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Everything posted by mojo1917

  1. he completely lead the team today, orange jesus rules !
  2. keep briere's line away from staal and we win this game, or if Lavy insists on "dictating the matchup" slide schenn to center so he can win the fing draw and keep the puck away from those guys, that was the difference in game 5 to me, briere couldn't win a draw vs staal so his line never had possession or had to work really hard to gain possession. which led to them being gassed by the end of the shift which is when the goals against came. having one more nhl ready defensman wouldn't hurt either, i think the flyers win today, noon start time and all.
  3. @Digityman Orpick and Letang are logging monster minutes too, Oprik is looking slow and beatable to me... Letang is very fit but he can't cover brooks' area too...with last change the flyers can use their depth to keep briere away from staal's line, that match up has been killing us. no complaints about the refs in game 5 they sucked both ways, swallowing the whistle in the last 5 minutes, okay by me. we will need to get 4 because our goalie cannot / will not step up his game , this flyers team can score 4 on anyone , anywhere at anytime, believe people believe, the sky is not falling, it is game six , it hasn't been played, there is no momentum. the penguins will not win this series., they aren't "special"
  4. there is no momentum when the puck drops in game 6 that game hasn't been played. okay the pens won two, they are playing desperate and are a good team. our team needs to forecheck & move their feet, our depth is superior to the penguins; with last change our coach can exploit that. we will need to score 4, because our goalie will poop the bed for 10 minutes and play small. the flyers can score 4 goals against any team in the league, no matter what time the game starts or where it is. even if the flyers lose game 6 they can still win game 7. I want everyone to quit waiting for the worst thing that can happen, and start thinking about the good things can happen. If you can go to the game, scream your head off don't wait for something bad to happen... think positive people, the pens are not winning this series.
  5. @TedZep because Grossmann didn't appear fazed by it.. why would a ref call that ? it was the first of 2 hits that probably gave 8 the concussion, the shot from kennedy was clean and hard and that is the hit where 8 showed signs of injury.
  6. quit whining about this, he got away with it. grind his *** tonight get the w and let him go back to mother russia.
  7. @sarsippius I thought the Bruins series was pretty even, any of the first three games could have gone the flyers way in 2010 i have not felt that way about this series, game 1 was pretty even but at the end the flyers were the team controlling the tempo, games 2,3 and 4 by the end there has been only one team skating, granted game 4 was a monkey fing a football on our end. but that overlooks games 2 and 3 for them. the flyers have beaten that team even when that team plays crosby's full 60 minutes... don't believe the hype. if we get decent goaltending the series ends tonight.
  8. Was game 4 the first flyers game Marcus watched this year ? http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20120420_Marcus_Hayes__Bear_is_on_the_loose_in_Pittsburgh.html Our guys have owned that team this year, the flyers have beaten their full quiver 6 of the 8 games played, missing our half of our top 4 defense no less. you read this article and think the Flyers are lucky to even be on the ice with the Pens. sheesh.
  9. @canoli both those guys got embarrassed last game, i think the goalies' pride will keep them from stinking out the joint tonight, if Bryz is gimpy & Bob starts he'll be terrific, if Bryz is good to go, then I think he'll be locked in. too much pride with those two guys to let wednesday's level of play continue.
  10. No thanks, if Ilya can't play I'd rather see Bob in Pgh, he plays well there, and as a young guy I think he responds better when he knows he's going to be the guy, I mean last night was a shooting gallery that he got tossed into, he stunk, but the team had quit by the time he got on the ice. I think he's best option if universe is hurt... Plus they 30 & 35 are proud guys I don't think either stinks the joint up like that in their next opportunity.
  11. JvR , Read and Voras sounds fast and skilled to me, Jake's been really good this series, kind of a bigger and better Leino. I think that line could be troublesome for the pens to match up with
  12. I see he's close to returning, he played well last year in the tournament, do you even dress him this series ? I think you do, He Simmonds and Schenn looked pretty damn good before he broke his foot, if you go that route then what ? jagr giroux hartnell voracek briere read ? simmonds schenn JvR talbot coutourier wellwood and what to do about the defense ? grossmann is hurt, whether or not the hits that made him loopy were dirty is beside the point, we are going to miss his presence. do you bring manning up ? he played well, bourdon is still hurt right ? lots of questions about this team, offensively i think we are going to be alright, i think those 12 can score the 7 we'll need to win a game.
