been a much better where you can click on a name if you wanted to read more details.

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