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hf101 last won the day on December 25 2020

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  1. Yeah, I do my best keep this place away from personal data, and knowledge as possible. Folks are not required to sign up via any meta interface.
  2. Oh my. Thanks for the update, Please let Julie know that Dave is truly in my prayers and I wish him a complete and quick recovery.
  3. Yep. Great Match up TFG. My goalies are struggling out of the gate this season. But it does seem that Woll is now on track so hopefully I can improve my goalie stats quickly.
  4. I've enjoyed having Bergeron as my star center in my Keeper league for quite a few years. I suspect Marchand will be retiring soon also. I can't see him getting 100 pts with any other center. This definitely makes it easier on my keeper choices for next season.
  5. I'm glad Hakstol has been given the 2nd chance in Seattle. It's quite possible that his role in helping draft the team played a part in gaining player types that best fit his coaching strategy, which is more similar to selecting HH players for his North Dakota collegiate team. In Philly he had a team in place to join and make work. It's all possible that it was the combination of Hextall and players that didn't mesh with his game plan. And as said above, good coaches learn from their mistakes too.
  6. Sandelin also has a Montreal Canadiens history to fit in with Danny Briere... Just sayin... connect the dots...
  7. My choice is for Scott Sandelin to be named head coach of the Flyers.
  8. I always liked Hakstol. He was fired as the goat to problems which are embbed in the roster. Congrat's to him for getting another opportunity!!!!
  9. These are now fines for minor penalties. In the past it was only major penalties that were assessed fines. I didn't realize that there was some rule change new for this season.
  10. What is up with the department of player safety? I looked briefly at the headlines today and saw 3 players recently fined. Fines now for game penalties?
  11. I think it is best not to think to much on this subject these days. I didn't know who O'ree was either, but now I do. I'd be ok with them removing all jerseys from the rafters. Glorify no one.
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