  13. I'm glad i missed this fiasco, (travelling for work). I have to say though the Penguins are too good to be swept by anyone. I still think our team is a bad match up for them. @aziz and others have pointed out they're not so hot themselves defensively, they're a two and a half line team, some of their guys that needed to get going for them had a good night last night and our guys collectively **** the bed. they're still top heavy with some slim pickings on the wing. Plus it beats losing in 4 OTs that kind of game breaks your spirit, the game last night just makes you pay more attention to what you need to do,and I am glad that our stars didn't run around and embarrass the game when it got out of hand. the pressure is still on them. Our goaltender needs to nut up and play some good hockey. he's been atrocious so far, time to be the man he fancies himself to be. I hope the team let's Neal be so he can get a good start on his golf swing or hair gel or whatever that feminine hygiene product does in the summer time. even if the pens bring their A game this flyers team can beat them, they have all year, i think the flyers can win 1 of the next 3,
  14. This team needs to put the penguins out of their misery. The time is now. The snake is wounded id we need to stomp on its head
  15. Silly girl doesn't he know only Max Talbot can do that... And even then that's a one time only deal
  16. So the melee in the opening minutes of game 2 cost the Rangers Dubinsky and the Senators Carkner, great tradeoff for the Sens. the fact that 17 was the 3rd man in is what i guess the ruling was, but the way i looked at that was Boyle was down and Carkner was still going to town on him, there was no help from any linesmen or referee, Dubinsky was just sticking up for his boy who was getting worked. that rule is crap, each instance needs to be judged on its own merits and in this case, i think the refs did the Rangers a huge disservice, i would hope that any Flyer would do what Dubinsky did there. this league and it's relationship with the violence of the game needs some more thought. what is happening now isn't working.
  17. he's been on the PK, and has been on the ice with Voracek, who has been freakin' awesome, the Pens have no answer for that guy, he's made Brooks Orpik look really slow and kind of stupid. I haven't been looking for him so I haven't noticed him looking "lost and terrified" . Voracek has been handling the puck for that line and leading the rush and I just think it's because he's finding the space .
  18. Does any one have the feeling that the Pens could have won each of the these games ? I ask because I recall in 2010 feeling lalthough the Flyers were down 3-nil each of the games could have gone either way, but the Bruins were getting the breaks, every bouncing puck settled on theirs sticks and skipped over ours... i felt like things could even out because the broons weren't kicking our asses. I don't feel like that in these games, the first game was the closest of the two, but even in that game by the end it seemed to me like our team was moving their feet and the Pens were not. Is this selective memory ? Last night, the game was back and forth until the 3rd, again and the end of the game it seemed like the ice was open there was no push back from Pgh. Is this accurate ?
  19. I have a friend who is a big Pens fan, on his wall is a tryptic of Photos from the year they won the cup, the first photo is of Crosby lifting the cup, the second photo is of Max Talbot shhing the WF center crowd on the way to the box and the third is of Talbot again shaking hands with Marion Hossa. I do not want another picture of the Flyers adding to his wall of Penguins lore, this series is far from over, our team needs to play well and we need our goalie to affirm his place as an elite goaltender in the NHL, he doesn't quit fighting , and that's new from the beginning of the year, but I want him to take their heart. Time for Bryz to win us a game.
  20. @Phillygrump I thought that's why Breck girl went to the box, wasn't it roughing and unsportsmanlike ?
  21. @AlaskaFlyerFan That is hilarious because it is true.
  22. I don't @canoli I won't feel comfortable with any lead against that team until the handshake line. I do like our team though, I like how resilient they are and how every night there is a new guy stepping up to make a play. I've been saying this for a while, we have more good players than them, if our top two lines play theirs even we will win every game, because the drop off on their side skill-wise is substantial... Plus I think our top lines have out played theirs so far... Bryzgalov has been good enough to win, he has made the Meltzer momentum saves, he's been battling until 0:00. And so far it has been enough. I would love for him to be the next guy to step up, be the guy that rips their heart out and shows it to them, and then runs off with their woman.
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