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Posts posted by xganarchy

  1. I don't think the Emery supporters are simply CRAZY for considering starting him. Am I just imagining the age old saying about playing the hot goalie until he falters? Once again, IMO, Emery hasn't really performed "lights out" enough for me to say he's the clear cut choice, but those dismissing Emery supporters are being a bit unfair.

  2. I don't think it's as easy as saying "Mason is the better goalie, play him" when he's healthy. If Emery was playing outstanding hockey, and stole both games with shut outs, you guys wouldn't want to ride that momentum? And what if Mason is still feeling the effects from what we have to presume was a concussion? The only argument for me would be, has Emery played well enough to warrant being called the "hot hand" right now? I'm not too sure...

  3.  So don't sign them then.

    personally i do agree, i would have liked for a total "rebuild" (if you can call it that) instead of signing Lecavalier & Streit (and unloading a few of the vets last off season, including Hartnell). I really just wished they would have tanked to move up in last year's draft. They could have had Seth Jones. He was right there for the taking!!! -sigh-

  4. flyercanuck, I agree Holmgren has signed some horrible deals, BUT what older player is going to sign for 1-2 years at a time? Not many. They want that security so they don't end up with no contract at 33-34 yrs old and no one wanting to take a chance on them (Gagne?). They want to sign that long contract for some security. I'm just saying it's harder to get a player to sign if they hold the cards (many suitors) such as Briere, Bryzgalov, etc

  5. Come on, he's an old guy who has given heart soul and blood for this team. His paycheck doesnt make him recover any quicker. If a class act guy like Kimmo says he can't play, I give him the benefit of the doubt. Like has already been said, he could be injured. MAYBE he's being shopped to a contender? Hmmm.....

  6. Come on, he's an old guy who has given heart soul and blood for this team. His paycheck doesnt make him recover any quicker. If a class act guy like Kimmo says he can't play, I give him the benefit of the doubt. Like has already been said, he could be injured. MAYBE he's being shopped to a contender? Hmmm.....

  7. Locals broadcasters CAN be biased. They're catering to the local fans. Imo, the NBC team sounds like they're broadcasting from a Pens fan perspective. I think that's what the original poster's point was. By focusing on Letang's mistake, you're taking away credit from the Caps player. (I didn't see the game so I'm not saying it was true or not in this particular instance)

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