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Posts posted by CreaseAndAssist

  1. 12 hours ago, ruxpin said:

    Yeah, he's not a speedster. He's not what i would call slow or plodding or anything, but he won't be one of the fastest guys on the team, I don't think. 


    (shrugs)  Yet if we really want to have replacements for Koivu / Staal...we have to draft them.  People can talk about Best Player Available all they want...but you'll never address your needs affordably if you don't draft those players to replace them.  Otherwise we end up paying through the nose in free agency or have to mortgage off a ton of other assets to swing a trade for a player like that.  

  2. What does everyone think of Day 2 of the draft for the Wild?  Beckman is probably the one player that intrigues me, maybe Firstov if he can figure out some consistency.  The goalies might be something, but years down the road.  But for the most part all long-term projects.  

  3. 47 minutes ago, ruxpin said:

    (shrugs) i don't read your board enough to comment on the homer thing, but I think you're grossly undervaluing the player you drafted.  I'm actually really jealous about it. 


    Well it isn't horrible.  Its not like last year...but I think we passed on some better players that fit the long-term needs of the organization.  Krebs is going to be a great player iMO.  

  4. 30 minutes ago, Hockey-78 said:

    Yeah, like some Hart Trophy winner Kucherov, 5'11", 179...


    You need to be fast more than big these days. I've read a review saying Boldy isn't fast. Is he or is he not?


    He's not fast.  

  5. 1 hour ago, hf101 said:



    There were actually quite a few folks in and out of the chat discussing every pick.  I thought Boldy was a nice pick for the Wild.  


    I actually cheered when Arizona took Soderstrom...I didn't like the thought of another smallish, right shot Swedish defenseman with limited offensive ability.  

  6. 26 minutes ago, Fargocase said:


    Yes, the team's future is very bleak now after Fenton's fire sale gutting of the franchise. The trades went from Terrible to Bad to Outrageous/Absurd.   Obviously this team is no longer remotely near a "Reload" or tweaking phase, it's 100% into Rebuild mode. 


    My problem is the repetitive, unceasing over the top, irrational hate against Parise and Suter, the IMO ridiculous Oliver Stone ranting that Parise and Suter are telling Leipold what to do, who's telling the GM what to do who's telling BB what to do on a daily, micromanaging basis.  I absolutely agree that Yeo totally kowtowed to the Vets.   IMO that ended with BB coming on board.


    I don't think it did and I have reason to believe little has changed.  In all honesty, I think the veterans are less a collective voice of control as they are on their own islands.  That's what I read into the report that Fenton went to each of #9, #20 and #11 to get them to buy in and ask that they pull the rope together and in the same direction.  I think Parise still wants to win, which is why after the season he looked devastated and is worried he's hitched to a team that is going nowhere and understands the end of the career is within sight.  I don't think Boudreau wants to let the vets run the show, but I don't think he has total control either.  He was forced to playing Bitetto even though no coach every should've been compelled to play him.  If he doesn't have the power to decide who is playing on his 3rd pairing, do you really think he can tell Suter what his ice / power play time will be?  


    I don't think Parise is making those demands, but he came close with the Adam Oates thing and that did help destabilize Yeo's authority and ultimately led towards the team giving up on him and his firing.  So far the team hasn't given up on Boudreau, yet...we'll see if it happens especially if success is hard to come by this upcoming season.  

  7. BREAKING TRADE- The #Canes have acquired two picks in the 2020 #NHLDraft, including a conditional first round selection, and Patrick Marleau from #MapleLeafs  Interesting move.  The conditional 1st round pick seems a bit dangerous for a player of Marleau's age.  I guess its assumed the Hurricanes will buy out Marleau and then he may return to San Jose...uh thanks for the favor Carolina?!?!

  8. On 6/20/2019 at 11:28 AM, wildstars95 said:

    Raphael Lavoie would be my choice big scoring  right shooting winger

    montreal is licking their chops at home grown talent and could make a play to move up from 15 to snag him maybe a extra pick we could get some added pieces


    Driving back home today, I heard on XM that they too were surprised Lavoie slid beyond the 1st round.  But one of the things they discussed was his inconsistency and some questions about his maturity level.  Some felt his answers during combine interviews lacked depth and thought.  Although they did give him credit for raising his level as injuries started to effect the Mooseheads, and he has a terrific shot and when he's motivated he can dominate.  He'll probably be gone early in the 2nd, even before #42 when we make our selection.  

  9. On 6/19/2019 at 8:31 PM, Alexandron said:

    LIG , What do you think about 2 Minnesotans : according to NHL Central scouting ranking #17 forward  Bobby Brink and #36 a high-scoring defenseman Jackson LaCombe? It seems they  could be a pretty promising prospects for us if available.  



    I talked about Brink in my forwards article.  The knock on him is his skating style, even though most concede he still moves well enough.  Beyond that, he's very intelligent and is the type of player that can change the angle and sort of freeze defenses and open up passing or shooting lanes.  Lacombe gets high marks for his skating, but the question is hockey sense...does he process fast enough or correctly to make the read defensively or make the right play with the puck?  Both will probably be taken in the 2nd round today.  

  10. 23 minutes ago, Fargocase said:


    This board unfortunately has been taken over by a group of "fans" who love to hate the team.  Everything sucks.



    Here's a clear illustration.  I love to look at mock drafts and I don't think Boldy dropped to the Wild in virtually any of them.   His US NTDP Coach raves about his skills and work ethic.   He's a goal scorer with a big shot and the Wild desperately needs goal scorers...   But since the Wild selected him, he sucks.




    (yawn)  That's right, because you are the pre-eminent homer?  :rolleyes:  This team is crap right now.  Even your boy Parise is having second thoughts.  But hey, stay in denial...

  11. 27 minutes ago, Fargocase said:


    So you already anoint Krebs and Newhook NHL #1 Centers?   I highly doubt that will happen.


    I think Krebs could certainly be a #1 center.  But they're both Top 6 centers.  We have two old foagies in that role right now and by the time they're ready the foagies should be out.   He has skill, scoring ability and a desire to do whatever it takes and plays with a consistency you don't see in many players his age.  A lot of people see the same traits in Ryan O'Reilly.   


    Boldy is compared to James Neal.  Neal's game is the potential to score but also times where he's MIA.  Skating is just ok.  Haven't the Wild been down this road before of questionable skaters to see that is a problem?  

  12. 9 minutes ago, lynxrattle said:

    Another left wing, dictating another (probably bad) trade in the near future...


    He's probably AT LEAST 2 years away before he's ready.  So its likely we remedy our overabundance of left wingers.  But it does nothing to address our aging group of centers though.  

  13. Wild Take Matthew Boldy 12th Overall


    Had a great time having some food and beers at Reid's with @IllaZilla , my dad and my friend Aaron.  Here is my 2 cents on the Matthew Boldy selection.  Safe pick in some ways since this kid does play a little bit of defense despite his offensive skills, but they needed to draft a Top 6 center and passed up on two of them IMO.  

  14. 1 hour ago, IllaZilla said:


    Sounds like Andrew C. Thomas is just taking some time off to enjoy himself. Looks like he is still under contract to the Wild until July 1. I'm sure there will be plenty of teams lining up to sign him on July 1...


    Alexandra Mandrycky was offered a new contract, but turned it down. Her husband was completing his PhD in biomedical engineering and rather than limit where he could find work, she chose to decline the contract offer and wait to see where her husband lands a post-doctorate position...


    According to Russo, Fenton relied less and less on the analytics department  to make hockey decisions...


    We could certainly tell that was the case.  And of course being as smart as he is, he didn't need it...sorry, I couldn't say that without :lol:  

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